
(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

at the bottom and side of the screen when the camera pans a bit
Use tray menu > Frame crop > By four pixels on each side

Fixed in SVP 3.1.1


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Fixed in SVP 3.1.1

ставил и 295.73 и 296.10. SVP с этими драйверами не работает
Галку Clean Install устанавливал?


Уже 2 последних версии скорость нормализовалась. Рекомендую скачать и попробовать:
- 295.73
- 296.10

- картинки в русско-форуме
- картинки в англо-форуме


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

For what?
When you watch movie you watch at the system tray icons? hmm

I think tray icon for SVP-index is not necessary.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

We was hardly busy on new version... Please be patient. wink
Then you will get qualified answer.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Main aim of ReClock using is framerate syncronization to refresh rate.

I done my job - I informed you. Now you have choice to do PAL SpeedDown or to get best smoothness. wink
You can do PAL SpeedDown if you want. I posted my opinion about best smoothness.

if one should edit all 4 files, MAG79 knows better
Yes. In SVP 3.1.1 one should edit ALL 4 files. It is not comfortable now.
I will do my best to next version will be more usable and profile settings will be in one file.

Without SVP synchro is good?

Спасибо. Интересно и познавательно было почитать.
Оказывается зеркала пикселей не просто так повернули на 45 градусов: таким образом принесли в жертву четкость изображения в угоду тонким пико-проекторам, где обязательное условие - это размещение лампы, зеркал и светопоглотителя на одной плоскости. Мало того, что зеркала повернули, так там еще и нагрузка на электронику идет, считать ресемплирование. hmm



(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

PAL speed up (1.04x) is quite normal to me. I can't see (or hear) the difference with 1.00x.
But for SVP interpolation quality multiple framerate is the main thing.

lots of people like me who don't want any speed up / slow down of audio / video
I don't know such people.

Lets vote. Everybody.
Do you see (or hear) the difference between 1.04x and 1.00x speed?


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

looking for as much soap opera effect as possible
Then you can do:
1. Change in profile Frames Interpolation Mode: Uniform (as said FDisk)
2. Change in profile Artifact Masking: Disable (as said FDisk)
3. Change in profile SVP shader: 11. Simlpe Lite for movies (as said Chainik) or 2. Sharp for anime
4. Change Motion vectors grid: the less value the more fluid motions
5. Uncomment in override.js and change value: smooth.scene.limits.scene = 8000; Scene change detection will become less sensitive. This can produce unwanted interpolation on some scene changes.

It is not all. Some additional settings will become available with next version of SVP.

Remeber: each change of these parameters produce more smootheness but more artifacts!


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Double source frame rate gives to you maximum quality with minimum amount of artifacts.
In this case you will get 1.04x speed up by ReClock, that you can see at Performane graphs window of SVP.



(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I see. I reproduced your settings: 23,976 FullHD source, 50 Hz display, 6ch 24 bit Audio WASAPI.
I'd like to watch the movie this way: take a look and compare your ReClock properties and mine.

http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1359 http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1360

I can get it with some customized ReClock settings:

http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1361 http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=1362

When I tuned up these settings I got real framerate indication in ReClock and 2:1 coefficient of framerate change in SVP.


You can try to repeat this settings or customize them as you want.

Good luck wink


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You rellay should update the release version. Most people don't know about all the fixes you post here
New version will be availible soon. Users will be informed about it automatically by checking for update.

Discussion about resolution and profile moved here:
Movies with 1280x720 resolution load the 1920x800 profile

It can be if "bandwidth" of your video is more then profile "bandwidth". It is normal.
banwidth = width * height * framerate

Copied from that message

FDisk wrote:

Also found something strange. Movies with 1280x720 resolution for some reason load the 1920x800 profile. hmm

I mean +/- on the numpad smile as you...

Деинтерлейс это постпроцессинг
Рекомендую почитать по ссылке. Для SVP нужен деинтерлейс как пре-процессинг. И LAV эту возможность предоставляет. wink

If you use MPC-HC then you can adjust delay by hot-keys "Gey -" and "Grey +".


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)


I need from mark007:
1. Additional information
2. sample of video

Your system has high performance. It is enough for SVP.
To avoid frame drops I recommend to change renderer to EVR with fullscreen D3D or to madVR.

do I need to just offset the audio 200ms for every mkv file in MPC?
I don't see you video. If audio delay is fixed and not growing then you can use video delay option.

LAV was very stutterish
It is strange. Did you enable GPU-acceleration in LAV and disable internal decoders in madVR?


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

When I choose "Target frame rate" -> "To screen refresh rate", the frame rate doesn't change at all
Give me more details please. SVP menu > Information > Additional information

The SVP gui flashes up "21:10 50.35" on the video player image, but the actual resulting frame rate doesn't change
Where do you get "actual resulting frame rate"? May be it is not so actual?

I'm using Windows 8 CP, Nvidia GTX 295
Windows 8? Wow. We do not provide compatibility of SVP to this version of Windows smile
No garantee it is not a bug of Win8 system... hmm

If you give me sample of your video file then I can reproduce your problem on my GTX 260 and Win7 64.


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Found some translation you missed
Thank you. You are right. This option was changed in last moment and we missed it translation.

Here file with full translation: English.zip

Unpack and replace English file in SVP 3.1\Language folder

There are too many bugs. hmm I think soon will be new SVP bug fix release wink