(23 replies, posted in Using SVP)

here's the log:

16:25:40.041; Start: SVPMgr 3.1.5 (931) starts...
16:25:40.051; AppDataPath: C:\ProgramData (ANSI)
16:25:40.051; Start: read settings file settings.ini
16:25:40.051; Start: load language file - English. Duration: 40 ms
16:25:40.091; Start: check launched instance of SVP-manager
16:25:40.091; Start: check Avisynth installed. Duration: 80 ms
16:25:40.171; Start: clear Logs folder
16:25:40.171; Start: performance graphs prepare. Duration: 10 ms
16:25:40.181; Start: SVPMgr folders prepare. Duration: 10 ms
16:25:40.191; Start: read settings file SVPMgr.ini
16:25:40.191; Start: GPUs settings detection. Duration: 120 ms
16:25:40.311; Start: detected graphics (OpenCL) adapters:
11. GeForce GTX TITAN (2035)
12. GeForce GTX TITAN (2111)
13. GeForce GTX TITAN (1964)
16:25:40.311; Start: monitors settings detection. Duration: 590 ms
16:25:40.901; Start: detected monitor: 1920 x 1080 @ 119.98
16:25:40.901; Start: disable LNG-file write when UAC enabled
16:25:40.901; Start: change SVP-manager priority
16:25:40.901; Start: register hotkeys. Duration: 110 ms
16:25:41.011; Start: get versions of modules used
ffdshow.ax/avisynth.dll: 1.3.4515.0/
16:25:41.011; Start: refresh autostart state in registry
16:25:41.011; Start: some more work with registry. Duration: 10 ms
16:25:41.021; Start: create menu. Duration: 10 ms
16:25:41.031; Start: update settings file settings.ini. Duration: 20 ms
16:25:41.051; Start: update monitor settings
16:25:41.051; Start: prepare "About the program" window. Duration: 30 ms
16:25:41.081; Start: enable ffdShow waiting mode. Duration: 10 ms
16:25:41.091; Start: prepare to work is complete
16:25:41.091; RefreshSVP
16:25:41.091; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:26:22.235; RefreshSVP. Duration: 10 ms
16:26:22.245; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:26:29.905; RefreshSVP. Duration: 10 ms
16:26:29.915; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:26:30.975; RefreshSVP. Duration: 10 ms
16:26:30.985; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:26:31.465; RefreshSVP
16:26:31.465; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:26:31.935; RefreshSVP. Duration: 10 ms
16:26:31.945; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:26:32.426; RefreshSVP
16:26:32.426; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:26:32.896; RefreshSVP. Duration: 10 ms
16:26:32.906; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:27:59.401; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 404. Duration: 6 ms
16:27:59.407; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 98 ms
16:27:59.505; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.999 1/1
16:27:59.524; T1T: begin
16:27:59.527; RefreshSVP
16:27:59.530; T1T: GetAllMediaParams. Duration: 18 ms
16:27:59.548; ### CorrectStereoModeByAppAndFilename: big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.avi
16:27:59.551; T1T: SettingsPrepare. Duration: 18 ms
16:27:59.569; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
16:27:59.575; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
16:27:59.577; SVPMgr: main "C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.999 1920 1080 5 1. Duration: 232 ms
16:27:59.809; ===== Playback
23.999 * (5 : 1) = 119.995 fps
16:27:59.812; SetPriorityPlayer: 2. Duration: 1204 ms
16:28:01.016; this is changing FalseVFR_Dwn. ffdShow-framerate: 18.279
16:28:01.819; Error: Warning: there's a memory leak in the video player: 719 MB
To prevent the closing of the player due to lack of memory a script restarted improve smoothness.. Duration: 133 ms
16:28:01.952; this is changing FalseVFR_Dwn. ffdShow-framerate: 16.689
16:28:02.989; this is changing FalseVFR_Up. ffdShow-framerate: 22.561
16:28:04.251; this is changing FalseVFR_Up. ffdShow-framerate: 23.831
16:28:05.193; this is changing FalseVFR_Up. ffdShow-framerate: 23.999
16:28:05.195; express clear interval
16:28:05.197; stabilized ffdShow-framerate: 23.999 fps. SVP Index:0.00/0.00
16:28:09.595; RefreshSVP
16:28:09.599; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:28:15.720; at start:0 at end:0 stable
16:28:43.112; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe PID: 12940
16:28:43.116; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD start. Duration: 61 ms
16:28:43.177; GetDimensionAndFPS_fromOSD result: 1920x1080 23.999 1/1
16:28:43.196; T1T: begin
16:28:43.197; T1T: GetAllMediaParams. Duration: 20 ms
16:28:43.217; ### CorrectStereoModeByAppAndFilename: big_buck_bunny_1080p_stereo.avi
16:28:43.219; T1T: SettingsPrepare. Duration: 14 ms
16:28:43.233; T1T: Preparing smooth playback...
16:28:43.236; T1T: WriteAllMediaParamsToIni
16:28:43.239; SVPMgr: main "C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\" 1920 1080 23.999 1920 1080 5 1. Duration: 151 ms
16:28:43.390; ===== Playback
23.999 * (5 : 1) = 119.995 fps
16:28:43.393; SetPriorityPlayer: 2. Duration: 2548 ms
16:28:45.941; Error: Warning: there's a memory leak in the video player: 1592 MB
To prevent the closing of the player due to lack of memory a script restarted improve smoothness.. Duration: 16493 ms
16:29:02.434; RefreshSVP. Duration: 10 ms
16:29:02.444; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

16:29:06.399; at start:0 at end:0 stable


(25 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I've built a new xeon based system with nvida card and am able to run the synthetic test but svp mark doesn't run any on the real-life /fhd tests.....everything states N/A including video decoder....
what am I missing?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Yes, a memory timinig tweak but I was hoping a user plane501 could give me some idea how his score is so high.....he's using an i7 with titan but his scores break the bank hmm


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I wish that was the problem, svp mark wasn't ready cpu freq properly....I was running @ 4.4GHz


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

trying to figure out why my svpmark scores are so relatively low compared to other scores sad
users with the same cpu or same gpu score SIGNIFICANTLY higher than me...what's the secret.
my scores are posted on the svpmark database....give me some help please if you've got my cpu 4770k or gpu TITAN


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

so if I really needed stereoscopic 1080p should I go to a dual xenon supercomputer...would svp be able to use the extra cpu? Cause my current setup doesn't seem up to the task.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

couldn't understand what you were trying to say Rimsky....


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

does the svp manager utilize my sli setup?  I'd be willing to fund the changes necessary to allow a dual sli card setup to utilize both gpus for smoothing.  I know most of the game developers utilize sli for frame rendering and perhaps svp could be tweaked for stereo vision so that the stereo frame is split into individual frames and separately processed by both gpu.

nvidia sli info


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

now that I've got svp working with stereoscopic player (hurrah big_smile ) the fun begins.
I'm trying to get two live 1080p@30 cameras up to 1080p@60 but need help creating a profile that doesn't complain  roll

My rig:
intel haswell i7 4770k oc'd 4.4Ghz
dual geforce titan sli
32gb ddr3 ram @2800

when I try running stereoscopic player with the stereoscopic multiplexor (dual 1080p@30 cameras)
svp performance is too low message displayed.

so if I wanted to create a custom profile for this setup would I create a 3840x1080 @ 30Hz profile since the player creates a sbs frame?
and what should I try changing first among the many parameters available to get this working?
Or is this an impossible task without a supercomputer?


(25 replies, posted in Using SVP)

yes, that was the only change I made.  Not sure why ffdshow had it disabled initially...I don't think I did anything but run the standard full install of svp 3.1.5 package.


(25 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I didn't think it was the developers problem but he pointed out that I have to enable Raw video in the ffdshow options which was disabled in the stock installation of ffdshow and not mentioned in the wiki....but it now works  big_smile  big_smile


(25 replies, posted in Using SVP)

made changes to LAV Video Decoder....it shows icon when using Media Player Classic....doesn't show up with stereoscopic player
SVP works fine with MPC...just not stereoscopic player
I've emailed the dev for stereoscopic player regarding why ffdshow filter isn't being loaded...haven't heard back yet.


(25 replies, posted in Using SVP)



(25 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm trying to use svp with stereoscopic player without success.  I've followed the wiki and added the ffdshow Video Decoder and LAV Video Decoder to the Decoder filters in the Stereoscopic Player Settings but when I try to play a video SVP says its still waiting for ffdshow and when I check the video properties in the player the ffdshow/lav decoders aren't listed.


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

just put together a new box with i7 Haswell @4.4ghz, 32G memory and dual sli nvidia titan.
1. couldn't upload benchmark because it doesn't recognize my svp forum login credentials
2. couldn't tell if the gpu marks utilize sli because the gpu marks seem pretty close to the single titan marks.  sli is enabled in the nvidia control panel
3. when I removed one of the video cards...the scores were better.  Does svp mark utilize sli?
4. I ran Furmark benchmark and it saw both video cards in sli config with a 1080p framerate of 137fps so I think the sli bridge is working


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

forgot to add to my new rig was a BenQ 120hz capable Nvidia 3d v2 1080p monitor.
I was thinking that if I did the streams separately, a time sync issue between l/r eye would develop?  Not sure about avs running separate threads for each stream being able to keep their time stamps sync'd
Do you think my current cpu/videocard can do this?


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I have two identical 8mp usb3.0 cameras which can stream 1080p@30hz.  I was thinking of using ffdshow and avisynth plugins to create a live 3d video 1080p@60 stream
I'm building a new rig for this with 3.5ghz haswell i7/16gb ddr3/geforce titan videocard

I was thinking of using the Pantarheon 3d AviSynth toolbox to combine the two cameras into a hdmi1.4 compatible stream
and using svp to upsample to 60hz

1.  is this possible, or just a crazy notion
2.  if this is possible, should I upsample with svp before combining or can svp handle the combined video format?