madVR v0.87.10

* added some optimizations to reduce AMD OpenCL interop cost
* added new windowed presentation path ("present several frames in advance")
* added support for decimating 50p/60p movies to 25p/24p
* added profile strings "filePath/Name/Ext", with wild char ("?", "*") support
* fixed: #181: profile auto switching sometimes invalidated file name tags
* fixed: #192: black flashing with Smooth Motion + NNEDI3 chroma doubling
* fixed: #193: image corruption when up&down scale is needed at the same time
* fixed: crash on Vista when trying to activate error diffusion
* fixed: Intel OpenCL CPU driver sometimes crashed
* OpenCL should now automatically prefer NVidia GPUs on Optimus laptops
* refresh rate hack is now only installed on Windows 8 (and newer)
* "Pause" OSD message no longer blocked
* file "" lists the current version number
* file "" lists SHA1 hash of the current ""

madVR v0.87.9

* fixed: NNEDI3 didn't work properly on AMD/Intel (introduced in v0.87.8)
* fixed: native DXVA decoding + NNEDI3 chroma up + NVidia -> green color cast
* fixed: #032: Smooth Motion FRC sometimes failed to activate
* fixed: #096: Smooth Motion FRC resulted in last/only frame being hidden
* fixed: #097: Smooth Motion FRC didn't respect "treat 25p movies as 24p"
* fixed: #098: "Treat 25p movies as 24p" now only activates up to 25.5fps
* fixed: #104: "Delay playback until ..." failed when toggling subtitles
* fixed: #113: film mode key shortcut didn't enable Smooth Motion FRC
* fixed: #124: videoLUTs were not properly restored in multi monitor setup
* fixed: #132: Image corruption when leaving FSE with 3dlut loaded
* fixed: #171: film mode activation with display mode change could crash
* fixed: #178: RGB/YUV 4:4:4 with mod2 height showed black screen
* fixed: #182: NNEDI3 chroma up neuron count wasn't properly memorized
* fixed: #187: switching subtitles triggered a short black screen
* fixed: #189: Smooth Motion FRC sometimes activated when not needed
* NNEDI3 no longer offsets by 0.5 pixel if Luma needs to be resampled, anyway
* added "HKCU\Software\madshi\madVR\OpenCL\forceVendor" override option
* modified madLevelsTweaker GUI to make intended multi monitor usage clearer

madVR v0.87.8

* added workaround for NVidia OpenCL <-> D3D9 interop driver bug
* fixed: #158: NNEDI3 chroma upscaling + DXVA deint + NVidia -> green image
* fixed: DirectCompute rendering resources weren't properly released
* fixed: some multi monitor problems introduced in v0.87.7
* fixed: smooth motion frc sometimes incorrectly dropped frames
* fixed: toggling subtitle "trade quality" option required restart
* some DirectCompute stability improvements
* added vendor based OpenCL device filtering
* non-DX11-GPUs: error diffusion now falls back to ordered dithering
* improved Windows 8.1 FSE mode refresh rate hack

Подскажите пожалуйста где почитать на русском как правильно настроить ReClock? Почитал тут, но многие ссылки на первой странице умерли. У меня POT+LAV+madVR, какие галки включать, какие выключать?

madVR v0.87.7

* added linear light processing for ordered dithering and error diffusion
* added "trade quality for performance" option for linear light dithering
* fixed: #175: Banding appears if bitdepth is set to '7 bit'
* fixed: crash in MC19 when switching videos with native DXVA decoding
* fixed: rare overlay stability problems introduced in v0.87.5
* random dithering doesn't round down to less than 8bit, anymore
* "present several frames in advance = off" now auto-disables error diffusion
* display bitdepth can be be set to as low as 1bit (just for testing)
* added silent exception handling for Intel OpenCL initialization crashes
* madTPG now optionally supports APL windows (gamma and linear light)
* madTPG now has a minimum image area of 4% instead of 10%
* madTPG now draws a 20 pixel black border around the measurement area
* madTPG now properly supports dynamic dithering (didn't before)
* madTPG dithering was optimized to not dither for integer test patterns
* madTPG headers and demo projects updated
* madVR in a media player no longer supports test pattern, only madTPG does

Спасибо большое, извините если глупые вопросы, пытаюсь понимать... smile

Добрый день, подскажите пожалуйста так влияет ли на качество изображения «галка» в "enable automatic exclusive fullscreen mode"? У меня связка SVP 3.1.5+MadVR 0.87.4+POT (сборка 7sh3 1.5.44465x86) при включении этой галки, при автоматическом переходе в списке воспроизведения на следующий файл намертво виснет плеер. И еще, с момента выхода этой инструкции:Настройка_MadVR ничего не поменялось? Может кто поделится настройками, как его правильно настроить(максимальное качество)? i5 2500K |  4Gb | MSI GTX560 Ti |  Win 8.1 64.