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MPC-HC can play this DVD perfectly as WinDVD if one make these setup:
1. Turn off HW Deinterlace in LAV Video Decoder. It causes disappear of labels and chapter numbers.
2. Disable ffdShow load when playing. It causes color bars over selected regions.
These changes makes impossible SVP use with such DVDs. I think we need to search another ffdShow version without color bars. And I need at least one chapter at this DVD to teach SVP to differ animated menu from real play. It can be used to make auto-disable smoothing option on DVD menus.
20:54:52.318; Error: Повысить плавность не удалось! Ошибка скрипта:
Write: File 'C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\Logs\avsFPS.txt' cannot be opened.
(ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 7)
Известная ошибка. Заключается в том, что AviSynth не может записать в текстовый файл информацию о частоте кадров. Обычно мешает антивирус, который сразу после создания нового файла блокирует его для проверки на вирусы. Рекомендация: добавить папку, выделенную жирным, в исключения антивируса, чтобы он не мешал работе SVP.
Good. I will look at this DVD this evening.
any dvd disc
I have some DVD. But I don't need it. I need your DVD with your "GRRR".
Upload this DVD with menu only if you can.
I can't help you with your problem without this video source. Picture is not enough for issue solving.
If you tell me your system configuration and where I can download your 4K video then I will try to help.
Where your DVD can be downloaded?
do you use a 120 hz screen?
I use Philips 40PFL5007T with PMR400 FI. It can process any video: 24p and 60p. But on 60p it works more smoothly and does less mistakes (less artifacts).
Try latest modification of SVP-Manager.
If crashes still occurs then tell us error's details. And show screensot of SVP performance window when error appers.
I think lags are temporal. And it can be fixed be selecting "right" filters in KMPlayer.
What online video services you would like to see in SVPtube?
-Could SVPtube support Splash Pro video player?
No. As I know. Player must support playing video stream from internet. For more information you need to ask official support
-Can SVPtube support other flash videos than youtube or vimeo?
No. At this moment.
-Can SVP interpolate to different frame rates than 60fps? For example 30fps or 48fps?
Yes. See setting 'Target frame rate' at SVP profile settings window.
-Can SVP support The Kmplayer video player?
Yes. Setup ffdshow: KMPlayer (in Russian but with pictures)
-What would be the SVP settings for low-end/old PCs?
SVP does performance minitest of your system when first run. One of profile sets (from 1 to 5 with letter c or g) is selected automatically. You can repeat profiles autoselection procedure: SVP tray menu - Video profiles - Reset to defaults - OK - Yes.
i get a huge amount of artifacts with SVP on very high settings
It should be so. High quality settings are stored in profile set 5g. Another settings lead to quality losses and to artifacts grown.
The frame interpolation of PowerDVD or SplashPro for example works quite well without artifacts and huge amounts of CPU-power
Why not use them instead SVP?
SVP gives much more smoothness.
So. You have not Lightpack (1, 2). Then SVPlight is not for you. Read about Compatible hardware at SVPlight page.
To uninstall SVPlight delete svplight.exe file from SVP folder
Открыт предзаказ Lightpack по цене 120$
можете заказать устройство сегодня и получить его уже в течении четырёх недель (в конце января)!
It is not a simple question.
SVP is software universal solution based on common CPU and GPU. FI on TV is hardware commercial solution based on special signal processors. Algorithm of FI for all TVs is commercial secret. So nobody can tell you objectively what TV has better quality of its FI. And what is better SVP or TV FI.
But. I use both technoligies when watching movies at my TV. I use SVP to get 60 frames/sec then output it to TV via HDMI and my TV does 120 frames/sec. It gives best result comparing to SVP and TV FI separately.
нормальный моник
У этого VG248QE "нормальность" заключается в динамической контрастности после твика по включению LightBoost для 2D. Ну и почти полное отсутствие перекрестных помех в 3D. Цвета при этом становятся еще хуже, чем на обычных TN. Кроме всего прочего еще и шахматная пикселизация вылазит. Это, видимо, и есть ноу-хау LightBoost'а - использовать такие яркости пикселей, между которыми переключение самое быстрое, а "медленненные" яркости эмулировать смешиванием "быстрых" яркостей.
картинка из обзора.
I use MPC-HC 1.7.1 and internal splitters and decoders. To do that you need to download MPC-HC x86 latest version and check all options at page Vew - Options - Internal filters.
After that when open video file in player filters list must be like this:
I did modifications to SVP-Manager SVPMgr315.1015_ReClock_mod:
- added detection of ReClock loading with player;
- ReClock Slowdown/Speedup settings used to calculate more accurate smooth factor;
- added info about it in additional info file.
Instructions: download, exit SVP-Manager and replace files in the SVP folder.
It is not normal. I have no freezes at seek when NOT using SVP.
But if using SVP then freezes appears sometimes if I rewind very often.
I try to rewind with some pauses between actions. Then all is good.
About DXVA. It is normal.
Lt_Welkin wrote:what does the setting frame crop, Wide Search, and Motion Vector Precision do?
I tried testing them and googling them, but I can't find a clear explanation of what they do. I heard motion vector precision on half pixel lowers artifacts but then I also hear two pixels is the way to go for lowering artifacts!
Please and thank you! Sorry for the many questions but I swear I tried and doing some research before being a nuisance
Lets read manual ReClock\Readme.rtf together:
- When your run ReClock for the first time for a specific resolution and refresh rate, the reference clock will be inaccurate during the first minutes of playback while being corrected. This can cause jerky playback at the beginning of the movie. The time to obtain an accurate clock will depend on many factors (initial error of clock, PC speed …). During this period, you will see a flashing yellow/red icon in the system tray. After this adjustment the icon will become green (or yellow), and ReClock will store the correction in the registry, so when you will open another media, the clock correction parameters will be retrieved.
- Flashing between Green and Red: same that Green, but ReClock has not yet found the good system clock correction to apply. Icon will go green in a few minutes, but during this playback may stay jerky.
So, it is normal for the first time. Second time and others must lead to green icon.
Matrix Leader
whenever I seek to a diff. portion of the video, the image just freezes
SVP is used?
I can't help. I use NVIDIA CUVID decoder with HW deinterlace. It works in auto mode. Enable only if it needed.
Find the way with AMD GPU yourself. I can't point it to you clearly than I did it in the second message of this topic.
You need to know more about deinterlace. Your video shows bob-deinterlace with field reduction. It reduce vertical resolution by 2. It is very simple and the worse algorithm of deinterlacing. Read more here: HD 1080i Test Pattern to determine Vector Adaptive Deinterlacing + others icl. Ticker
i STILL noticed some stutter in some scenes during playback
What you do to reduce stutter?
If uniform interpolation mode and adjusting smooth.scene.limits.scene value are not help then change value to 0.
green line and a jittery video
It is error related to old intel HD Graphics 4000 driver. You need to update this driver. Then you can use OpenCL acceleration in SVP without these image degradations.
The image currently seems to be very blurry
What image? What you are expect from it? What quality you get now? (screenshot)
where are the settings for the subtitle fonts with SVP ?
SVP works only with video stream. Subtitles are working separately and can be adjusted in Video splitter, Video rederer and in player's options.
Mac mini uses OS X Mavericks. Did you change it to OS Windows?
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