(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> So, the way to fix it is by deleting all SVP PATH in the Environment Variable?

If SVP's portable Python 3.11 breaks something in other apps - then, yes.
If you still need MPC-HC to work with Vapoursynth Filter, then you have to install system-wide Python and Vapoursynth whatever versions you want and manage them by yourself.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

renderer: MPC Video Renderer
filter: Vapoursynth Filter


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVP is messing up python

SVP is not "messing up Python", it's you who messing up Python by manually running "setup env. variables" command.
Do not run it if you don't want to "mess up Python".
Remove these variables if you don't want them. SVP doesn't need them.

Are you not actually a developer of the application? Do you not know how it works?

Yes I am and yes I do. SVP installation doesn't modify these env. variables. The only way to modify them is _manually_ run the "setup env. variables" command.
If you have this "after a clean install with all default settings" then these variables were there already _before_ a "clean install".

this is more like a source video problem - some frames timestamps are not correct, probably

what error? show the transcoding log.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> I have a similar issue

nothing similar
you probably have system Vapoursynth installation but w/o needed plugins
if you DO need Vapoursynth installation then add MiscFilters.dll into its plugins folder (you can copy it from SVP 4\mpv64\vapoursynth64\plugins)

> и кодированный (который дергается)

я, может, слепой, но конкретно на какой секунде там "дергается"?

> в несколько раз уменьшен битрейт, хотя устанавливал свойства везде "как в исходнике"

выставление того же битрейта что в оригинале совершенно не гарантирует того же качества изображения после перекодирования
чтоб было то же качество, что в оригинале, кодировать надо loseless, любые иные варианты качество заведомо ухудшают
да, к "дерганиям" это всё вообще не относится, если у вас что-то меньше дергается из-за большего битрейта, то SVP тут уже не при чем


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> Now it just says "TensorRT requires vapoursythn inorder to work"

because you're running Avisynth Filter (which is by default)

"D:\Program Files (x86)\mpv64" ??


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> I have checked every single one of these settings and they are all present / installed:

is it possible you have other Vapoursynth and/or Python installations somewhere?

> Do you set Pythonpath for both User AND system or just for the User only?

no, these values are combined by the system

ничего и не поможет пока не будет спец. версии для тв
учитывая что версия для AppleTV наконец то выпущена, то же самое на Андроид - будет, возможно даже скоро

then it's something that mpv and/or MPC VR authors should implement

> Any chance we could get this working with SVP?

"this" -  "Energy media player"? nope, no chance.

if you set it to direct3d11 then there's absolutely no difference between rev.246 and 263.

as I said two month ago: if you set main.setup.vlc.vout to "direct3d9" you'll get old "rev. 246" behaivor

зачем remote desktop? точно так же веб-морду напрямую открывайте и всё


(19 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

не знаю... попробовать madvr убрать?

RIFE only works for 32-px aligned frame size, so we have two options (for example for 1920*1080 frame):
1. add 8px height black line, interpolate, cut away 8px line
2. cut 24px line --> interpolate 1920*1056 frame

SVP now does (1) for frame height <= 2560 and (2) for >2560.
If you want always do (1) then for now you can edit SVP 4\script\generate.js, line 458, change it to:

var pad_up = pad;

probably because you have a Windows PC activated on your license?

почему галка "enable remote control" снята?

"предпочесть" стоит?
"левых" avisynth.dll рядом с плеером нет?
дабл-клик по фильтру - окно его свойств открывается?


(121 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Plex is not compatible with mpv 0.37 from Homebrew - I suspect because Plex wants OpenGL rendering and Homebrew's 0.37 is Vulkan-only for some reason.

Downgrading to mpv 0.36 works:

brew uninstall mpv
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/1b673702d246947fd3753f5800d85daf9d5c94f5/Formula/m/mpv.rb
brew install mpv.rb
brew pin mpv


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

you can only do tone mapping either via ffmpeg filter or with built-in SVP simple algorithm


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

There's no magic here.
Either you have SVP 4\mpv64 in PATH, or not.
You can easily check this by yourself.

I believe that SVP _installation_ doesn't modify PATH.
Do you really think it does?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

any specific link?


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

3xxx doesn't support AV1