установщик не ставит ffdshow, если думает что он уже установлен
возможно, после переустановки Windows, записи в реестре остались, а регистрация фильтра в системе слетела
тут нам явно надо что-то поправить
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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
установщик не ставит ffdshow, если думает что он уже установлен
возможно, после переустановки Windows, записи в реестре остались, а регистрация фильтра в системе слетела
тут нам явно надо что-то поправить
The best way to do deinterlacing is via LAV video decoder. Then you'll get a choice between 25/30 fps and 50/60 fps modes. By default SVP assumes the latter case and won't process the video. If you choose first method then you'll need to unchecked corresponding option in the SVP main menu.
turn off "outer lighting", it's not supported by this method
> Every option with no check for "DXVA" worked well.
> Everything with a check for "DXVA" only worked in combination with D3D fullscreen.
99% it's a drivers issue. Intel drivers for the newly released hw always was a little bit... unfinished
> and SVP ships with an older build of MPV.
oops, for some reason I was sure that it's 0.21 already
> Сам тест павности (оранжевая полоска) использует дополнительные ресурсы процессора
Вот вообще ни грамма не использует (*)
(*) в SVP 4, конечно. В SVP 3 все по-другому.
Т.е. намек на то, что возможна ситуация, когда два соседних кадра отличаются по содержимому, но полоска находится в точности на одном месте?
Не представляю как такое может получиться. Не может.
Обратная ситуация (кадр "залип", но полоска изменила положение) - возможна и описана в истории...
> I don't have any on hand
> the version of MPV that comes with SVP doesn't play anything well, even with SVP turned off, whereas the standard version works absolutely flawlessly
"SVP's version" differs from "standard" in the default config file which contains
did you tried different video renderers in MPC-HC, I mean all of them one by one, starting from "system default"?
ok, what about playing native 60 fps video w/o SVP?
May I suggest to turn off GPU acceleration in SVP?
I don't like that:
HD Graphics 620 ... Base clock (MHz) 300 ... Boost clock (MHz) 1000-1050
May it's a GPU part that throttling somehow
ok, it's a Qt's one
it tries to re-scan network configuration every 10 seconds which lead to the wi-fi glitch on MacOS
rm -f "/Applications/SVP 4 Mac.app/Contents/PlugIns/bearer/libqcorewlanbearer.dylib"
есть подозрение что включено аппаратное декодирование
надо выключить
vlc --avcodec-hw=vaapi
or to change vlc settings in "codec" and choose vaapi via x11 instead of vdpau
правильно ввести данные в п.4, другого пути нет
либо написать на kd@svp-team.com, будем разбираться
> and if that was sarcasm, afaik MPC-HC is quite active still
no it wasn't
the latest official version is 1 year old
and there was no activity in the repo for the several months
> Commits on Jul 7, 2016
> Commits on Oct 18, 2016
well, it'd be really great if it's not dead
Вот лучше бы кто-то нашел в mpv аналог "full screen exclusive mode" из Windows.
Тогда бы никаких спец.ядер было не надо.
Regarding the initial question: is MPC-HC still alive?
Vapoursynth support should be enough, unless you don't turn off IPC feature
> Do I need SVP4 to install VapourSynth itself or can I install it myself outside of the installer?
yes you can
* screen detection isn't working in the Linux version
главная сложность в том что надо достать лайтпак и приляпать его к монитору
без приляпывания оценивать синхронизацию почти невозможно
if this issue is already known to the youtube-dl's community then it'll be fixed shortly...
well, I'm not sure if 1070 supports full hw decoding of 4K/10bit?
otherwise it's decoded in sw with all of the consequences...
You didn't replace "mpv-1.dll" file.
> copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64\mpv-1.dll" to "C:\Program Files\Plex\Plex Media Player\"
bash-3.2$ otool -L /usr/local/bin/mpv
/usr/local/opt/vapoursynth/lib/libvapoursynth-script.0.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)
/usr/local/opt/vapoursynth/lib/libvapoursynth.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0)
bash-3.2$ otool -L /usr/local/opt/vapoursynth/lib/libvapoursynth-script.dylib
/usr/local/opt/python3/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/Python (compatibility version 3.5.0, current version 3.5.0)
bash-3.2$ ls -l /usr/local/opt/python3
lrwxr-xr-x 1 chainik admin 25 Oct 22 17:57 /usr/local/opt/python3 -> ../Cellar/python3/3.5.2_3
I'll try to make a research on how all of this can co-exists with Anaconda installation...
> But trying to debug this has been frustrating.
the obvious mistake is "anaconda python"
on a clean Sierra SVP installation is as easy as one-two-three
примерно как-то так
clip = core.ffms2.source(source='path/to/video',threads=1)
это не рабочий код, а направление для поиска
right now you can choose between
- SVP's bug
- Qt's bug
- macOS's bug
lets just wait until we'll track it down to some simple code
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
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