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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by James D
Ну так даже и придумывать special версию не нужно придумать механизм (будь то одноразовые ключи или еще что) и реклама готова.
Появилась идея для популяризации SVP. Есть такая штука - giveaway of the day - там всякие хомячки, любители халявы, ошиваются. Как вариант - взять старую 3-ю версию, добавить в нее библиотеки из новой SVP, назвать это все SVP 3.2 Enterprise и скинуть туда. За 1 день пару тысяч юзеров появится.
video HW Acc is different from OpenCL HW Acc which uses SVP.
Have you tried to manually tinker with SVP options clicking on Automatic settings (which is a button).
Я бы на месте MAG79 просто бы дропнул поддержку SVP 3.x на Windows 10. Там после очередного апдейта сама Ось упасть может, не то, что другая программа, особенно та, которая была выпущена еще до появления десятки.
> тыкаю на раздел "обрезка" - подсветка пропалаТак и должно быть. Так задумано. В этом разделе рисуется синий прямоугольник поверх ИСХОДНЫХ кадров. Подсветка в этом режиме не работает.
Он имеет в виду, что при этом закрывает окно менеджера, а подсветки якобы все равно нет. Если так - это баг.
уплавление работает, подсветка полос не работает никак.
То есть при "не работает никак" не было проверено любое другое видео? Ндаа...
Ну и справа от кнопки Окружающий свет я бы попробовал отключить автоуправление от полноэкранного режима. Возможно СВП неправильно воспринимает плеер и думает, что он никогда в полноэкранном режиме не бывает.
В Fullscreen mode?
Yup, with all those "ultra-low power Intel CPUs" I kinda forgot about android tablets' existing.
Is it really needed for a small screens? I have a strong feeling that phone provides smoother playback than on bigger screens, almost smooth enough to not bother.
Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:ktech wrote:I guess I will just run SVP in movie x2 mode.
Is your monitor capable of 48Hz or 72Hz, possibly via a custom resolution? If so, then using that would be better:
http://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=61595Ya I guess I can do 48hz on the monitor. Just too lazy to change it back and forth lol
I don't mind some artifacts. They only happen in fast moving scenes.
HRC lets you change it with any combo like Ctrl+Shift+4 = 48 and Ctrl+Shift+6 = 60.
15.7.1 - Июль 2015-го. С тех пор многое исправили. Старый удалите через DDU.
Congrats. Hopefully soon Intel will fix it BUT you are beter to let them know about the problem like create a ticket. Because unless they already know about a problem it may take months to fix it after you point it to them.
Спасибо за реализацию - это был приятный сюрприз, я то думал идею не одобрили) Как только прочитал release notes - вручную через Maintain обновил, не дожидаясь оповещения.
Да, могу. Дай текст, видео и я озвучу. Текст можно на русском, я переведу.
Not works yet. Waiting for solution...
As I understand this will be done in the way "CRU override", not through classic Intel resolution settings. Also it will work for Ivy Bridge and above if not mistaken (so no Sandy Bridge HD3000).
And yeah, it will be brought to us "in a month or a little more" because driver is passing final validation testing.
Intel-based laptops, as well as Optimus/Enduro laptops will finally get an ability to set custom resolution and refresh rates... FINALLY.
So you can try (in a ~month) 72Hz for better fluidity and quality of video playback and gameplay. https://communities.intel.com/thread/78158
Hello all,Alright, good news... ready for it? The code changes have been approved AND completed! Okay who wants to buy me a pint now? kidding kiddingNow we're clearing up validation to ensure nothing is broken by the changes and then we should get clearance for build. Keep your fingers crossed for a clear path. Just to set realistic expectations because people are very understandably eager.. this can still be a month or a little more out, but believe me we're over the hard part and I'm pushing daily to get this expedited as much as possible. If I get a build schedule I'll update here. I regret it's taken so long though I'll certainly be celebrating this one when it's closed out. Thanks all.
P.S. If somebody hasn't seen yet, check out a suggested SVP crop enhanced capability. http://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3615. Perhaps if you like it and show support then it will be implemented.
Tip: if you decided to try direct interface then go to SVP Control Center>Additional settings>Remote and add to a blacklist your PotPlayer exe file and choose "Without resolution change".
Tip 2: If you use PotPlayer 32 bit then you could install 64 bit version for this testing only. This way you will not need to delete potplayer's exe file from blacklist above and will not need to disable Avisynth/Vapoursynth checkbox in player if you stop testing. Also there is only x64 bit vapour-based plugins for SVP.
Stuttering and dropped frames on Vapoursynth: your CPU isn't loaded to the necessary level, you can check this. Why exactly does this happen? Probably PotPlayer's bug but not sure if developer acknowledges it. Perhaps Chainik will shed the light a little more on this subject.
Perhaps you can also copy everything from mpv64 folder to a PotPlayer 64 folder.
There are nightly builds of MPC-HC https://nightly.mpc-hc.org/
Except throttlestop was already tried, and didn't work.
I see checked TDP Throttle on the screenshot as well as BD Prochot too and ThrottleStop wasn't even turned ON LOL. How could it work then? But yeah, after you pointed that I updated my original post with further actions to do.
P.S. And yeah, you got something right. It's possible to disable Turbo by Throttlestop and run SVP performance test... as well as to always keep CPU without turbo if temperature or TDP starts lowering clocks below default clocks.
Start with a large motion vector grid and 2 pixel precision, just to see if it works.
Sorry for the n00b question, but I'm not sure how to do that. I see the entry for mv_grid in my settings, but I can't change it.
Sheesh, it hurts me seeing how this troubleshooting still continues while everything was cleared since the beginning and real answer was already posted.
Your own screenshot clearly shows 28% CPU load at playback resulting 0.3 index score (which is literally what means throttling) while your title claims it's "high load" and you say you were not mislead by marketing? The real CPU clocks were even less than 20% because overall score is miscalculated due to Hyperthreading and you still look for a magic fix which is not related to this issue?
Did you follow my advice about ThrottleStop? Where you could see CPU behavior while playback and possibly tinker with adjusteable TDP settings? Because another real advice aside this would be... don't buy ultrabooks for SVP.
UPDATE: after brucethemoose mentioned that you wrote an update I suggest you to launch ThrottleStop again, uncheck BD Prochot box, check if you can uncheck TDP Throttle or it just show you that TDP throttle was turned on on your system, Turn ON Throttlestop itself (button) and look if you can adjust TDP to higher values (TPL if I am correct).
Does free version allows to use additional settings like this? If so, enter 3 values in Performance tab 2 times smaller than mine. Close and reboot and try again.
As dlr5668 said, all Intel U-type CPUs are garbage due to immediate throttling in a minute after load. It's marketing trick people get fooled by. Second screen kinda shows that first it worked good (1.0) and then throttled down to 0.3.
P.S. Try ThrottleStop. It may kill power throttling but the temperature throttling may be a problem.
до этого у меня на HTPC была пассивная nvidia gt 640, которая я думаю в 2 раза медленней и ее хватало для свп вполне.
ты не уловил смысла моего сообщения.
P.S. GT640 - чип почти того же сегмента - middle ноутбучный.
RX460 - это ноутбучный чип low сегмента с мизинец, поставленный на PCI плату. Даже если он никогда ниже 100% падать не будет - потреблять будет немного больше чем мощные карты в режиме полуэкономии энергии P1/P5.
Но можете поделиться находкой на форуме "поддержки" АМД. Там одни -ополизы-фанатики АМД и 2 специалиста... по работе с клиентами. Так что повезет если информация таки дойдет до слуха технических спецов.
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by James D
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