It may be one decoder and one RAW postfilter. I recommend to use LAV Filters as decoder and ffdShow RAW as postfilter.
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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by MAG79
It may be one decoder and one RAW postfilter. I recommend to use LAV Filters as decoder and ffdShow RAW as postfilter.
что-то там чуть подкрутить надо
Черные поля отрезать. Они мешают алгоритму поиска правильных векторов.
Можно. Настроек масса. По-умолчанию выбраны значения с оптимальным соотношением плавности и безартефактности. Если в таких сложных моментах повышать плавность, то вылезут артефакты. Можете проверить самостоятельно.
Настройки в окне профиля:
Добавление промежуточных кадров: равномерная интерполяция
SVP-шейдер: 23. Усложненный
Подавление площадных артефактов: Отсутствует
Настройки в override.js
smooth.scene.limits.blocks = 30; // и больше
smooth.scene.limits.scene = 5000; // и больше
15% нагрузки GPU, это максимум!
Не совсем. GPU не задействована в SVP поиском векторов, поэтому настройки поиска на ее загрузку не оказывают никакого влияния. GPU участвует при построении новых кадров, вот как раз настройки построения влияют на загрузку GPU.
What you mean when say "disabling madVR altogether"?
Change madVR to EVR in MPC-HC options - Playback - Output or what?
Show your additional information from SVP tray menu - information. Please.
Ну тогда нагрузить видеокарту и посмотреть на показания. Для этого служит знак вопроса справа от выделенного поля. Это все лирика.
Вы проблему свою с индексом меньше единицы решили?
No. Normal is to use smooth to screen refresh rate value from profiles window.
Тогда не знаю
Internal decoders in madVR disabled?
Так у Вас два процессора GPU на борту видекарты. Работают в режиме CrossFire. В выпадающем списке две строчки? Может нагрузка идет на второй видеопроцессор? Или просто некорректно отображается?
Жду информации насчет загрузки по второму видеопроцессору.
What about syncho options:
- enabled windowed overlay
- enable automatic fullscreen exlusive mode
- disable desktop composition
whether it is possible to create a profile where madVR is desactivated and doesn't hit performance at all?
Yes. It is possible to disable all hard postprocessing and use madVR as just renderer with perfect synchro.
You need to disable:
- PixelShader scaling, use DXVA2 scaling or Bilinear instead;
- image doubling;
- reduce banding;
- smooth motion;
- dithering
1. Чем измеряете?
2. Что показывает GPU-Z напротив GPU Load?
3. Что показывает GPU-Z о поддерживаемой версии OpenCL?
We can add it, and remove it in next version if nobody will use it
Lets try
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\ffdshow\
Looks like it is ffdShow problem.
Try to disable ffdShow in MPC-HC: Options - External filers - Uncheck ffdShow.
If it helps then we can continue to find out how to use SVPtube 480p with SVP smoothing.
You can crop it manually just now in SVP 3.1.5: While playback choose in SVP tray menu - Frame crop - Custom
I'm not going to tweak that setting for every video I play
Oh. Then wait SVP 3.1.6 with autocrop function
the others don't have any problems playing
Any video with black borders has problems less or more. The best choice is to crop black borders.
1. What your computer configuration? Did you see SVP minimuml system requirements?
2. Reset profiles: SVP tray menu - Video profiles - Reset to defaults - OK - Yes. What profile is autoselected (1/2/3/4/5 c/g)?
3. What video resolution and framerate are you try to playback with SVP? Show additional info from SVP tray menu - Information.
Playing this video with SVP causes weird border issues
You need to crop black borders at top and at bottom. Use custom crop option to do this.
Look 'Drop every other frame' option in SVP Profile Settings window.
picture goes nearly black
You have NVIDIA? Then use NVidia 327.23 drivers (or older)
It is question to madVR'a author, madshi. You can read details and ask questions in madVR forum.
Maybe no. Just test it yourself by tearing test on your TV. Ctrl-Win-T.
In many cases secondary screen have jerks on video.
Then just wait SVP 3.1.6. It will contain latest MPC-HC and internal LAV with right settings by SVP installer.
I'm using a Radion, not NVidia
Oh, sorry. My fault. I saw '7600M', but not saw 'Radeon'. Radeon compatible to NNEDI3 with all versions of drivers.
Intel OpenCL driver bug detected, skipping OpenCL detection
It is not good. Is GPU-acceleration available in SVP? If not you need to reinstall video driver. Use Original full driver from AMD to get OpenCL to work.
Both madVR's NNEDI3 and SVP's GPU-acceleration use OpenCL.
Please run SVP 3.1\Utilities\CLInfo from programs menu. What it tells?
I output onto the TV
Do you know about second screen lags? If you want to see perfect picture when make TV primary screen or THE ONLY ONE screen in the system. Use Win-P to that purpose.
It is well known error of all renderers while they draw picture at secondary screen. It is DirectX issue.
GPU load 100% at your screenshot
You need to reduce madVR settings. Your GPU is weak to perform all computations.
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by MAG79
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