What I like in PRO version is not just glowing black bars but a complete set of basic video scaling in one place. I can set 50% (any value) of black bars to crop while remaining will glow to watch widescreen movies with better experience.
ou can do similar in some players (KMP lets you set custom aspects) but this way is bug-proof and hassle -free.

А Hybrid c vaporsynth не работает?


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

VB_SVP wrote:

SVP itself can't produce BSOD.

Maybe not, but if I have autoplay next video in directory on in MPC-HC and there is no next video in the directory when I have SVP on, SVP causes a complete system lockup that requires a restart to resolve.

Never had such thing although I also don't use MPC at the first place.


(138 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Blackfyre wrote:

What are the advantages and disadvantages in your opinion?

>64-bit via Vapoursynth FRC engine.

Vovanchik wrote:

ну да, пионэры влезут в этот адъ, набросают туда говен лопатой.

Мне почему-то кажется, что Chainik намекает как раз обратное... наверное потому что он уже который год троллит 3-й менеджер.
С моей точки зрения 3-й успешно работал (пока не появлялся неведомый баг, что он тупо переставал работать) и там было приличное, я бы даже сказал эталонное контекстное меню менеджера (опять же пока не приходил тот самый баг, который...).

It'sknown you need to use mpv player instead for x64 SVP because that player comes with vapoursynth support.

I belive soon SVP will be coming bundled with mpc for 32bit and mpv for 64bit, isn't it, Chainik?


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Roberto Rossi wrote:
James D wrote:

I thought you can set only built-in monitor's profile, isn't it.

I'm using a TV as monitor via hdmi 2.0.... so I can easily enter nvidia cointrol panel and change stuff

Good for you but I was talking about MPC-HC player's options about different HZ modes in fullscreen for different types of video. It's either 96 (current) or 60Hz only. I can fix that flashing laptop's monitor of course but others can't.

MAG79 wrote:

I checked. My TV not supported any mode above 60Hz. I used AMD CRU with Crimson 16.2.1. So my TV Philips 40PFL5007T is not 'overclockable' smile

More like driver issues I would say.


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You should get email with activation code and links. Did you?

If not then wait. SPAM filters or other circumstances are possible.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Nintendo Maniac 64 wrote:
Roberto Rossi wrote:

I guess I'll just raise my tv's hertz from 60 to 72 and use "to screen" svp option (72 fps)..... 72 fps is good enough considering without svp we'd be at 24 fps...

Just note that this is really only useful for 24fps content, so you might want to use MPC-HC's automatic resolution changer to switch to whatever refresh rate is appropriate for the according video frame rate.

Basically you want the refresh rate to be an exact multiple (read: not a fraction) of the original frame rate, like 72Hz for 24fps content (3x).  However, this also means you don't want to use 72Hz for 48fps content (1.5x) and instead would have to use 48Hz (no interpolation) or 96Hz (2x).

I thought you can set only built-in monitor's profile, isn't it.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If you have 60Hz monitor then you can try to overclock it to 72HZ, NOT 75. I did that and I literally forgot what artifacting is. Then I overclocked it to 96 (24x4) and still no artifacts but more fluid motion.

It was so good that once I saw color/light artifacting I was like WTF was that?! Color artifacting is the only one which still can be seen on 72/96 and other modes like this. When I say color artifacting it's when you see police light blinking from red to blue on the same area for example and other light changing episodes.

TV herz information may e sole marketing. When you hear 600Hz it surely means marketing when they add interpolated HZ to real HZ. What you want to find is real HZ information. PC Monitors usually don't have that marketing BS.


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I use 96Hz and also 2core mobile i5. In my case Auto gives good performance and I even increase settings.

4x multiplier and other equal (2, 3) are very easy compared to others. So either you don't use GPU OpenCL or Auto settings are really overoptimistic.
Whil playing video hold cursor on SVP tray icon and check what it gonna say.

What player do you use? Unlike nintendo I don't suggest setting bilinear scalng and fullscreen dx. I set bicubic 0.75 because it looks better.

Этот чел от скромности не умрет) http://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=284

Chainik wrote:

Дайте хотя бы в частном порядке приобрести лицензию иным способом
присылайте номер карты, имя на карте, срок действия и CVV big_smile

Присылайте через меня! У меня дешевле! big_smile

Может "процессорное" в смысле на medium пресете)


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

What you say is converting video to 60 fps. Follow youtube link here http://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3099

для 60fps думаю, что и CRF18 норм вполне будет.
Hybrid - самое лучшее решение для кодирование во что угодно, из того, что я пробовал.

Попробуй эту версию. Что скажешь?

Я думал, что после фразы "текущие не радуют" будет что-то вроде "Ваша лицензия потерялась и найти не представляется возможным":)

Это на новом SVP или 3-м?

You can try using version 2.6 MT SVP Edition CRC32 - AA455D77. Download 3.1.7 and take it


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I believe that SVP's one would be with much better quality. Heck, sometimes after I enable SVP I see better prediction of some particles than I would predict myself looking frame by frame! Just look how SVP interpolates frames of dropping liquid over the face here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRUSQm5ZskQ


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Just my 2c. I thought about SVP doing deinterlace many times myself. but I guess it won't happen sad


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Windows 10?

I can't see ffdshow filter in player settings too.

Tell me please, did you launch 4GBPatch.exe as Admin?

Edit: maybe file is already patched, and therefore checksumms do not change.