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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by MAG79
Ждем скриншот и два текстовика. Они многое прояснят.
Прогнал тесты на своей домашней системе Core i7 920, 2.66 ГГц + GTX 260 на трех nVidia-драйверах:
- обновление с 266.58 до 275.33: падение производительности на 2,7%
- обновление с 275.33 до 280.26: падение производительности еще на 5%
Вывод неутешительный. С каждой версией nVidia-драйверов OpenCL работает все тормознее и тормознее.
Откатился на 266.58
Добавил в базу данных результаты ноута eMachines E732G.
Графика AMD Radeon HD 6550M определилась как "Radeon HD 6500M/5600/5700".
Я пока на даче, на нетбуке живу. Когда доберусь до своей домашней тачки - обязательно проверю на Core i7 + GTX260.
nVidia таки добавила себе поддержку OpenCL 1.1?
Да. Вот что пишут:
OpenCL v1.1 support is included in publicly available NVIDIA drivers version 280.13 or later on the driver download page
Цитата отсюда.
на 280.26 дровах я уже гонял SVPMark - всё работало
Я рад. Падения производительности не было замечено?
На хоботе Kerg сообщил о проблеме.
Рекомендую проверить работает ли с 275.33?
Если да, то значит nVidia что-то сломали (
А сейчас прошу подтверждения насчет работы дров 275.33. Если они заработают, то напишем в FAQ о несовместимости новых дров nVidia с SVP и SVPMark'ом.
1) splitter. You can switch on/off using of internal splitters in MPC: View - Options - Internal Filters - Source Filters (see pic);
2) decoder. You can switch on/off using of internal decoders in MPC: View - Options - Internal Filters - Transform Filters (see pic); When internal decoder is off you can choose which decoder to use: View - Options - External Filters.
3) renderer. You can choose it from View - Options - Playback - Ouput.
I usually use: 1) Matroska Haali + 2) CoreAVC + 3) EVR Sync
Could additional instructions like "SelectEvery" be entered somewhere???
Yes. You can add it manually.
1. Open video and wait for OSD-message "Smooth playback" (green triangle at SVP-icon in system tray).
2. At SVP-icon menu: Show - AVS-script from last play.
3. In opened script add line with SelectEvery just after ffdShow_source line and add multiplying of 2 to multinum value.
svp_flow_lib="C:\Program Files\SVP 3.0.3\Plugins\MVTools2\libflowsse.dll"
hei_den=1LoadPlugin ("C:\Program Files\SVP 3.0.3\Plugins\MVTools2\mvtools2.dll")
Assert(width==640 && height==272,"Frame size "+string(width)+"x"+string(height)+" instead of 640x272")
WriteFileStart("C:\Documents and Settings\amankovskiy\Application Data\SVP\Logs\avsFPS.txt", "FramerateNumerator()", "delim", "FramerateDenominator()")
4. Close script with saving changes.
5. Rewind in player. Changed script will be applied.
But I can not guarantee smooth and jerky free result because of multi-threaded SVP script don't like changed frame order at input. SelectEvery does change frame order. Changed script produce lags at scene changes moments at video to me at my system.
I think, restoring frame rate to original before use SVP is the best idea
SVP would detect video and film mode within the 720p50 material automatically
It will be great, but now it is fantastic.
Тест завалился на подтесте передачи данных system -> GPU.
Какой номер версии Ваших драйверов nVidia?
Рекомендуется WHQL-драйвер 275.33
Unfortunately, I'm not a DVBViewer user.
What happen when run DVBViewer with ffdShow but without SVP launched?
Try this:
I found that if we disable fast channel switching in DVBViewer then no error occurred and there is no need to resize video by ffdshow.
(Settings -> TV+Radio -> Fast Channel Switching).
One active user of SVP (gaunt) had the same problem with jerkiness on Athlon, he couldn't find out but bought Core i5.
You can ask him about details.
The simple advises of make SVP work better are:
- to run DPC Latency Checker and look to its results, it is must be below 1000 ns;
- to kill all other processes from task manager when run SVP;
- to clean system / to reinstall windows...
Why your videos from Sat are 50 fps?
Are all frames different or there are frames-duplicates in video?
SVP is not supported frames-duplicates. At least current version.
You should to restore original framereate before using SVP.
About messagebox about wrong (big) framerate. It is left video or not correct DS-Splitter. Change it to another.
I don´t yet know how to interpret the SVPmark results
http://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVPmark see description.
Yours scores are MG524 and MC303, what means 524 GPU-scores vs 303 CPU-scores. GPU-acceleration is working, but only in synthetic tests.
The result of Real-life subtests is N/A.
It is because of this line:
48 fps - vectors search: N/A
I dont know why vectors search subtest is not working on your system.
Hello, Wolpers.
1. First of all you should check item "Core2Duo profiles" when install SVP (pic).
2. After change ATI/AMD videocard to nVidia you must to uninstall all old video-drivers. Use special utilies for complete remove old drivers from your system. After that install nVidia WHQL-driver 275.33 or oldest. New ones has OpenCL 1.1 which are not completely supported by SVP yet.
3. At any time you can run SVPMark test to compare results with and without GPU.
Good luck
Thank you for bug report. We will fix it next release.
No. DS-filters are:
1) splitter
2) decoder
3) renderer
You can check it from MPC context menu: Filters.
i will have the little jerkiness in movies?
No. I mean: You can get NO jerkiness in movies if you will take patience and will do little test of smoothness on your PC with different DS-filters.
will the nvidia cards peform better than amd with their phys x?
PhysX is not used. Which card is better - I don't know. I have nVidia card. It works fine.
About next version release date. Perhaps it will be august
Thanks for the program
Thank you
There are some magic in three DS-components interaction: splitter, decoder and renderer. Decoder LAVCuvid for example is "not like" some splitters and renderers.
You have to change one-by-one each of these DS-filters and see result on your monitor with Tearing test (by menu SVP or by Ctrl-Shift-T) and smoothness on to screen refresh rate.
You should see line moving on screen. Its movement must be smooth and judder/jerky free.
You can add new profile while playing video with deintarlacing. You should see something like 720x480@60 (or 720x576@50). Click "Save", then open profile settings window and choose "smoothness improvement: Do not smoothing video".
After that go to menu, switch it to Expert interface and check item "Profile select settings: Profile filter by framerate".
That's all. Now SVP will automatically use this profile with no smoothing when playing deinterlaced DVD.
i'd like to know how I go to 100% were an i7 920 goes only to 55%
I use GPU-acceleration, CoreAVC CUDA and EVR Sync.
If your video is shown slower than sound it is mean that your processor is not powerful enough for this profile settings. See SVP-index in the performance graphs window.
every time i play 1080p movies it just shut down
Please give as detailed info: SVP tray menu - show - additional information. The problem there somewhere.
Did you try this?
You can change qpel to hpel and reduce radius from 2 to 1 px.
SVP is compatible with MadVR. I have no troubles then using them in same time.
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by MAG79
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