(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Check OpenCL log. If there're nothing there you may need to reinstall graphics drivers.


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> What work would be happening in a paused video renderer?

you'd better ask this MPC-HC's authors


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

it works unless you also pressed the red "stop" button
"do frame rate conversion" pressed -> interpolation + resize + black bars, etc.
"do frame rate conversion" not pressed ->
- "stop" not pressed -> resize + black bars, etc.
- "stop" pressed -> nothing at all, like with disabled SVP


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

create an mpv's log file (--log-file option), maybe it will tell why there's no video for more than 5 secs


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

turn on resize, turn off interpolation

on your pics "SVP indicates : Auto + 3D SBS" just becasue you have a ".3D." tag in a file name

> Which program or filter should generate the full-sized over-under stereo pair (1920*2160) ?


- Install Intel Media SDK DLLs.
- Open Internal filters -> Video decoders page and mark the H264 (MVC 3D) checkbox.
- Open the video and choose the desired stereo mode in View -> Stereo 3D Mode sub-menu, i.e. "OverUnder"

you should see a 1920*2160 video then

the thing is you must see a full-sized over-under stereo pair (1920*2160) when 3d mode is off
if you do see it then 3d mode should work exactly as with a plain stereo pair


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

reinstall graphics drivers

last time I watched BD3D in MPC-BE and the steps from the page above worked

какая-то софтина в черном окне открывается один раз в жизни

так же как mpc-hc

> Нельзя ли снять это ограничение?

Снять то можно, но чем еще помочь я так пока не знаю. Не от нас зависит, а от стороннего компонента.
$ /Applications/"SVP 4 Mac".app/Contents/Resources/utils/vulkaninfo > vk.log
и vk.log сюда.

попробуйте вот это: https://www.svp-team.com/files/svp4-mac.4.6.246.dmg

> You wrote that until 1440p, it is only doing one pass without perf boost. How is the situation for 2160p videos?

from 0 to 1440; from 1440 to 2160
so with default settings you should see this command window only two times (in a lifetime big_smile)


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> What am I missing?

MPC-HC x64?

Performance boost: TensorRT only. Increase performance up to ~5% and lower memory usage in exchange for running a 5-10-minutes optimization pass in a command-line window for _every_ new video resolution. Previous runs are cached. For example, you're opening a 1080p video for the first time, you'll wait 5+ mins. Every other 1080p videos will start instantly, but when the frame size changes due to, for example, black bars cut off, you'll wait another 5+ mins.

With "perf boost" off there's only ONE optimization run for all resolutions below 1440p.


if it actually doing something (check CPU/GPU load) then you just have to wait more...

> Do these settings actually do something when using RIFE?


> what does the screen threshhold % actually do?

check if two adjacent frames are in different scenes or not, i.e. the frames are the same (but slightly moved) or completely different. if yes then there's no interpolation between these frames.


is it possible you have some older version of svpflow2_vs.dll somewhere, in a Vapoursynth autoload folder?

install https://github.com/AviSynth/AviSynthPlu … 220317.exe


must be this version:
> Main: module 'plugins64/svpflow2_vs.dll':

> I installed everything new today.

and what version do you have?


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

there're no errors here
just wait for the end of the process

check the log

> Как BREW может добавить профиль?

brew никак, просто после установки начинает работать "Vulkan info", ну и при налчиии Vulkan-девайса должен появиться профиль
но в вашем случае не сработало, потому что OpenCL и Vulkan возвращают разные названия
даже не знаю как это без апдейта обойти hmm

a quick fix for possible crash with non-integer FRC rate (i.e. x2.5) in MPC-HC (via Vapoursynth Filter)
replace the file in SVP 4\rife