(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

There is no best settings as you are basically balancing smoothness vs artifacts.
Also the type of video your watching may change what you consider best. IE Movie or Cartoon/Anime etc

In saying that the main ones I tend to change based on content is: (the others settings I don't change much)

Artifacts Masking
(Stronger the masking = less smooth+less artifacts, it also increase the amount of ghost images you see in object movement)

Motion vectors precision (I use the larger sizes for the most part, namely 24px / 28px)
(smaller = smoother+increase in artifacts // Larger = less smoothness+less artifacts)
Note that smaller block size requires more system resources/power

These settings I don't change much at all
Frames interpolation mode = Uniform
SVP Shader = Standard
Motion Vectors = Half Pixel
Grid Step = Two with Global (I turn this off for 4k video atm, due to PC not fast enough at 4k)
Search Radius = Large
Wide = Strongest
Top coarse = Large

These are the settings I find work best for me, your free to try them but ultimately you will need to play around with the settings and see what looks best to you.

As for 144hz, your likely best of running at 120hz on the desktop so all video fps multiples nicely.
(IE so you have an even No# of interpolated frames to real frames / avoiding pull-down etc, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-two_pull_down)
24fps video x 5 = 120 smile
30fps video x 4 = 120 smile
60fps video x 2 = 120 smile

At 144hz only 24fps video works nicely.
24fps video x 6 = 144 smile
30fps video x 4.8 = 144 sad (Not ideal)
60fps video x 2.4 = 144 sad (Not ideal)

It is important to understand that for any parameters the balance between video smoothness and quality / noticeable artifacts FRC is kept. So high smoothness always leads to stronger artifacts and artifacts reduction always reduces smoothness.

There is no perfect set of parameters which gives the maximum smoothness without artifacts.
https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP3:Prof … ic_options


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

What PC specs do you have?

Also do you have GPU acceleration enabled?
SVP menu > Application settings > GPU acceleration > Your GPU

Failing that try move the slider to higher performance and see if that helps.

Not sure about HDR but you need to use MPV or VLC for 10bit video. ffdshow doesn't support 10bit with avisynth.

MPV with vapoursynth support would be a good place to start.

With SVP you also need to set allow_10bit = true (false is default which is YUV 4:2:0, 8bit output)

Seems youtube has made some changes and broke youtube-dl/SVPtube2 (Not all videos will be broken)

To fix until youtube-dl gets an update edit youtube.py with a text editor

Located at:
\SVP 4\extensions\tube\youtube_dl\extractor\youtube.py

Line 966





Save then restart SVP.



(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I believe only MPV supports 10bit for now with SVP.

geqi2012 wrote:

That is is SVP able to directly output processed 10-bit stream without conversion?

With SVP you also need to set allow_10bit = true (false is default which is YUV 4:2:0, 8bit output)

geqi2012 wrote:

2. If I'm getting this right shouldn't SVP processing take place before rending? Then how come the madVR OSD claims that "movie 23.976 fps (says source filter)"? Or does that mean it is not providing with the actual frame rate?

23.976 fps is correct, says source filter is the specified fps of the video, not the estimated fps or the interpolated frame rate.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

madVR uses a lot of GPU power but yes you don't want to not be dropping lots of frames. With SVP+madVR it does help to have a half decent GPU.

Jinc tends to be more demanding than Lanczos but if your having trouble try Cubic for Chroma and maybe Lanczos for Luma.
Your better off using your resources for better luma up-scaling over Chroma.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Porkey wrote:

Wow, I managed to change the language in PotPlayer, added the ffdshow and madVR filters, set them to prefer and voila, it works! I'm now getting audio in both ears, but I still have two questions.
1, Is madVR really still going to work now? I thought we just set the video renderer to ffdshow?
And 2, under Filter Priority, I also added madVR the same as I did for ffdshow, and also set it to prefer. Was this necessary, or would I have been able to get madVR working with just the ffdshow filter?

1. You just need to set madVR as the video renderer to Madshi. ffdshow raw is used so SVP is able to do its stuff, not used for up-scaling.

2. You don't need to add madVR as a external filter its unnecessary, if you want to view madVRs overlay/info you can press Ctrl+J in the video player. Ctrl+J again to hide.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Porkey wrote:

Woah okay, so potPlayer is one of those misconfigured applications that installed itself in Japenese, because I have to have my system locale set to Japan for non-unicode programs (I occasionally play some RPG maker games and others that require it to run).
Changing it would require a restart, which is not possible at the moment because I'm transferring some very large backups, and the file transfer is probably going to take more than a day.

Its Korean based, but I cant say that happened to me.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Porkey wrote:

Ah, but I am using the free version of SVP, unfortunately. VLC is not supported in the free version. I'd try installing potplayer now using the guide on the forum, but I'm heavily discouraged by the fact that I had MPC+SVP working for a year already with no issues.

Ah fair enough,
A fix that would of been best but I don't know what going on with your Razor headset.

One thing I do like about potplayer is the thumbnail view which most players do not have(to turn on tick)


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Porkey wrote:

So if I'm forced to use another video player to watch anything, then... What's the point of SVP? I want to be able to watch video in 60fps; that was the whole point of installing SVP+MPC+madVR.

Only suggested using the other player due to your sound issue until you can fix it but generally SVP+MPC+madVR should work just fine.

SVP does work with many video players. smplayer(MPV), and VLC both work with it, but I don't think madVR works with either of them.

If you wanted to use madVR+SVP try give potplayer a try for example. (I would go with 32bit build for now)
After install you just need to add ffdshow raw video filter and set to prefer and should then SVP should work with it. (Below is for 32bit version only)

For madVR set the video renderer to Madshi

For SMplayer to work with MPV you need to add (Requires MPV with VapourSynth support)


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Porkey wrote:

Showing activity on multiple channels, still only hearing in my left ear.
Can I change the audio filter to something other than LAV?

Should be able to add under External Filter.

Don't have a suggestion as to what filter to use/download.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Porkey wrote:

So we've figured out that MPC seems to be having problems with my Razer headset specifically, but no other video player seems to have any problems. Now what? Do I point Razer's dev team to this thread, only for them to never follow up? Should it really be considered a problem with my Razer headset/drivers, even though every other video player works without any problems? I've even had SVP+MPC-HC working for at least a full year with this headset, without any problems until now.

I guess use the other video player until you can get it working.

You could try change MPCs audio filter see if does anything and also check the status of LAV(default filter) to see if its showing audio output for both L and R.



(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Porkey wrote:

A few days go by, and one night I feel like testing Steam In-Home Streaming, but this means that I'm going to want my headset with me while I use my laptop to stream games from my desktop (which is the computer I'm having problems with).

Steam In-Home Streaming mutes the windows volume when you start streaming so audio doesn't play out of the host PC and un-mutes when finished. I doubt this would be the cause of your issues.

Porkey wrote:

The problem was, my headset is a Razer Kraken 7.1 Chroma; a USB headset that essentially acts as the computer's sound card while it's plugged in.  In the past, I've used a standard setup where you can just unplug your headset from the 3.5mm jack, do what you need to do, and plug them back in later, which is fine because your actual sound card is never removed from the system

The headset will have a DAC in it as the audio needs to be converted into analog at some point. Which is basically what a sound card does, a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter)

From reading your post I don't really know whats going on but I would suspect the Synapse software is the cause?
Does the sound work ok if using 3.5mm headphones/speakers from your sound card, not the Razor headset? (Make sure Razor Synapse is not interfering with the audio, maybe uninstall it)

Reading about Razer Surround seems like it intercepts audio and applies its surround algorithm before its been processed/passed to any DAC/sound card.


(13 replies, posted in Using SVP)

ITN wrote:

I guess that's true, but I wonder if there is generally more "bitrate per pixel" if you know what I mean.

If you wanted to look at it that way, 4k video should look better regardless due to the way chroma sub-sampling works when down-scaling video as you mentioned.

Most videos are 4:2:0 so when using 4k video there is 4 pixels per 1pixel of 1080p. So when it down-scales it results is a much better picture due to having color information for each of your 1080p pixels. (IE ends up closer to having 4:4:4 vs 4:2:0 of native 1080p video)

Edit: This video explains it quite well, and why 4k video looks better than 1080p video on a 1080p screen.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

For 1080p@60 I can't see why not but this is just for SVP.
If your using say MADvr as well, then it could be a very difference story, but would depend on your settings.


(13 replies, posted in Using SVP)

4k/UHD also has the benefit of generally having much higher bit rates than the 1080p version.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

>  How can I turn off the auto hide window when not in focus?

set tube.ui.autohide = 0
... or any other timeout in seconds

I've set to 0 and it seems to be good for one click/focus then auto hides again after you either click play or the focus goes back to the browser/video player. So it hides or goes back into tray without clicking the close (x) button.

Maybe I'm not explaining it too well.
Ideally wanted to have the SVPtube2 window stay open, not auto hide at all, much like how the main SVP control panel stays open until you click the close button to hide/close the GUI window. On that same note will likely need the ability to change/disable "always on top" for it to work nicely. IE same behavior as the main SVP control panel window.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Chainik wrote:

we'll think about this

Thanks ^_^


Evairfairy wrote:
Chainik wrote:

App. settings -> Additional options -> Processing threads = Auto ?

Yep, it's already set to auto sad

It's worth noting that none of my cores get anywhere near 100% usage

As someone which uses 120fps with a 6700k, auto threads results in a low SVP index.

Try set a larger number of computation threads such as 15 - 23 threads.


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If you do end up wanting to add new frames on videos which are 60FPS due to say using a 120hz monitor for example, you will need to change the "Max source FPS that will be processed by the FRC engine"

By default its less than 60 so SVP wouldn't interpolate the video anyway but in the case of 60FPS video with SVP set to 60 no new frames will be added even with the max target set to 60, due to the frame rate of the video already been 60fps.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Could Windows UAC be the cause of the issue?

2 things

1. How can I turn off the auto hide window when not in focus?
I really don't like this behavior and can't work out how to turn it off.

2. How can you set profiles to use difference video players based on the website?
Having to change the video player each time you use a different site feels a bit clunky.
IE set youtube.com to MPV and set twitch.tv to potplayer

Reason is you need to use MPV for youtube to get audio+sound, where on twitch MPV doesn't work correctly, where potplayer does.

If the above is not possible would you please consider adding in the option to?



(10 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Tinky wrote:

Hmm what if I change my monitor to a 120hz? Will it be better (as 120 is multiple of 24)? (or 144hz -> 6*24)

For now I have 60hz stucked one.

It will help in terms of playback pacing (no pull down) but the artifacts generated in the interpolated frames will still be there.


(10 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Tinky wrote:

What config to have to set masking to max without loosing smooth?

Its not possible to use max artifacts masking and still have it as smooth as if it was disabled.
If you really dislike the artifacts I would recommend using strong at the most but its really trying to balance the smoothness vs artifacts again.

The most demanding settings don't necessarily give you the best.
Take the Motion vectors grid for example the most demanding is 6px block size which will give max smoothness but it will also increase the artifacts greatly. Where 12px block size wont be as smooth vs 6px but the artifacts will be reduced. Or go 24px block size which will lower the amount of artifacts again but at the cost of less smoothness in motion. In some cases the 24px block size will look the best yet the least demanding at the same time.  (ie in anime for example)


(10 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Tinky wrote:

What I want to reach, is being able to get full smooth + no artifacts.

Even with the best hardware it won't be artifact free + full smooth.
As you increase the smoothness you will increase the artifacts.
The extra frames are guess work, it has to make up information which doesn't exist, by using an algorithm with the frames which do exist.
The halos you see around moving objects is a side a affect of this, but you can try balance smoothness vs artifacts.