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Do I still need Avisynth installed? Cause otherwise I can't even install SVP core.
yeah, but this's only an installation app limitation
you can uninstall Avisynth after installing SVP and the Manager will work with Avisynth+
or just place Avisynth+ dll into video player's folder
but you'll need r1779 or later!
ты держи в курсе!
а то может крайний MPC-HC 1.7.9 - "кривой"?
примерно через равные промежутки времени происходит подтормаживание картинки
значит частота монитора сильно не равна частоте видео
Вот собсна и вопрос как это воспринимать? Как чудо!? Иле так надо?
Определялка профилей, и сами профили, не менялись.
Наверное быстродействие системы где-то на грани между 3 и 4.
- Try to run 'clinfo.exe' from utils subfolder. Will it work?
- Reinstall graphics drivers
does anyone know what causes this and how to fix it?
find the log in C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\Logs\log.txt and post it here
Just for experimentation, I'd be interested in an option that eliminates from the video all frames that aren't unique and replaces them with interpolated frames.
MysterySomeone doesn't like how you manage errorsobviously it's not about managing errors but just a forgotten piece of debug code
how exactly it's related to Interframe?
I believe SubJunk was working hard to find these particular settings combinations...
when I watch anime the SVP changes profile randomly and refreshes the profile
it can be due to variable frame rate in the video
1. don't watch videos from that source
2. use "variable frame rate repair" option
3. if nothing helps - post here MediaInfo for the video and SVP's "last launch log"
but maybe that's changed since I last investigated … eea22071f8
ошибки поиска "API-MS-WIN-***" в depends.exe не говорят ни о чем
так и должно быть
what is DSS2?
source filter. it actually reads the source file.
you're missing 'avss.dll'
may be you should stick to the guide, step by step?
so, obviously there's no function named dss2
More interesting is mpv should be complied with gcc while VS is compiled with VC++, so they are not linking together in Windows
I really don't like the idea of rebuilding VS too.
Will the new svp release be fully opensource?
This site confuses me, I don't see any Inbox or such thing here!
try to check your email inbox...
ithehappyI have sent you an email yesterday, you didn't replyi've replied. 20 hours ago.
I don't understand these things at all!
Just give me the link already!
Mysteryyou said the p-word!
"It was occurred by over-hitting AD board in monitor".
So, I think... my problem is occurred by monitor overclocking.
I'm not so sure that monitor "overclocking" leads to higher power consumption.
James D
функция подсветки отключалась бы при выходе из Fullscreen
SVP вообще никак не знает, каким макаром сейчас открыто окно плеера.
Tried to run it under Windows... mpv keeps telling me that "Option vf: vapoursynth doesn't exist."
If I understand it correctly it means mpv was compiled w/o "--with-vapoursynth". The one downloaded from here.
So I have to compile it myself first, right?
God, I LOVE the "unix way" of thinking
I can't find a PM option!
click on my username
ithehappyyou can send me .torrent in private
it's not a crime
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