
(70 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> Plenty of people want to pre-process video files

Please show me those people hmm
Everyone I know are capable of reading through doom9 and run all the conversion tools even in Win 10. It's not a rocket science.

> I have a feeling perhaps the devs don't use Windows 10


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Just to summarize:
- Windows, MPC-HC
- EVR-CP renderer
- 1080/720/SD videos
- GPU accel. on/off

And you always see those stripes instead of real picture, right?

Well, I'm lost, I can't imagine why this could happen (considering that all statements above are true).

What we can do now:
- please send a full report just after the video playback showing the stripes via SVP's menu -> Send problem report
- try another video player (e.g. Daum PotPlayer)
- we could arrange a remote session via Teamviewer - if you don't mind lets talk about it via email


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

options - playback - output - directshow video


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Video renderer? "Enh. video renderer - custom presenter", right?


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm not sure but start with turning off App. settings -> GPU acceleration.

Also it seems like you have both ffdshow "video decoder" and "video filter" enabled simultaneously, which is not recommended.

Do you see the same with every video format / size - I mean FullHD, DVD-size, etc ?

James D
я кстати так и не смог увидеть этот список на ноуте Intel + дискретка AMD

>  такие проблемы очень мешают популяризации вашего продукта
это типа чтобы вместо десятков тысяч пользователей стали сотни тысяч? ну, возможно smile

по сути - пока мне видится что это проблема драйвера
_возможно_ касающаяся только такого антиквариата как 7800
и в таком случае единственное что можно делать - писать письма в AMD

у меня под рукой только ноутбучная дискретка AMD, а про неё не так просто даже частоты посмотреть, не то что температуру
но мы попробуем провести серию тестов o_O

> в мире достаточно подобных моей конфигураций, чтобы такой глюк поймался.

оно да, однако слишком специфичные условия - (предположительно) надо что бы контекст OpenCL создался, но корректно не завершился (т.к. приложение упало)
а драйвер держит "рабочую" частоту пока хотя бы один контекст открыт

ок, а если после этого открыть другое видео и нормальным образом закрыть?

> при нагреве, загрузка видеокарты системой нулевая. а она продолжает греться

так она наверное частоту не сбрасывает, т.к. не переходит в состояние "простоя"

и её "держит" или залипший процесс плеера, или это глюк драйвера

может он вылетел, но не совсем? надо в списке процессов поискать mpc-hc.exe, может быть он там продолжает висеть


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVP's log would be helpful

при чем тут "видео долго стоит на паузе"? hmm
я думал речь про то что плеер уже давно выключен

this's the way it works


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> We all know where the SVP team got their "inspiration" from...
> Github is watching.
> Well, a quite esteemed group of people believes that some code was allegedly, illegally repurposed.
> Avisynth stands strong, son.
> I don't really care about that anyways, just some forum whispers.

And yet you decided to warm up this topic now.
It was a clever move. Son.

> Why does the latest update exclude --vf

Because other vapoursynth filters may (and does) interfere with SVP.

> how can I avoid this?

Don't use SVP.

> расхождение фпс на десятые и сотые доли как-то сказывается на воспроизведении?

нет, до тех пор пока "*5/2" - все хорошо


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The only one who could possibly claim something is Fizick, and he remains silent for a ... half an year? ... since we gave him sources for an "audition".
So if you want to tell something new about the case - please. If not - well, I hope you know what to do and where to go.


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> I suggest you read the mpv documentation

Please be so kind and elaborate this to stupid me.

> We all know where the SVP team got their "inspiration" from...
> Github is watching.

And this one too, please.


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

ok, lets do a thought experiment

consider 30 fps video file, you play it with that ugly-slow-blocking-mvtools script applied and get 60 fps
after that you apply a SVP's script to that 60 fps video and you want to achieve ... what?

30 fps -> MBlockFps -> 60 fps -> SVFlowFps -> ???

btw if you read the docs you'll know that SVFlowFps can give the very same results as MBlockFps


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I won't try it because even if it works for some reason (though it shouldn't!) - I mean some mvtools-based script PLUS SVP's script running at the same time - this's just a nonsence.
You either do interpolation via your script or via SVP's script. You can't use both simultaneously. Period.


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)


How SVP works?

1. catches the video playback
2. generates its own vapoursynth script based on all the settings from UI
3. inserts this generated script into vf chain

vf chain can only contain ONE vapoursynth script at a time, so whatever you've put into mpv.conf was overwritten at runtime


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

For obvious reasons SVP uses it's own script using own plugins. You can't use MVTools script with SVP.
SVP script can do whatever MVTools script can, just read docs if the amount of script customization UI controls is not enough for your needs wink

> Хочется узнать каким именно образом используется lsof.

lsof -Fp /tmp/mpvsocket

может прав для запуска не хватает?


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

if you think that old MVTools-based basic script is better than SVP - then just use it, you don't need SVP at all


(21 replies, posted in Using SVP)

nothing has changed except for explicit removing of "vapoursynth" filter (if any) from the mpv's vf chain on new video playback start

... which is the case when opening another video in the same mpv instance


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> remove the qt packages you installed from the main repo.

why? it may not be a Qt's issue, at least 5.7.0 isn't any better that 5.6.2