That solution is useless performance wise, at least as I tested but it should work, provide full script. You get better performance without even enabling MT Mode for whole script than enabling it for 1 part and disabling it (practically what MT 5 does) for 2nd part.
But perhaps it gives another result with different type of video or bigger amount of drops. So I recommend to delete all SetMTMode lines.
Older Avisynth 2.5.8 is also slow even if using MT script with 50-60% fluctuating processor load so I'm not even sure if it actually uses multiple cores for 2nd part of script. I believe either script or Avisynth.dll should be changed for usingall CPU cores at max.
Just my observations because I spent hours on this single problem.
From Avisynth MT Wiki:   * Mode 5 is slowest (slower than not using SetMTMode)


(16 replies, posted in Using SVP)

you didn't uncheck closest biggest stream size checkbox in Algorithm profile chooser, did you?


(16 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You should create/add new profile while watching. Called 720p @30 fps. If you have 60Hz monitor then you can increase settings because it is less demanding one.
Also you might want to disable checkboxes for Choosing profile algorithms. Considering you are not the first one with such problems perhaps new profiles will be built-in in SVP 3.1.7


(16 replies, posted in Using SVP)

More likely SVP has a good taste and was retching because of singing with help of phonogram. roll She sayd 2 words on 2:11 and that sounded like from a man tongue
I downloaded video and it plays fine, it has constant 29.9 fps while all frames are likely blended from 2. Do you try to play downloaded youtube file or possibly have original somewhere?:)

Они зашифровали драйвер nvlkmd.sys и nvapi.dll "в целях безопасности". Последний драйвер 347.71 и многим для игр нравится (хотя как обычно некоторые словили краши, которых раньше не было включая какой-то с ошибкой DirectX … amp;page=4).

Предлагаю создать профили для 4К.

AHA, That was harsh but explains! lol  Not all but really much.
I reverted to and all problems gone because 5 hours ago they appeared even with 7+taskbartweaker turned off. So it had a point when I was telling myself "funny, I never had any real big bug with SVP before. Why it felt on me now?"
I still believe that that software can interfere but only in some scenarios because now all programs launched and no problem anyways.

Now I will be twice more cautious using Betas neutral

Nintendo Maniac 64
Well, everybody but you knew it big_smile

what  hmm ?

Yeah, now I see... For some reason on affected system (Win7 with 7+tweaker) context menu opens even if you click left mouse button on SVP tray icon... While on non-affected system (Win10 without 7+tweaker) single left click really does nothing.

I have no idea why 3-rd party software would interfere so much with just 1 tray icon. hmm

So here is a video because I got this strange behavior again.
Youtube is dead or what? Anyway, here is the download link for video

1. I believe that this may be somehow connected to 7+Taskbar Tweaker. Does anyone guys using it from you? Ingvarr, catnips?
2. Anyhow even if it is connected with thirdparty application I must confirm that NONE other tray icon is affected with it.

Therefore I ask SVP developers pay some attention to this. Perhaps (just a guess) to set up the SVP tray icon that way so context menu would be opened with right click button only, not both left and right.

I can think of one way how it works with less artifacts: svp interpolates to less artifact multiplier (like 3x or 4x making video 72 or 96fps) and then just drops some frames to match monitor's rate. Possibly less artifacts but less smooth.

Or rather like "smooth playback". Framerate can't be jerky, it's either constant or variable neutral

Download Hybrid, set encode settings, go to avisynth filtering/framerate and select Interframe (basically script of SVP).

better also record short video with bandicam.


I had this same exact issue which was looking like totally corrupted OS. When i clicked on SVP Tray icon and moved a cursor over context menu it didn't react. I had manually click on any submenu (like Threads, Profiles) so it would be glown with blue color and even when I clicked again to actually open any submenu or even to close SVP manager it did not react!

After I uninstalled SVP and reinstalled again it became even worse because now settings were resetted and I couldn't change them! Couldn't even turn of OSD messaging, nothing!

I had Windows 7. I reverted Reserved Backup by Acronis and all is great now. I was 100% sure that it was some kind of virus/bugged update which corrupted my OS. I uninstalled all updates till January but that didn't solve the problem.

On a side note. All who are affected. Do you have another strange symptoms? Lets say you launch video player and then double click on any shortcut on desktop (like My Computer) does it launch or you have to click 3 times ahead?
Note: this may be totally unconnected with the issue with SVP tray icon OR may be another symptom of virus/bugged update.
I have Punto Switcher and I never had problems on Windows 7 with it but I had those with Win8 and above. And suddenly I got the same problem on Windows 7! Had to close PS so would OS would correctly react on clicks so that's why I thought it could be some Windows update which brought something from Windows 8 and resulted in other bugs like SVP tray icon bug.
P.S. I install all updates again to see i that screws up SVP tray icon again.
P.P.S. We could write a list of all installed programs. Perhaps one of them is interfering.
P.P.P.S. After installing all Important updates I don't see this bug.

There is a key in the UX folder and another one in UX/Settings. Change them both to 0 and that will re-enable the windows update settings in control panel where you can hide the updates


(13 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Me too have a problem. It is like trying to play 2 different parts of video at once mixing frames from previous and next parts. Right?
I noticed this since last couple weeks. I noticed that this sometimes may proceed even if I disable SVP.

I believe it has something with ffdshow decoder. I tried to lower cached frames there but only when I completely disable ffdshow raw filter I can finally seek ahead and back without hanging. But obviously I have no SVP then:(

Вот маленький вопрос появился чисто из интереса. Если я хочу видео 30к/с отдропфиксить, а после этого еще и уплавнить до 60. Выше я увидел, что предлагается просто в источнике скрипта dropfix вписать ConvertFPS=True, FPS=60. Что, реально так работать будет? Просто 30>60 уже добавляет один дроп на кадр. А значит в сложных случаях с 3-мя дропами в исходнике их будет уже 6?

Я думал раньше может скрипт должен быть таким:
{Dropfix script}
Interframe doublefps script}
Ну или что-то в этом роде (без {} скобок и input).

И второй вопросик. Какой лучше декодер использовать для dropfix: DSS или ffdshow? Просто только с первым рассинхрона со звуком у vfr вроде не бывает.

И последний big_smile На MT Avisynth в скрипте убирается кол-во кадров threads*2, так? А нельзя в конце скрипта добавить это количество кадров? Типа src=last++Trim(framecount-10,framecount)

эту педивикию давно забанить надо бы, чтоб мозг не отравляла всякими провокационными статьями...

Ага, и все фильмы запретить, где кровь... и компьютерные игры lol
Это от самой головы зависит. Предрасположена к "отравлению мозга", значит и от белого шума отравится.

Вы еще ему бан за оффтоп дайте - будет сарказм года big_smile
Если представить, что поставщик сырья - источник проблемы/вопрос, потребитель - готовое решение, а процесс передвижения и функционирование сферы обращения продукции - это список методов, опций и функционирование сферы моделирования их в готовую инструкцию - то да, вполне себе логистика:)

Не еще, а удалить 64 и поставить x86.

gaunt wrote:

В кинотеатре всего 24 кадра , вроде как для 99% населения плавно.

Я в кинотеатры перестал ходить после Грань будущего. Размытая дёрганная SD картинка на полотне, а рядом некто, жрущее по целому Биг-Мак Меню на пол фильма.

Мой ноутбук с FullHD и SVP у себя в комнате с креслом дают удовольствия раза в 4 больше.
Исключение - IMAX, но дорого.

There is clearly seen an option Doubling (2x) in Profile. Double click on SVP icon while playing video.


(104 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Since you embed MPC-HC into SVP's package, you can have it patched.

Not sure it's legal.


(104 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I had to patch player's exe in the first 2 days after using SVP and never heared about Avs 2.6 by that time.

P.S. Reading your words some people may be confused so that they will try to patch ffdshow.exe.
P.P.S. I would be fine with any Avs if I get no bug.