
(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

please either provide direct download link or upload problem video to some file sharing hosting
we don't read Chinese here


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

i'll transfer new contributions info to our internal database on a weekend
try again next week


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Note that you need 32-bit version of the package


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I uninstalled SVP 3.1.7 to test out 4

- Install SVP 3.1.7, ensure that it's working correctly,
- Install SVP 4 Technical Preview to the different folder,
- Exit SVP 3 Manager before running SVP 4 Manager as they can't be running simultaneously.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Will there be other payment methods than Paypal?

I don't think so


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

YT streams higher than 720p has no audio so video player has to open TWO streams simultaneously (video + audio).
Currently it's only supported in MPC-HC and MPC-BE players.


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

it's just a bad rip
SVP can't automatically cut black bars that are not actually black
you can cut them off manually


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

...also SVP currently supports YV12 only
dealing with RGB after madVR's upscaling needs major modifications in SVP libs itself and will drop performance a lot


выключить "NVIDIA CUVID" в LAV Video decoder, поменять на "DXVA2 (copy-back)"

"EVR" и "EVR CP" могут быть двумя большими разницами


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

take a look at QTGMC performance
ok, let's say it will be 2 times faster with SVP's core libraries

(and it won't)

so what? even 5 times performance increase will be too small for a real time usage


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

can we maybe talk about alternative APIs/interfaces?

I think it's pointless unless madVR will host some frame server by itself.

I vote for the Vapoursynth (cause it's licensed under LGPL and has working 64-bit version)


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I personally think that

1. interlaced video is a past, it's something like VHS now big_smile
2. every Intel's or NV's user have an option to do high quality HW deinterlace right in the video decoder

Would it be hard for SVP to "export" motion information for other filters (or e.g. madVR) to reuse?

Right now SVP is just an Avisynth filter.
Link with avisynth.dll, run the script, feed it with video frames and you'll get motion vectors from the SVAnalyse function.

try it with any 60 fps video, w/o SVP enabled
then post the issue to the madVR's author smile

Это вообще никак не связано с версией SVP - 3.1.6, 3.1.7 или 4.0

Или поменялся видеодрайвер, и в нем что-то сломалось, или вместе с 3.1.7 обновился MPC-HC, и что-то сломалось в нем.
Надо поперебирвать варианты в Вид - Настройки - Воспроизведение - Вывод.
Начать с простого "Расширенный видео рендерер", ну или madVR.


it seems your code also has 'support' for plain AVX instructions in calculating pixel metrics. Do you have any idea why someone would have put floating-point AVX together with the other integer SSE2 optimizations?

I prefer to think that x264 guys are extremely experienced with all that stuff big_smile

I don't see any vectorizing or parallelizing hints to the compiler in the source code
... /Qipo

parallelization is a cheating big_smile
we're already in heavy multi-threaded environment and we're not interested in single-threaded performance

Have you ever run a performance profiler on the complete SVP program

very long time ago, I don't remember actual numbers

I will also take a look to see if there are any easy ways to optimise some of the most expensive functions and then post the code (if any, I'm probably being way to optimistic) for review.

I believe we've already optimized that code as much as it's possible

w/o changing the algorithm, of cause
Still it'd be very interesting if you could achieve better results smile

I believe most of the work is done in PlaneOfBlocks, yes?

To be more specific, in the "search.cpp" file


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Is that all that's needed to get V4 when it is released?


I've made a few optimized compiles of the latest Open-Source svpflow1.dll library with the 2015 version of the Intel Compiler on Visual Studio 2013

You can just share your settings cause we're using exactly the same toolchain smile
And I don't expect "AVX" could be any faster than "SSE2" one, still the main bottleneck is in x264 asm code.

I only post them incase there are some users that would like an (at least partially) ICL compiled SVP

SVPflow libs are compliled with ICL since ver.1.1.14 - http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p … ost1718861


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

fixed now


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

We're having some issues with PayPal right now...
It's not so easy to get $30K to the PayPal account smile

But I hope it'll be resolved on the next Monday.

The Protagonist
Intel HD graphics 4600 would that be enough for 60fps@1080p playback?

yes, but w/o madVR


а) перешить в лайтпак big_smile несколько лайтпаков точно работают, проверено

б) пейнтпак работает через спец. прокладку (k8062d/e, назовем её "драйвером"), не знаю, может быть там что-то сильно поменялось. Можно попробовать обновить k8062d.dll и k8062e.exe в SVP/Plugins на такие же из крайнего амбибокса

Мне сложно что-то более конкретное сразу сказать, у меня не осталось пейнтпаков.

А как перешивать я уже забыл  big_smile

Что можно предпринять...?

перепрошить их в лайтпак  big_smile