you can put Avisynth+'s dll right into MPC-HC's folder and leave system-wide avisynth as whatever-megui-want
or switch to 64-bit MPC-HC
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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
you can put Avisynth+'s dll right into MPC-HC's folder and leave system-wide avisynth as whatever-megui-want
or switch to 64-bit MPC-HC
"installed" doesn't mean it's in use
check actual libraries in use with ldconfig
probably clean graphics drivers with Display Driver Uninstaller and reinstall them
nope, with all the latest updates and today's mpc-qt version "v17.08" it works
PotPlayer в таком режиме не умеет изменять размер кадра на лету
по-моему просто яркости разные, а не цвета
в одном случае играется в диапазоне яркости 0-255, в другом в 17-235
типа, для несжатого avi по-умолчанию полный диапазон, а для всего сжатого - нет
добавить профиль, в котором будут выбираться такие видео, и выключить увеличение частоты кадров в этом профиле
наверное достаточно условия "глубина цвета" = 10 бит
может шейдеры какие включены?
она не должна включаться
Как нельзя, когда можно... но не в Free версии.
4К и автоматически хорошо играет, при условии аппаратного декодирования и использования 64-битного плеера.
10bit is no longer supported by SVP4, help!!!
not our bug, fixed there
there's no sign of mpv running in your log
most likely you're using "default" build of mpv - i.e. built w/o "--enable-vapoursynth" option
Uploading updated Windows packages now...
Linux / macOS users should avoid 0.26 if they want 10-bit output.
> I can't seem to figure out the problem. Please help.
SVP's and mpv's logs may help
They partially dropped P10 colorspace for an unknown reason probably just by mistake - let's find out
If Vapoursynth script outputs in P8 or P16 - it works, but P10 is not supported here anymore.
> after around 1 hr the video gets choppy
if it works good for 1 hour and then gets choppy then it's about overheating / throttling / etc
there was reports from Linux users that something is broken in mpv 0.26
still investigating...
> было бы желание
нет такого желания
> Do I need to remove my computer from the licence manager and reinstall
remove - yes, reinstall - no
just remove and activate
> making a special "Steam Version" of SVP 4 Pro with only MPC-QT, SVPTube, and SVP Pro itself would be more prudent
this sounds like a plan
something like that one includes a free DLC with ffmpeg
OK, just sent a request with a basic description.. let's see what they will answer
amount of support depends on youtube-dl's ability to extract some information
if it can extract those subtitles then it should/will work in SVPtube too
The Greenlight is closed.
And even if SVP will be accepted as a "video production content-creation software from select developer", I really doubt it will be easy to distribute all those "avisynth", "ffdshow", "python" and "vapoursynth" packages via Steam
не ссылку удалили, а русскоязычную версию страницы Download
на английской всё есть
> but I don't know how much of the code is shared between the Windows version.
На всякий случай напоминаю, что вопросы разработчику madVR следует задавать вон там.
Хотя я примерно догадываюсь куда он отправит с проблемами HD6700 на XP
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
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