... or switch to VP9 streams


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

What's a good utility for verifying the AviSynth.dll being used?

upcoming SVP release big_smile

time for 64-bit

- you don't need it  big_smile
- current build of AVS+ x64 have some vital issues with ffdshow x64


(7 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

После установки нового БП SVP отказалась корректно работать

Звучит странно.
Мы же все понимаем, что работа SVP никак не зависит от БП, да?
Значит если ситуация именно такая, как описано, то надо заменить 600 Вт на 650 Вт  big_smile
Единственное, что зависит от БП - рабочие напряжения. Значит можно посмотреть на просадки напряжений/частот на CPU/GPU во время работы под тяжелой нагрузкой.

Но доктор Хаус учит нас что "все врут", поэтому мне кажется что происходило что-то еще, кроме замены БП...


(16 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Interpolation up to 144 fps requires some mid-range video card plus needs more attention to both video driver and video renderer settings.

Getting FullHD @144 fps from i7 w/o any external video card can be rather tricky.


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

this one



(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

James D

The issue about ffdshow buffers is fixed in the latest AVS+ commit on github.
In fact that commit is extremely essential for SVP but it wasn't "officially" released yet.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

can mobile devices properly render 60fps?

Not all of them and not in any resolution. 50 fps video has better chance to be played back w/o frame drops than 60 fps and output to external screen via MHL usually works better.

iXBT.com lab always make video playback tests in every mobile device review,  but it's in Russian...


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)



(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Attached is my edited generate.js file.

yeah  big_smile
it should be


for latest AVS+ builds

James D

you may want to set internal ffdshow buffers to some larger values (20 frames for example) for AVS+ to work correctly wink
just an advice...


(12 replies, posted in Флуд)

так надо ж не "ffdshow video decoder", а "ffdshow raw filter"


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

while the CPU is running @ 17%

obviously you're doing something wrong and it's not running in MT mode


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

are you saying there is already a newer build of AVS+ MT that actually works?

latest public one was r1779


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If ffdshow runs - SVP runs. If not then not.
What exactly is your question? Why DirectShow filters are in use in some "weird" places?


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Everyone can get AVS+ MT  hmm it isn't secret
And it needs only three lines of JS code to make SVP work with it.


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

James D
I noticed that you like to protect old technologies and classic ways even if you know arguments against it

not even close big_smile

but I know AVS 2.6 in any way is not a "new technology" comparing to AVS 2.5
and I know x64 gives nothing to SVP

still AVS+ is great and we're looking forward to make it the base for SVP x32/x64


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)


There's no "new Avisynth".
AVS 2.5.8 "SVP edition" was aimed at reducing memory consumption only, it had the same peak performance as "official" build.
We're still not sure it's really needed to mess with AVS 2.6 RC 1/2/3 "SVP editions".

For re-encoding AVS+ is the best choice.


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

James D

You've just opened my eyes  big_smile
FYI - we're working together with ultim to make AVS+ x32/x64 as good as possible for SVP wink
I hope the next public release of AVS+ will make a big step toward.

But "classical" AVS x64 is dead.

К тому же CUDA стремительно развивается и постоянно обновляется, пока OpenCL получает новую версию только по мере крайней нужды.

интересная точка зрения  big_smile
один стремительно обновляющий куду производитель уже два (или уже больше?) года как не может родить драйвер с поддержкой OpenCL 1.2, чем мастерски тормозит внедрение новых фич OCL в реальном ПО
OCL 2.0, видимо, еще пятилетку будет "делать"


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

And when do you expect to release the next version of SVP?

two months ago  big_smile


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

x64 SVP isn't possible w/o x64 Avisynth


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Just remembered another issue - default serial port speed 115200 is too low for 60 hz updates. Increase it to 460800 (on both ends, in Arduino and in Prismatik).


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Try 99  wink


(10 replies, posted in Флуд)


Что-то определенное не позволяет использовать способы перечисленные выше?
В Казахстане не доступен Paypal?  hmm


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

How many leds?


(171 replies, posted in Using SVP)

AviSynth 2.6 MT ?

This is the biggest pain in the ass.
We're not happy enough with avs 2.6.
The upcoming version will be just a bridge between avs 2.5 and avs+, as we're working together with AVS+ author to optimize it for real-time processing.