(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)

we already have cheap 100$ xeon e5 2670


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

17.2 works fine on my end. I use mpv + 7850

Неплохо было бы и svp4 совместимую версию залить

LUL можно же в 1 кнопку в staxrip перекодировать, а они отдельную прогу хотят

Artifacts around edges only visible with white x white action big_smile


looks fine to me

analyse.main.levels            = 3;
analyse.main.search.distance        = -8;
analyse.refine[0]            = {search:{distance:-6}};
analyse.refine[1]            = {search:{distance:-4}};
Sujet wrote:

Здравствуйте, Только что скачал Смотрю плавное видео.
Но я то хотел сохранить его?
Но в пункте-Информация-ДополнительнаяИнформация- ТОЛЬКО -Конфигурация OpenCL!
! Ни какого скрипта нет.
Подскажите пожалуйста где его искать?

win+R -> %appdata%\SVP4\scripts

imo x64 is the way to go. Try either mpv (best but harder to setup), potplayer or vlc.

да вот так будет выглядеть

Без целого множителя svp как-то много артефактов допускает

24->96 (x4 в свп) и потом реклок или мпв до 100


(70 replies, posted in Using SVP)

maybe start with poll ? Add it to SVP on next update and analyze it in month


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Welll you cna install it on friend PC and unregister it after that.

MPC-HC 64-bit and 32 gb ram crashing ?

Hecadoth wrote:

I'd like the best maxed-out optimal settings for anime shows as the reddit thread that I visited shown settings a year ago.

Preferably one with artifacts masking disabled as I rather have the artifacts shown to enjoy the smoothness of the animation but if you have a way to minimize artifacts while having artifacts masking disabled, that'll be great!

I have an Intel Core i7 6700 and NVIDIA GTX 980 Ti (Not sure if graphic card has a part to play in it but I would just put it here)


Preset posted here:

Nikolai Smirnoff wrote:

Yeah, I tried the optimized settings for film and animation for their respective media, but I couldn't tell much of a difference. Granted, I've almost been using SVP exclusively for anime since I got it, and have a better eye for detail in that than I do in movies at this point.

Under the hood, what kind of settings do the film and animation optimizations influence?

Check this:

Preset posted here:

radeon 7800 + win10 у меня все четко, загрузка на 0 без SVP

Да вот с картинками
http://lumpics.ru/how-to-configure-utor … -download/

Snejniy wrote:

Тоже юзаю Ace player, лень качать 10-20 гигов перед просмотром. Можно ли как-то svp настроить на него?

Блин вот же оно
Как скачает 10-20% уже можно смотреть любым плеером с асинхронной поддержкой.

ReClock is be(a)st for watching on close to optimal fps. For example:
24 -> 72 fps (svp) -> slow down audio and video to 70Hz with reclock
24*7 -> 168 -> slowdown to 165

I will get home tommorow and recheck this one


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Run as admin ?

Its kinda works


profile-desc=cond:get('container_fps', 0) > 29.5 and get('container_fps', 0) < 30.5

profile-desc=cond:get('container_fps', 0) > 24.5 and get('container_fps', 0) < 25.5

profile-desc=cond:get('container_fps', 0) > 23.9 and get('container_fps', 0) <= 24

profile-desc=cond:get('container_fps', 0) > 23 and get('container_fps', 0) <= 23.9

But u need to press "_" twice to reload video (#_ cycle video setting). Thanks for new plugin mate.

GPU скорее всего перегружен, проверяй настрйоки madvr


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I use Kodi + mpv. Guide posted somehwere here in forums. DSplayer  is garbage

Там скорее всего 23.97 мне такие рипы и не только аниме попадались. В mpv можно зафорсить частоту источника (fps=23.978)

I agree. using 72/96/120/144 Hz monitor is the BEST artifact reducing setting you can possible have. One of my monitors wont overclock to 72 Hz so I use 71 Hz + reclock. Harder to set up but almost same effect.