Есть видео фильмы типа IMAX, где часть фильма 16:9, а часть широкоэкранка. В итоге, чтобы красиво сделать фильм 16:9 c включенной подсветкой краев там, где они нужны и полным кадром там где, он в режиме IMAX, нужно будет... сдаться при просмотре на лету, либо вручную резать на куски и конвертить в Xvid4PSP, а потом собирать для последующего просмотра. Так ясно? раз в 100 лет, говорите?


(3 replies, posted in Флуд)

Это либо результат плохого некачественного деинтерлейса, либо сам интерлейс. Советую попробовать включить деинтерлейс в видеодекодере и посмотреть поможет ли.


(13 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

я имел в виду что то, что сжимается в Hi10p, исходно все-равно 8-битное
В ветке по кодеру h265 все сошлись на мысли, что кодирование с 10bit кодером, пусть даже и исходника в 8 бит, улучшает готовую картинку.

Lemme guess... If you set decoder to Intel QS or None or DXVA it works but with CUDA it doesn't?

Check Mediainfo. How much symbols does it have in its header? I know that mkvmerge used to double header's length somehow even though you see it as usual so if it has long encode settings written... crash.

Try to mux in mp4 with Yamb and then remux in mkv with mkvmerge.

Возможно в течении года плееры научатся работать с VRR и мало, что пользователям Нвидиа и АМД reclock не нужен будет, так еще и можно будет расслабиться в вопросах артефактов/апгрейда процессора благодаря целому множителю (2х, 3х) с улучшенной плавностью.
http://anandtech.com/show/9303/nvidia-l … bile-gsync

Finally, NVIDIA is also noting at this time that Windowed G-Sync is primarily for gaming applications, so movie viewers looking to get perfect timing in their windowed media players will be out of luck for the moment. The issue here isn’t actually with Windowed G-Sync, but rather current media players do not know about variable refresh technology and will always attempt to run at the desktop refresh rate. Once media players become Windowed G-Sync aware, it should be possible to have G-Sync work with media playback as well.


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I really suggest using these settings for Filling Black bars on FullHD monitor. Also I increase film's size (NUM_9 for Potplayer) somewhat so it wouldn't be that wide. Because trust me, you MUST do that with Lighting effect. You visually lie to your brain that you see a bigger picture, right? Your brain adopts itself to this thinking that all image gives you useful information. At the end you get what I got: watching Godzilla I didn't feel Godzilla. It should be HUGE but I didn't have that feeling.


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It doesn't turn interpolation on if input frame rate is close to desired output. The gap is setting up in config.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Increase settings. Doubleclick SVP icon when playing FHD video.

vadsevreg wrote:

James D
Вы патчили экзешник плеера с 4GB patch?

Нет. Хз что это


vadsevreg wrote:

может для чистоты эксперимента запустить на этой сборке?
На некоторых файлах ошибка появлялась при 2.5гб

Вы патчили экзешник плеера с 4GB patch?
У меня эта сборка. При установке плеера хоть пункт "заказать пиццу по завершению установки плеера" выставьте, но не выбираете SVP, а потом сами отдельно устанавливаете и настраиваете.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm also dumping the new SVP

Let's make it clear. There is no "new SVP" yet. At least for any non-beta tester.
The latest for you is SVP 3.1.6. + official hotfix + additional hotfixes found in some topics. And personal modding which includes avisynth and plugins replaces and whatever other you choose.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

They were working on it but they met severe problems. I couldn't say details about possible x64 release date even if I knew, same about it's current situation. All I can say however, don't expect RC in the closest future.

Yessss, download GPU drivers from GPU site and make clean install (checkbox). Then doublecheck that GPU acceleration in SVP is checked for Nvidia.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

and AVS 2.6 SVP Edition:

Where can we get it? Is there an opened link?  wink roll


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I tried MadVR for half an hour once and never since = happy user smile


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

tobindax wrote:

Wait. You mean to tell me SVP has a main library core that is updated without the main version? That should be fundamentally more pronounced on the front page or download pages or just update the downloads.

Yes, main library core has been updated which can be used for its main purpose - frame interpolation script. But it was meant to be "easy to miss" because frame interpolation script is not the same as whole SVP Manager with real-time frame X>Y transition in player.
That is exactly why people see those bugs because it wasn't tested on SVP 3.1.6. It is tested by Beta-testers for now and it is not just those 2 core dlls that are different in the upcoming SVP build.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Sorry, language barrier here. And I'm not a developer by any means, I'm typical member, just testing beta. And not russian too.

I meant that on that video the astronaut's move had been flickered too.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

AVS 2.6 Should be in SysWow64, AVS+ in player's folder.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

OK, I spent my time again for testing this and recording video http://youtu.be/V3nN30xqEC8 :
1. I got this stuttering after I lowered "step size of net" from 12 to 8.
2. It depends on thread count.
3. I used AVS 2.6MT SET's version.
4. NVIDIA: threads# 13 = troubles. Thread#14 = no troubles. After restart such behavior kept. After using "another" Avisynth, Chainik, flickering was gone.
5. Intel HD = some strange troubles no matter how many threads. BUT... after restart it without text flickering but with cosmonaut rare flickering no matter how many threads. After couple minutes text flickering came back.
6. Using Bandicam recording affects flickering: both cause and disable in different siuations.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Nintendo Maniac 64, might be that different overclocking gives such variable result.

possible cause of choppy real-time playback is when threads gang up (e.g. their results arrive in "waves"). In that case they still deliver the same performance on average, but not evenly distributed in every short time window.

So you use Avisynth 2.5.8 SVP edition. Then try to put Avisynth 2.6 MT in the player's folder and try to play with thread number.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I told it's not acknowledged by devs. I got this bug in some videos on November 2014 with Avisynth 2.6MT and after new dlls came out recently I wrote that this shimmering/flickering/dropping appeared on every video and became more severe.

Except for every other man it is needed to go deep into knowledge about memory requirements for every type of script where i heard many times "why did you put so big value", "well, try to put bigger value now" etc.
It's much easier to use 2 scenarios instead: 1 - just do not write anything about memory if you use single thread and save your time; and 2 - Write SetMemoryMax(1024) if you use multiple threads.
Much safer for anyone who doesn't consider himself as Pro in AVS scriptbuilding and you let AVS to do its own memory allocating job in Single Tread scenarious.

In your first link is clearly written that its for rare scenarios with MT builds but when script acts as ST, Avisynth should work the same, no? And default for 2.58 ST is 512. And it didn't help for that poster.

Some of the 32bit MT-builds do not impose the standard framecache limitations, (consider it a bug)


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You need to disable rightclick>video> video fiters of processing

Disable SVP - это полное отключение всего: Интерполяции+Автоподрезки+Подсветки. А новая опция в трэй меню отключала бы интерполяцию для всех профилей, а не для какого-то.

Тем-более интерполяция довольно затратный процесс для процессора и если например поставил ПК на работу какую-то (архивирование/разархивирование, установку игры, кодирование и т.д.) и в это время решил посмотреть фильм, чтоб не тупо ждать - не хочется терять Автоподрезку и Подсветку, к которой уже привык. А если еще и разного разрешения смотреть видео?

Тем-более, что домохозяйкам достаточно Простого режима отображения.