
(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> playback is still not smooth, even on 720p

this's different
what do you see in SVP's log and performance graphs while playing 720p?


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

>  I am still getting the Frame server (64-bit) NOT FOUND message

restart the SVP Manager after changing PATH value

> Also, things don't look good in my log.

only thing that is not "good" here is
> [v][vd] Using software decoding.
while trying to play 4K


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> I started a video and it said SVP enabled on the screen

Good for you wink now it's a question whether it's running with HW decoding or not.

> For anyone else having this issue, here is my recommendation.

How is this different from the wiki article? big_smile


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Actually, this's interesting big_smile

PMP seems to ignore "hwdec" option given in mpv.conf, it only uses "hardware_decoding" value from plexmediaplayer.conf file.
When it's set to "true" PMP passes "hwdec=auto" to mpv engine, and it selects "best" video decoder BUT not the "*-copy" one => SVP is not working.

So we need to find the way to force some specific "hwdec" value, i.e. "hwdec=d3d11va-copy" in the PMP,
OR turn hw decoding off via plexmediaplayer.conf.


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I don't like this:

[   5.779]i[vf] Using conversion filter.
[   5.780][e][vf] Image formats incompatible or invalid.
[   5.782][w][vf] Video filter chain:
[   5.782][w][vf]   [in] 3840x2160 d3d11_nv12[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[   5.782][w][vf]   [scale] ??? [a]   <---
[   5.782][w][vf]   [vapoursynth] "vapoursynth.00" ???
[   5.782][w][vf]   [out] ???
[   5.782]i[vf] Using conversion filter.
[   5.782][v][vf] Video filter chain:
[   5.782][v][vf]   [in] 3840x2160 d3d11_nv12[nv12] bt.709/bt.709/bt.1886/limited CL=mpeg2/4/h264
[   5.782][v][vf]   [d3d11vpp] 3840x2160 d3d11_rgb[rgb0] rgb/bt.709/bt.1886/full CL=mpeg2/4/h264 [a]
[   5.782][v][vf]   [out] 3840x2160 d3d11_rgb[rgb0] rgb/bt.709/bt.1886/full CL=mpeg2/4/h264

"Image formats incompatible or invalid."

Try different values for "hwdec" option:


And you'd better make it work with lower resolution video first.
4k playback may have other issues.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

let's stick to one thread about this


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)


Video players compatibility -> Subtitles on YouTube (VTT)
MPC-BE, mpv = Yes

It used to be plain .srt format in the past but now they switched to .vtt

it needs "libpython3.5m.so.1"

$ ldd extensions/libPythonQt.so 
    linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007ffec79f9000)
    libpython3.5m.so.1.0 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython3.5m.so.1.0 (0x00007f56f471b000)


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

first of all, why you have vapoursynth.dll in the Plex folder?
the normal way to install all this stuff is to leave all vapoursynth-related files in SVP 4\mpv64

you can add


into mpv.conf to see if there any errors from mpv's point of view

>  Шесть ядер дают мне возможность делать всё силами процессора

да, но в принципе там и качество ниже ("пиксельнее"), и плавность хуже

> И получу на выходе 12 потоков. Полагаю, этого гарантированно хватит даже для плавного воспроизведения настоящего 4К-видео

не хватит

> когда связка CPU + GPU оказывается менее производительной, чем просто CPU. В принципе, я-то и на процессоре могу фильмы смотреть, но меня удивляет подобная ситуация в целом.

она явно не "менее производительна"
возможно, как это уже бывало в прошлом с разными картами, проблема с драйвером
когда одновременно работают и 3d-часть, и OpenCL, и блок видеодекодера

вот тут недавно про Kaby Lake тема была, очень похоже


(138 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I really have no idea why all this Python-based stuff is not working on your system.
You can try with a clean Windows installation (e.g. in a VM)


(121 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> Will simply clicking the "Optimized for animation" button suffice?

yep, it basically do what is recommended in that wiki article

> Does SVP 4 Mac have this menu? If it does, I cannot seem to find it.

add new video profile and uncheck "automatic options selection"


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

do you want 75 fps video on 60 hz screen?
it won't be any better than 60 fps video on 60 hz screen, in fact it'll be much worse

> Неужели GTX 580 не хватает для одновременной работы MadVR и SVP?

учитывая что madVR может в одиночку положить (при желании, конечно) и GTX 980 - то да, легко
а 580 уже как бы сильно старенькая

а может в драйверах для "старенького" какая проблема

можно загрузку блоков GPU посмотреть (см. "GPU-Z")


(138 replies, posted in Using SVP)

my guess is you just need to clear what you did there big_smile
it's ok for the "built-in" mpv if you have neither mpv64 nor mpv32 folder in PATH/PYTHONPATH


(138 replies, posted in Using SVP)

indeed, we were talking about PATH only
having two different Python builds in PATH can give the error too


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It's unclear from your screenshots what player do you use.
For example MPC-HC 64-bit + Avisynth+ may not work in 4k at all.
In fact the only combination working fluently with my FX-8350 + gtx 750 is 32-bit MPC-HC.
Both mpv and mpc-hc 64-bit give very strange results.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> SVP - Control Panel detects an active playback when playing a video in PMS.

it may detect the playback but give some error after, at the vapoursynth initialization step


(138 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> 00:05:15.012 [E]: Playback [7a720312]: VS - Could not initialize VapourSynth scripting.

this's about PYTHONPATH magic env variable

да, мы уже даже приклеили лайтпак к монитору! big_smile

проблема видна (и не только в этом), будем искать

ну что ж сделать если VLC весь из себя такой через жопу
только не пользоваться VLC

японских пользователей, поди, чуть ли не больше чем русских
и что теперь, и на японском писать? big_smile

надо вообще русский раздел прибить, да
инструкции и так с картинками


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

just tried Solus and all work as expected, even the tray icon

your issue is about incorrect screen detection, probably something like this, but I can't reproduce it in the VM

please try the attached executable


(121 replies, posted in Using SVP)

yeah, right

so lets say "thanks" to this