I googled for you.
1. LanczosResize taps or lobes.
2. Lanczos vs Bicubic comparison: Lobes vs. Taps. The short version.
3. ResampleHQ kernel visualizations. Interactive visualization of various resampling kernels.
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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by MAG79
I googled for you.
1. LanczosResize taps or lobes.
2. Lanczos vs Bicubic comparison: Lobes vs. Taps. The short version.
3. ResampleHQ kernel visualizations. Interactive visualization of various resampling kernels.
I think it is placebo. But we can tell more about SVP processing if you show your additional info: SVP tray menu - information - additional information.
It is useful information for HD 4xxx users.
Jinc / Jinc / Jinc
You are seriously? You want just heavy settings. But heavy settings is not equal to better settings
Better setting are settings by default
The taps are what?
It is parameter that controls count of input samples. You may google it.
Reinstall AMD driver.
You can disable GPU-acceleration in SVP in the settings file from windows explorer:
- open %appdata%\SVP 3.1\Settings\settings.ini in notepad
- change svp_libflowgpu value to 0
- close and save
- launch SVP Manager
Then try to reenable GPU-acceleration in SVP tray menu.
If error remain then:
1. Run SVPmark test. It crashes too?
2. What shows GPU-Z about OpenCL?
3. What shows Start - Programs - SVP 3.1.4 - Utilities - CLInfo? Show all report text here.
madVR in maximum mode
Tell what you mean when say "maximum mode" and I will can to measure GPU load at my system at these settings.
Ну вот теперь нужно почитать, кто качественней переводит YV12 цветовое пространство в мониторное RGB32.
ffdShow с его программным конвертированием или VMR9 с аппаратным. Думаю второе.
Где советуют выбирать в пользу ffdShow?
1) sharper is better.
2) filtered from noise and deblocked source is better.
I wonder if there is any process active into SVP that is pre-sharpening image in certain way
Why you think blurred is better? What source you used for tests?
Цепочка DS-фильтров какая?
Смотреть либо в контекстном меню ffdShow-фильтра в трее, либо в плеере MPC-HC
What video card I can buy
GTX 650 Ti (768 SPs) is minimum for such settings
А если от имени администратора?
I see common things for both vfr-files. They have two 29.97 fps parts: near beginning and before ending.
What is it? Computer animation or running string-subtitles?
I ask because I need to know all frames in these parts has movements at framerate 29.97 or only region in frame (subtitle for example).
I did not know what you are so hard man.
I checked GPU load when play video with SVP at my TV via HDMI with mode 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz.
My GTX 660 Ti with madVR on default setting FullHD shows GPU load at 20%. And 24% with sharpen complex 2 shader enabled.
720p shows 16% / 17% (without/with sharen complex 2).
GTX 660 Ti has 1344 SPs, GT 640 has 384 SPs. So GT 640 is slower in 1344/384 = 3.5 times. It must be enough for madVR at default settings.
Default settings you can get by launching madVR\restore default settings.bat from SVP folder.
I checked GPU load at your's maniacal madVR settings (Jinc 4 taps / spline 4 taps / spline 4 taps).
FullHD shows 43% / 49 % (without/with sharen complex 2).
720p shows 27% / 30 % (without/with sharen complex 2).
GTX 650 Ti (768 SPs) is minimum for such settings. If you don't want more complicated GPU processing
Great news! Congratulations!
Please inform us if the error occurs again.
Try to disable hardware acceleration: in LAV decoder and in SVP.
What monitor resolution do you have?
Уточню. Под "что будет" имеется в виду привести текст сообщения об ошибке, либо если ошибки нет, то сообщить, что появилось в папке %appdata%\SVP 3.1\AVS\?
Перед выполнением каждого пункта 1-4 чистить содержимое папки %appdata%\SVP 3.1\AVS\ (
In my current Potplayer version, there is no "prefer" option, but everything else was set
I just special for you download and install PotPlayer 1.5.36073 Beta.
And I can select Prefer. Did you read instruction right?
select it and choose "Prefer" then press "Filter Information" button
SVP works fine with PotPlayer after all instruction steps are done.
What PotPlayer version did you install?
It must be 32bit version.
Удалить все, вычистить руками хвосты и поставить ОДИН раз.
Пристальное внимание на настройку:
Предлагаю выбирать "для текущего пользователя".
Ну здрасте!
В журнале:
AppDataPath: C:\Users\leegu_000\AppData\Roaming (ANSI)
main "C:\Users\leegu_000\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\" ...
Ошибка из журнала:
Error: Повысить плавность не удалось! Ошибка скрипта:
Import: couldn't open "C:\Users\leegu_000\AppData\Roaming\SVP 3.1\AVS\ffdshow.avs"
(ffdshow_filter_avisynth_script, line 4)
А в скрипте в ffdShow:
svppath="C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\"
SVP не может определиться в какой папке у него должны храниться настройки. В общей для всех пользователей (C:\ProgramData) или же в папке текущего пользователя (C:\Users\leegu_000\AppData\Roaming). Редкий случай.
Сколько раз устанавливался пакет SVP?
И какая папка была указана при установке?
Good question - good answer I like to investigate interesting for me topics. And this time it made new finding for me!
OK. I leave two enabled cores of my Intel Core i5-3570K. I turn off GPU-acceleration in decoding and in SVP. I swith MPC-HC from madVR to EVR (custom presenter) and disable pixel shaders. I did my CPU load measurements by SVP performance graph window. Avatar 720p sample from SVPmark was used.
CPU load:
renderer EVR (custom presenter) - 81%
renderer EVR (custom presenter) + option D3D Fullscreen - 86%
renderer Overlay - 73% -8%
change SVP shader: 11. Simple Lite to 11b. By blocks - 65% additional -8%
change Search radius from Small to Small and fast - 62% additional -3%
disabled Wide search - 62% no performance boost
override.js: analyse.main.search.distance = 1; - 60% additional -2%
override.js: analyse.main.search.distance = 0; - 39%!!! additional -21% picture more smooth and less artifacts! I was surprised!!!
CPU load reduced by two times! With visual no quality loss. Visual quality even increased. It is very impressive!
Try these customizations. All together or one-by-one. I think it will help you to save performance and to get more quality on your processor
Тогда наши советы исчерпаны.
Продолжим решать эту проблему, когда станет известно что дает отключение Microsoft DTV-DVD Video декодера.
Can you put here vfr-file created from any vfr mkv video from your collection?
You need to use Haali mkv2vfr tool from C:\Program Files (x86)\Haali\MatroskaSplitter folder. Usage:
mkv2vfr.exe file.mkv NUL file.vfr
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by MAG79
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