> when I try to watch 1080p @ 24 fps anime on my 165hz monitor, SVP renders 165 fps. My SVP Index, instead of staying 1.0, drops to around 0.72 - 0.82 and video/sound begin to desync
> CPU goes up to around 80% - 85%

SVP doesn't like "non standard" monitor refresh rates, e.g.
- 24*6 = 144 - best
- 24*7 = 168 - best
- 24*13/2 = 156 - good
- 24*55/8 = 165 - bad

пока не получается


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

it doesn't support vapoursynth filter

no it doesn't


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

this's not possible now

just switch to 980m via SVP' menu -> App settings -> GPU acceleration

This's how it works!

The button is inside the License Manager


(127 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

> В MAC Os через MPV-0.23 нет плавности
> Что делать-то...

возможно что


> Any ideas what could be wrong about my configuration?

probably some video renderer option
try the one that is recommended for macOS: opengl-early-flush=no


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Capturing the screen while playing anime with SVP enabled can be good enough for Youtube big_smile

> "Natural Grounding Player" (honestly that whole piece of software and the idea behind it is... weird, I just don't trust it)

afaik you don't need to understand what the hell is "natural grounding", you just press on "convert" button or what it's called there...

это совпадение!


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> Hope you can figure this out, please.

only if you could provide the video and the script used

nope, c2d is too weak for 1080p


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> Because they pop up!

so just DO update it big_smile
this's the purpose of "annoying popups" - to force user to do something important
because, you know, users are dumb big_smile

but, ok, "I hear you"


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> you don't know my phone number


> And as you surely know, Windows 10 updates caused and still cause a lot of trouble

and now when all planned Windows 10 features are here and stable enough, they can finally allow users to turn this off wink

> So there are no plans to bring back the update-disable-option?

we can discuss an option for turning off those "annoying popups"
if you could tell why they are so "annoying"


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

well, at this stage every update is critical

it's like Windows 10 big_smile

> data privacy

What is this? hmm

What I already know just from your post here:
- your IP, email
- your full name, address and phone number
- your VAT ID
- ... everything wink


(138 replies, posted in Using SVP)

well, start with empty mpv.conf wink

починено в юбилейной вер.100

> Could this have anything to do with my issue?

nope, this's just a value readed from /proc/cpuinfo

> 10 bit HDR UHD-BR movies has been ripped for a while now

It there any quality comparison tests of those ripped videos?
I mean does they really remain HDR after "4K capture cards"?

Anyway, ffdshow won't ever support 10 bit, so DirectShow way (mpc + madvr) is closed.

Though PotPlayer + direct Vapoursynth interface + madVR could be possible hmm

Still there's a good chance that mpv supports/will support HDR.
Blackfyre, you should do some tests with your fancy new TV and mpv big_smile


(121 replies, posted in Using SVP)



Homebrew recently dropped support for both 10.9 "Mavericks" and 10.10 "Yosemite" for some packages including mpv.

This means the minimal macOS version to install mpv via Homebrew is 10.11, however you can try to build it from sources by yourself.

> How can you install vapoursynth without homebrew?


I got the TV on a crazy special for less than half-price directly from Sony.
wow, it's cheaper than my phone big_smile

anyway, the only (?) possible source for HDR movies is UHD-BR (not taking into account all that Youtube shit), which is still not cracked
no crack - no playback in 3rd-party players w/o DRM - no SVP

> Is SVP limited to only processing at 4:2:0?


I wonder where exactly are you planning to get 4K HDR 10 bit movies? big_smile

some screenshots