Topic: How to set custom target frames rendered?

In the SVP version comparison shown here:]

It is said that I can set custom framerates, however I am unable to find an option to set a custom frame rate. I can only choose preselected framerate options.

In case it matters I want SVP to render a "Fixed frame rate 86 fps" if possible.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

2 (edited by dlr5668 06-11-2016 01:53:42)

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

Set monitor refresh rate to 86hz and use to screen.
I can see 25, 24, 50, 72, 75, 60, 96, 120, 144 be usefull but 86 lol

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

dlr5668 wrote:

Set monitor refresh rate to 86hz and use to screen.
I can see 25, 24, 50, 72, 75, 60, 96, 120, 144 be usefull but 86 lol

I cant set my monitor refresh rate that high, 76 is the highest it can go.

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

you dont need higher rates than your monitor can support

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

Custom target frame rate means ability to use set of framerates for usual cases. Such as x2 for frame doubling. Or select one of usual refreshrates. Such as 48, 50, 60 fps.
86 fps is non standard framerate. Why you need it?

We will think what we can do for you.

6 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 06-11-2016 19:20:40)

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

dlr5668 wrote:

you dont need higher rates than your monitor can support

This.  I myself use some pretty non-standard refresh rates for various things (74Hz, 83Hz, 110Hz), but setting SVP to interpolate to a refresh that is considerably higher (i.e. not just by 1 or so fps) than whatever your display is running at is a waste of CPU utilization and can give a less smooth result.

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

MAG79 wrote:

Custom target frame rate means ability to use set of framerates for usual cases. Such as x2 for frame doubling. Or select one of usual refreshrates. Such as 48, 50, 60 fps.
86 fps is non standard framerate. Why you need it?

We will think what we can do for you.

Sorry for the late reply, I didnt get notifications of you replying to my post.

Basically, My monitor is overclocked to 76hz. And overwatch has some sort of rule setting to set its framerate cap to 10 above your current monitor refresh rate. Example: 60 = 70, 72 = 82 etc.

I've applied this to other games and I have gotten fantastic results.

So now I want to apply this to my movies as well.

(By the way. I did set my fps rendered to 90. My anime looked smoother at that refresh rate then it did at 75.)

8 (edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 09-11-2016 01:17:56)

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

Victolabs wrote:

Basically, My monitor is overclocked to 76hz. And overwatch has some sort of rule setting to set its framerate cap to 10 above your current monitor refresh rate. Example: 60 = 70, 72 = 82 etc.

I've applied this to other games and I have gotten fantastic results.

That works because games are not rendered at 100% constant framerates (that's partially why Adaptive Sync and G-sync are a thing).  On non-variable refresh displays, if you set your maximum framerate to slightly above your display's maximum refresh rate, then most of any frame-rendering inconsistency will still be above your display's maximum refresh rate.

Victolabs wrote:

So now I want to apply this to my movies as well.

Videos, unlike games, are rendered at constant framerates (well, they are 99.99% of the time), so there's no need to leave this headroom between your monitor's refresh rate and the video frame rate.

Victolabs wrote:

By the way. I did set my fps rendered to 90. My anime looked smoother at that refresh rate then it did at 75.

That's because 24 --to-> 75fps @ 76Hz is one of the worst scenarios possible to the point that even 24 --to-> 90fps @ 76Hz will look better (more info).

You should have much better results if you simply set your monitor to 72Hz and then do 24 --x3-to-> 72fps.

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

Victolabs wrote:

And overwatch has some sort of rule setting to set its framerate cap to 10 above your current monitor refresh rate. Example: 60 = 70, 72 = 82 etc.

I'd say it is strange rule wink

Nevertheless, You can do some hack:
find lines in script\override.js:

//smooth.rate.num            = 2;
//smooth.rate.den            = 1;

and replace them by yours lines:

smooth.rate.num            = 86;
smooth.rate.den            = 1;
smooth.rate.abs            = true;

But I'm sure You don't need it. Completely. wink

Re: How to set custom target frames rendered?

brrr... just missed this

see the picture

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