Default Setting of that is "Automatic", so it looks at the scene (the estaminated quality of the motion pathes if I understand it right) and decides if it can do 2m, 1.5m, 1m or Uniform.
Only if it thinks that the scene is very easy to do and there wont be any worse artefacts it choses "Uniform". Thats possibly the case in camera pans and stuff like that.
If the calculation shows that there might be worse artefacts coming (because the quality of the motion pathes is foretold to be bad) then it goes down with the setting and if the scene is really worse and will be totaly full of artefacts then it picks 2m, wich "feels" almost like non-smoothed (but if you try 2m on a camera pan, you see its better than no SVP at all, but it feels like "no SVP at all", if you dont compare it.)
It's a good timing you're saying this because I had just found this "Uniform" option and was wondering about it. It does seem to make the videos considerably smoother.
As for the artifacts, I'm not quite sure whether it is degrading image quality and how. What should I be looking for? Does it just cause more buggy artifacts on some scenes and textures? Or it subtly degrades the images in some other way?