(45 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Great results, with more optimization on Windows from Microsoft, there should be improvements over time. Have you tried using Process Lasso and playing around with it? I purchased it a while ago and it has been installed on all my systems since I started using it.

Chainik wrote:

For some reason mpv player gives huge CPU load for 4K playback - twice as high as in MPC-HC 64-bit.
Which is sad cause 10-bit color depth supported only in mpv.

Yeah man, remember I tried to tell you before MPV uses a lot more CPU power and for some reason I cannot play 4K content using MPV with my 4790K @ 4.60Ghz

Glad I helped. If you're using SVP, I recommend you turn off all dejudder options from your OLED TV. Let SVP handle it.

I only turn on my TV MotionFlow (that's the name for Sony TV's), when I run Netflix on my PC. Otherwise, for normal PC usage and gaming, I turn it off. Decreases input lag significantly too.

Not sure about OLED TV's though, way out of my budget, but you should try with all those settings off and use SVP only.

Artifacts are normal, that's what happens when you use motion interpolation. However, you can decrease them to a point where they become barely noticeable (except in certain situations). If that's what you're trying to achieve, your settings are wrong. Here are my settings below. The first picture is for 1080p content or lower resolutions. The second picture is for 4K content.

1080 Content:

4K Content:


Also make sure your LAV Settings have not changed. And make sure you're using GPU Acceleration with your GPU or iGPU, and I have Outer Lighting set to Disabled, and Video Frame (Detect & Cut Off Black Bars set to Disabled, Keep Aspect Ratio selected, Keep Normal Size selected).


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Personally I use these commands:

bcdedit /set disabledynamictick true
bcdedit /set useplatformclock false
bcdedit /set useplatformtick false

These provide my system with the best latency & stability. But the nVidia Latency issues with the pascal cards cannot be fixed until nVidia fixes it with a driver update (they improved it compared to how bad it was when the cards first got released, but it's still noticeable). I removed my GTX 1070, and inserted my old HD7970 (280x Equivalent), and the graphic driver latency completely disappeared, re-inserted the GTX 1070, and the latency issues returned.


(45 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

Already have 1700 + mobo + ram ordered, will assemble it next week wink

Looking forward to updates from you wink


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Do you have an nVidia Pascal card? The DPC Latency issues everyone knows about them with Pascal, they've improved over the last few driver updates, but they're still there. I have a GTX 1070, but I've seen people with the GTX 1080 & 1060 report DPC Latency issues. I've already disabled all of the above, and while it certainly helps, the DPC Latency issues still remain.

However, having said that, these issues have never impacted SVP for me. I use MPC x64 + Madvr + SVP combination.


(45 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The Ryzen CPU's are the best price/performance ratio in their category. Wonder how the two smaller brothers of the 1800X do on the benchmark.


(45 replies, posted in Using SVP)

James D wrote:

As a Gaming CPU 8-Core Ryzen sucks but 6-Core should be the best bang for the buck with future-proof (229$ version)

I recommend you watch this review. This is very important and all the points being raised are significant. It's a myth that Ryzen is and will be bad for gaming, especially in the future, performance will only increase..


Chainik wrote:


"auto-copy selects only modes that copy the video data back to system memory after decoding. Currently, this selects only one of the following modes: vaapi-copy, dxva2-copy, d3d11va-copy"
"cuda-copy:    copies video back to system RAM (Any platform CUDA is available)"

What is this? Can I input this code somewhere to make MPV use my GPU for x265 HEVC decoding instead of the CPU?

If so, please include instructions or link me to a thread where it has already been discussed on how to do all this.


Also instead of making a new thread, I'll just post this here, new MPC just came out 5 minutes ago. I update through SVP, so I'll wait for it there smile

MAG79 wrote:

10bit decoding in some cases can't use hardware acceleration, So it uses CPU.
You need to reduce SVP settings to use it with 10bit videos.

How do I set up VLC to work with SVP?

I've downloaded VLC 2.2.4 x64 and I've added/installed the VLC support files from SVP Maintenance Manager.

Do I need to change some settings with VLC? Because I am running videos fine, but SVP is NOT being activated while using VLC.


Followed the instructions and set it up, was slightly confusing at first, but got around it, forgot to add the environmental variables the first time, it worked the second time.

Problem is my CPU still cannot handle the 10Bit 4K files (even with the lowest SVP settings), however the strange thing is VLC & MPV demand MUCH MORE power than MPC + Madvr + SVP.

It's strange because using MPC+Madvr+SVP I can run any 4K content (except 10Bit 4K) using my own custom settings for SVP very smoothly. Maybe it's because the LAV Video Filter is directing NVIDIA CUVID to do hardware acceleration for HEVC? While using VLC & MPV, the CPU tries to do this decoding, and it just adds A LOT more power on it that it cannot handle?

Chainik wrote:

Done in ver.105!

Only Vapoursynth-based players though - mpv, Plex, VLC, ...
GPU acceleration must be enabled.

See App. settings -> Additional options -> Allow output in 10 bit color depth

Still only 4:2:0 output, and this won't change any time soon, probably never.

Great! It's killing me though, I have Jason Bourne in 4K 10Bit, but I cannot run it smoothly. CPU usage is at 100% and it cannot handle it. Using MPV.
I have other content in 4K, they all run smoothly and fine with around 50% to 60% CPU usage with MPC + Madvr, but 10Bit 4K is a no go with SVP + MPV.

My 4790K @ 4.6Ghz cannot handle it, even if I choose automatic profile and set it to higher performance, CPU usage is still around 100% and it cannot be handled.

Edit: On Automatic profile @ higher performance, using MPC+Madvr it runs fine, but not in 10Bit obviously; the Jason Bourne movie uses 60% CPU. In comparison, The Grand Tour @ 4K with MPC+Madvr runs with 22% CPU usage not using my settings, using automatic profile and higher performance preset as with Jason Bourne movie.

With my custom profile, even MPC+Madvr can't run Jason Bourne smoothly, even though it's not running in 10Bit, the CPU struggles running @ 100%.

The main question I have; is there a way to edit all the MPV settings? Because ALL 4K content cannot be handled with MPV. They all use high CPU usage and drop frames.

I have not tested with VLC yet.

Chainik wrote:

placebo big_smile

Noooo sad

Oh well, I'll let my eyes see what they want to see for now tongue


By the way, new nVidia drivers are out, they added these new features:

Video SDK 8.0

  • High-bit-depth (10/12-bit) decoding (VP9/HEVC)

  • OpenGL input surface support for encoder

  • Weighted Prediction

  • H.264 ME-only mode enhancements

http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/gef … nload.html

Just saw there was an update for SVP a couple of hours ago. Must have came out yesterday or today. Either way, AVISynth x64 has been updated (a nice jump in built number too).

I just done a few tests with my usual settings and I'm not sure if it's placebo, but I am almost certain that both artifact masking and smoothness are better now. Less artifacts using Strong Artifacts Masking and content feels smoother too. Anyone else can do some testing with their usual test videos and report back? This is great if my eyes are not deceiving me.

hoover1979 wrote:

I have noticed also noticed less frame drops on SVP4 but can't use Nvidia DSR on my desktop even at 1440p DSR all videos are a monotone green, blur or purple screen with sound :'(  I guess I need a native 1440p - 4k monitor to get SVP4 above 1080p.

Never use DSR for video players or for watching videos or general browsing. Use native resolution. If you want to improve picture quality for video content, use Madvr with MPC.

I just watched Star Wars a few days ago, I know I am extremely late to the party. But I watched Episode 4, 5, and 6 with no issues.

The problem you are having is weird. Can you use Madvr with MPC (don't run SVP right now), and run Episode 5, press CTRL + J to get the stats in the top left corner of the video (take a screen shot), then run Episode 6, take a screenshot of the stats in that too. Post both pictures here. Use Imgur (website) if you want to upload the pictures to a site, then link us here.

I suspect that Episode 6 is running in a different format... Might be why you're having issues.

Which nVidia drivers are you using? The latest ones? Because a few people around here reported issues with SVP with the latest nVidia drivers.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm not having any issues at all with the latest drivers (378.49) with my GTX 1070.

Can you please test this and let me know if it fixes the issue for you.

Go to nVidia Control Panel, then go to Manage 3D Settings in the left menu. Under Global Settings, look for "Optimize for Compute Performance" and make sure it is turned OFF. This has caused massive dips in frame-rates for those gaming on non-Pascal cards (anyone with a GTX 1060, 1070, or 1080 won't have this option). So it might be the new feature that's causing issues for everyone else with SVP too. Hopefully that fixes the issue.

Chainik wrote:

As a conclusion the only video player that could possibly render 10/16-bit video with SVP is mpv.


we really need you to try mpv on your tv! big_smile

Haha thanks for the reply. Yeah I forgot to update about that. 10-Bit content looks fantastic with MPV (Right click on SVP and "Open file via MPV"). However, it lags! HORRIBLY! CPU usage is through the roof, and the video is just unwatchable. I see one frame move every few seconds. So if there's a way to change MPV settings, let me know. That would be great. Check the picture below of SVP Performance Monitor.


EDIT #1:

Changing the profile to AUTOMATIC, and then using the slider to put it on Higher Performance + High Artifact Masking and now it works perfectly smooth at around 40% CPU usage with my 4790K @ 4.6Ghz right now. But I can't use my custom settings with 10-Bit content. It requires much more power to work than 8-Bit videos. I'm going to go test Jason Bourne, I think I have that in 4K @ 10-Bit.

EDIT #2: It all depends on the content... Some content lags like crazy no matter what...

I recommend you use MPC x64 + Madvr + SVP

If you need help setting it up, let us know.

TayyabKhalid wrote:

EDIT: I tired something weird, in MadVR i enabled "Smooth motion", in SVP I have "repeat on frame". After testing for a bit, I only 1 framerate that got dropped, and not one more after that, but from what I have heard is that this combination is dangerous, so should I stop using it or could this lead to another clue, possible a fix?

This means you probably don't have an issue, you were simply rendering more frames than your monitor needed when using MPC. Are you sure MPC is not running in exclusive mode at 60FPS? That would explain why when you turned on "Smooth Motion" you no longer got dropped frames. Are you sure you checked that your monitor is running at 72Hz after the driver update? Maybe it reverted back to 60Hz.

For example if you're running 3x movie framerate on a 24FPS video, which means it's running at 72FPS, and MPC for some reason is running at 60FPS, then it drops 12 frames every second.

When you turn on Smooth Motion in Madvr, and set it to always, it "fixes" this issue because there's no longer dropped frames, it does its own smoothing system where it doesn't drop the extra 12 frames being rendered every second, instead Madvr uses them.

I use this method. I always have Smooth Motion enabled. No it's not dangerous. Who told you it's dangerous? In fact I think it's better to have it on and always run movies at natural frame rate jumps. Such as 2x or 3x. Running at 3x on a 60Hz monitor/tv would mean you're always dropping frames, but with Smooth Motion enabled, it always feels smoother (could be placebo). Like Madvr is taking those extra frames and it's using them in its own way.

I use x3 movie and I am running a 4K TV @ 60Hz, I have Smooth Motion always enabled on Madvr. I get 0 dropped frames and 0 delayed. Once you start getting dropped or delayed frames with Smooth Motion enabled, it means you're going over the limit either in Madvr settings or in your SVP settings.

By the way. Chainik knows I just got my 4K HDR TV recently. Just a note. Playing 4K movies down-scaled to a 1080p screen is completely DIFFERENT to playing it natively on a 4K Screen. The performance requirements became much higher when I got the 4K TV. So those settings I posted above were very easy to do before on my 1080p TV with 4K movies, now however, those settings are the best I can achieve.


Disabling both "Artifact Removal" settings in Madvr is a must by the way (just follow the instruction on the post above, see if doing those settings helps). If you're using Madvr in MPC, run any movie, you should see a new orange icon pop up in the bottom right corner of the screen (a tray icon). Right click on it and choose "Edit Madvr Settings".

What SVP Settings are you using? I fixed the performance issues I was having with 4K videos already by using MPC x64 and changing the settings below.

I'm running a GTX 1070 and a 4790K @ 4.6Ghz on a Sony X800D 4K HDR TV.

First of all, you want to right click SVP and go to "Video Frame" and select "Keep Normal Size".


Second of all, I use the settings below for 4K videos, you don't need to have 3X Movie Frame Rate selected, just choose to SCREEN. The most important aspect, is to keep "Decrease Grid Step" on DISABLED.


I posted as links instead of images because on normal 1080p screens those images would take a lot of space for most people.


I forgot, in Madvr Settings go to Devices (Left Menu) --> Choose your TV/Monitor --> Properties --> Under 3D Format, choose None.

Go to Rendering (Left Menu) --> Stereo 3D --> Disable ALL.

Go to Processing (Left Menu) --> Artifact Removal --> Disable BOTH.

Go to Scaling Algorithms (Left Menu) --> Image Downscaling --> Choose Lanczos (3 Taps).
--------------------------------------------- > Chroma Upscaling --> Jinc (Tick enable ONLY activate anti-ringing filter).
--------------------------------------------- > Image Upscaling --> Jinc (Tick enable BOTH activate anti-ringing filter & scale in sigmoidal light).

Update, basically fixed the issue of most 4K content by using MPC x64. However I was trying to watch Jason Bourne, which is in 4K x265 10-Bit HEVC and even using Enhanced Video Renderer instead of Madvr did not fix the frame-rate issues. CPU usage goes through the roof. Impossible to watch. Without SVP, just using MPC, the movie uses 45% of the CPU to run.


I changed a lot of things, I think selecting "Keep Normal Size" under "Video Frame" settings fixed the issue... I don't why, but CPU usage decreased significantly.

I'm having issues playing 4K content with Madvr & SVP. Even though I was playing these very same 4K files fine before with my 1080p TV. I think I have an old version of SVP 4 that Chainik gave me before, I might need to retest that one and see if it solves the issue (here comes the fun part of going through old files stored deep down in my external drives haha).


Qt5Script.dll is missing for SVPManager.pro-60.exe that I got which comes with its own Plugins-60 & Script-60 folders. But I guess that dll file doesn't exist anymore with SVP 4.1? I don't know, can you send me that DLL file? @Chainik

EDIT #2:

Uninstalled SVP, and reinstalled 64-Bit everything from the installer. Downloaded MPC 64Bit. 4K content stopped crashing. Everything seems to be working fine now, I will do more testing.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The more cores the better when it comes to SVP. If Ryzen is priced nicely it will be great for SVP (and it should be priced nicely), but I am not sure it's necessary for your needs. If your priority is rock solid 60FPS with minimal artifacts, I recommend you use the settings I have provided in the image below, you can change the "Do Frame Rate Conversion" option at the top to "To Screen" option instead of "Movies X3", which is just for me.

As for future-proofing and 4K UHD. I am still waiting for my 4K HDR Sony TV (should arrive any day now), but back in the days I had a 2560x1440 monitor, and up-scaling content to higher resolution had very little (if not nothing) to do with SVP, which means it's not CPU bound. I use MPC + Madvr for optimal quality in up-scaling, and thus it requires a good GPU once that's combined with SVP. Because not only are you scaling every frame up to the desktop resolution (which will be 4K in the future), but you're creating multiple frames at a time to feed them to SVP to do 60FPS motion interpolation on the fly.

Your 4670K should definitely be strong enough right now to run the settings below with SVP 4 PRO, in fact, it shouldn't affect if you're making the jump to 4K too, as aforementioned. Don't forget to right click on SVP and enable GPU Acceleration on your AMD HD7950.

Important note: It's not the HIGHEST settings that are the best with SVP.


Chainik wrote:

Still there's a good chance that mpv supports/will support HDR.
Blackfyre, you should do some tests with your fancy new TV and mpv big_smile

I will do a lot of testing and update you guys on what's happening. I'm just waiting for it to get delivered. I didn't get it today, so that means it won't be coming until next week. Delivery doesn't operate on the weekend in Australia, so I'd be very surprised if it arrived tomorrow or Sunday. Hopefully Monday or Tuesday.

SamE wrote:

But it should run 8 bit 4:2:0, if it works with HDR when players starts to support HDR output i don't know.
So i think the only way to play them now is through a TV's inbuilt player.

Thanks for the links.

Yeah from my understanding people download and put content on an external HDD, which is connected directly to the TV via USB (which plays HDR 10Bit content).

However, I thought MPC + Madvr already supports HDR? Madvr certainly has the settings for it under the display settings.