(3 replies, posted in Флуд)

Спасибо, интересная статья.
Прямого упоминания NNEDI3* в ней нет и, судя по описанию, это самостоятельная работа.
Может кто в курсе технических подробностей? Где обученную сеть можно посмотреть? hmm

NNEDI3 - neural network new(?)-edge directed interpolation


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You can download SVP PRO installer by link from your e-mail about purchase.
Or you can use License Manager page

Судя по логу, madshi здорово качество HDR улучшил и настроек для него добавил.


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You can download SVPcode from maintanence tool:
SVP tray menu - Utilities - Additional programs and features... - Add or Remove components

mpc hc for some reason only plays audio now in mono
i tried to reset it, reinstall it, but still only left side

Have you launched MPC-HC - View - Options - Miscelaneous - Settings management - Reset?

I untick "read only" to give write access

In instruction I dont see "read only" option:
https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:VLC#I … _-_Windows
Try to give access to the folder by this instruction


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

6. (recommended) Proprietary video drivers including OpenCL ICD

For GPU acceleration support use proprietary video drivers with (probably) some additional modules - search for "OpenCL ICD". For example in case of NV cards "nvidia-modprobe" package is needed for OpenCL to work. Check the installation with utils/clinfo.



(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> 21:33:28.053 []: Video: reading OpenCL info...

It is corrupted OpenCL-part of GPU drivers. Try to completely remove corrupted video drivers then install again.
I recommend to use DDU software for removing: https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/di … nload.html
Uninstall all video drivers (AMD/Intel/NVIDIA). It must help.

MPC-HC is DirectShow-based player, so it supports 8bit only. To get 10bit you can use mpv-based player or VLC.


(10 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

Конвертер работает не в режиме реального времени. Файл может конвертироваться как быстрее, так и медленнее длительности видео. Кодирование происходит на той скорости, на которую способна Ваша система. Разумеется, при перекодировании нет никакого отрисовщика. Т.е. madVR и его настройки не влияют на ход процесса.

Конвертер НЕ СОВМЕСТИМ с Windows XP, т.к. он использует mpv: https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Download
SVPtube 2 тоже не совместим с Windows XP: https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVPtube

How to know what crunchyroll player I'm using? New or Old?

First of all check th temperature of CPU and overheating.

I've look at your screenshot. It is no information about video pause in the log.
Can you check this video again please? Do you see the frozen picture at the same place in this video from time to time?

> how to check if it is due to the video rather than with madvr of svp ?
1. disable or exit SVP
2. playback your video, rewind to place with lags, press pause
3. view your video frame-by-frame and look for picture changes. If each 24 frames contain movements and 25-th one is not - it is encoded doubled (dropped) frame. If it so you need to find correct source video with 24 fps. Or you can fix your video with decimation avisynth script. Ask for details if you need help with it.

Frame-by-frame navigation in pause mode:
MPC-HC: Ctrl+right/left arrow
PotPlayer: F/D

> А в чём тогда вообще полезность адаптивного режима
Это один из способов борьбы с искажениями и ошибками интерполяции на быстрых сценах. В зарубежных источниках называется "Fallback". Максимально передает задумку режиссера и детали в кадре с минимальными искажениями за счет локального снижения плавности.

> Не лучше ли в изначальные настройки поставить "Равномерная интерполяция"?
Принято решение для бесплатной версии включить Адаптивный режим. Аналог такого режима сейчас есть во всех современных телевизорах. Это общепринятое решение борьбы с артефактами. Для желающих получить максимальную плавность и при этом артефакты уплавнения на быстрых сценах предусмотрена такая возможность, в настройках профиля SVP PRO.

> В SVP 4 Free есть такая функциональность, когда в определённых местах снижается частота кадров?
Да. Называется "Адаптивный режим" при добавлении промежуточных кадров. См. https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Manual:FRC/ru
Бесплатная версия SVP не дает доступа к этой настройке. Она всегда включена.

> Есть ли возможность этого избежать, отключить?
В SVP PRO - да. Переключить значение настройки из "Адаптивный режим" в "Равномерная интерполяция".

> is the "dropped frame" indicator at the end of the stats in the same view related to the "1 frame dropped per second" at the begenning of the stats.
"dropped frame" is measured fact of dropped frames.
"1 frame repeat|dropped every ..." is the prediction calculated at this moment. It can be changed in time.

"dropped frame" is more acurate

When you press Ctrl-J you will see statistics of current used renderer.
In general case it is madVR statistics.

In my case I open 23.976 fps movie. SVP interpolates new frames to get framerate 59.94 fps.
madVR renders these 59.94 fps at 59.972 Hz and gives 39 dropped frames at start. The number is not encreased while playing. It is mean no more dropped frames. It is good! Must to be so.
And I see message about 1 frame repeat every 1.29 minutes. It is not bad.

But it is only statistics of rendering frames (not of really showing frames). So, to make sure you have smoothness enough you need to launch tearing test line movements on the screen. If it moves smooth then all is good!

What numbers do you se? What is wrong in your case? Maybe screenshot?

Проверил вот на этой ссылке: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=543YChpixTw
Файл скачался (выбрал 720p). Все 28 минут на месте. 178 МБ на диске.

> PotPlayer 1.7.13622 64 bits

I've just dowloaded it. Without SVP subtitles fading works well.
PotPlayer and SVP via ffdShow: subtitles fading works well.

PotPlayer and SVP via Vapoursynth native = can't setup it for now. Need more time to get what is wrong
PotPlayer and SVP via Avisynth native = can't setup it for now. Need more time to get what is wrong

With another video your ASS file working well: fadein and fadeout are visible.
Look to attached video. See subtitle "Gimnasio Nakajima" at the bottom of the viedo.
My MPC-HC settings attached below.

I see the result but I cant to reproduce because of the video look like is corrupted.
Your video MKV is not played to me (black screen). Can you give a link to source file?

Maybe you can give a link to source video too?

BTW can I use 494w35.ass with any another video to reproduce the issue?

> I see a normal picture, then green artifacts the next, then back to normal picture (1-2-1-2..)
It is not good! Do you know? wink
It must show to you all normal pictures at every frame.

In my case x64 versions downloaded yesterday (AVS+, FFMS2, MVTools, AvsPmod) are working good with one line script and give me a crush with your script from the first post.
I'm not sure unofficial MVTools x64 works good with all cases. It needs to be tested more.

You don't need these lines.

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\ffms2.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\mvtools2.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\svpflow1_64.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\svpflow2_64.dll")

C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64+\ is folder for plugins autoload.

What picture do you see in source video just after it is opened?



(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> When I play MOV or MXF files its not working
If you open log you will see the cause. Just playback MOV or MXF and go to SVP menu - Information - Events log

Do you have short video sample + .ass?
We need it to reproduce and to fix the problem.

Ideally your video must have frame rate equal to display refresh rate.
In this case each frame will be shown once at every display picture refreshing.
So if you have movie with 2 hours length and 60 fps video your display will make 60*60*60*2 refreshes and will show 60*60*60*2 frames. It will give you maximum smoothness.

If framerate is lower then display will show some frames two times in a row. You will see micro freezes (stops) in movements.
If framerate is higher then display will bypass some frames. You will see micro jumps in movements.