on my laptop with AMD video card I can't make MPC-HC to render with AMD's card
may be it's a common issue  hmm

It appears that the media playing programs are locked. This can be in part due to protected content is not able to be played off of the secondary GPU. There is no workaround to make the secondary GPU default.

try to lower "resizer" option in "view -> options -> playback -> output" then

view -> options -> playback -> output > "enhanced video renderer (custom presenter)"

then press Ctrl+J while playing the video and check the line with "Render device"

you may need to set up usage of gtx880m for mpc-hc in NVidia control panel

video player? video renderer set in the player? video card model?

MPC-HC + EVR + any video card better than Intel's one should handle this

just take a look at console window while ffmpeg is running, it should show all the truth


(46 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Just to be sure we're all on the same page:
- ensure SVPtube is running under the same Windows user as you are - NOT with Administrative privileges
- open some "encrypted" YT video, lets take this one as a reference - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jxWUUO4aqk
- open Explorer, enter "%temp%" into the address line and then "YT" into the search box


Before that:
- run "regedit"
- go to HCKU\Software\SVP-Team\SVptube and delete "decoders" key

This test version is logging only "encrypted" videos cause the previous issue (in ver.1.2.0) was about decryption of the encrypted signatures.
May be the current problem is somewhere else  hmm


(22 replies, posted in Using SVP)

YouTube is widely distributed system, the changes made in one area just can't be spread worldwide instantly.
It can take days, or weeks, in fact I don't really know how it works big_smile

So, this link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jxWUUO4aqk - is now working in my area (in Russia in fact).
I can only do something if (and when) it'll stop to work here.

Try the test build from there


(46 replies, posted in Using SVP)



(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

large red box?  hmm
never heard of it...
is it the full frame filled with red/green or a box OVER existing frame?

I don't know what's causing it, but I know it is SVP.

what exactly makes you thinks it's SVP's issue? and not madVR's, for example?


(46 replies, posted in Using SVP)

OK, here's the special test build to collect some debug information.
Find a video with "getting info for video" issue and then in %TEMP% find the file named "YT-xxxxxx.log". If there're several files just choose the latest one (by creation time).


(46 replies, posted in Using SVP)

"Daft Punk - Something About Us" working for me.

May be there's another issue but I really can't fix it until I'll see it myself. Lets wait for a few days...

since this's an endless story please leave all future questions there


(22 replies, posted in Using SVP)

This issue just can't be solved forever.

This's how it works:
- we have YouTube link
- with this link we can get some additional info which contains URLs to each of media streams PLUS a "signature" - it's like a "password" to accessing those media streams
- "signature" is an encoded text string that should be decoded to produce the valid URL

This "decoding" procedure is continuously changing and upgrading by Google and this's the main reason why SVPtube (or some other YT downloader) accidentally stops working.


Please leave any comment about not working YT links here.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Fixed in SVPtube 1.2.1


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Fixed in SVPtube 1.2.1

значит или плеер x64, или ffdshow не установлен
чудес не бывает


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

- check MPC-HC settings - http://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:MPC-HC
- ensure "ffdshow raw video" is actually in use
- ensure MPC-HC isn't running with administrator priveleges


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

it has been stuck on "Getting info for video (videourl)..."

it should be fixed in that 1.2.1 beta build too


(25 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

ну дык, QTGMC выглядит лучше чем VA начиная с уровня medium


(25 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

Там все наглядно на картинках.

не хватает сравнения с QTGMC wink

эта утилита от авторов SVP


даже 4 строчки "инструкции" не прочитать полностью?
"запустить "Командную строку" (достаточно в окне поиска написать "cmd") с правами Администратора"


(25 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

Современные железки содержат точно такие же алгоритмы, написанные на точно том же языке высокого уровня.
Любой алгоритм из железки можно адаптировать / запустить на ПК. Но не наоборот. Т.к. ресурсы у ПК условно бесконечны, а у любой железки - конечны.

При одинаковом алгоритме железка выиграет у ПК в эффективности (скорости, потреблении), но не в качестве.

В качестве железка может выиграть если
а) в железке содержится какой-то волшебный алгоритм, который никто не смог реализовать на ПК (что вряд ли)
б) она знает что-то, чего не знает ПК (например, при обработке чистого аналога так и будет)

Поэтому вопрос "с какого фига аппаратный деинтерлейс <уже вполне цифрового TS> всегда лучше программного?" вполне  имеет право на жизнь.
А твердая убежденность в таком превосходстве может быть поставлена под сомнение wink

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