мы никогда не узнаем реальную причину потрескиваний X-Fi звука на AMD

хорошая формулировка  lol
так в памяти народа и останется: "на процессорах АМД трещит звук"

I do not keep up with processor history, so "6 years" means nothing to me.

Intel Core 2 and later
AMD Athlon 64 and later
which means "any CPU you can possibly buy today"

Intel Atom 330, which I have at the other end of the house.  Even tho slower

well, it's equal to P4 in this task...

I can then study it on Wikipedia, then survey the market and pick a path for upgrading

no need, really
ANY CPU released in the past 6 years fits wink

BTW, Interframe ver. 1.xxxx should work for you..

Maybe I need a newer machine?

are u serious?
$50 Celeron G5xx will be around 4 times faster in video processing than your P4 3.06...

Pentium 4 at 3.06ghz plus hyperthreading

it won't work
and i know why
but i don't think i'll do something to "fix" it

да я вообще главный враг прогресса big_smile

it surprises me a bit that after 10 years, most bugs are not out
well, this's the free and open source way of doing things  big_smile


(35 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The link I gave 2 posts ago said that Windows checks the state of the screen every X seconds. The AMD drivers have problems managing OpenCL (CPU>GPU and GPU>CPU) and these 'Watchdog' timers for the screen at once.

I think this's not that simple. I'm on dual-graphics laptop right now (i5-2420+6470) and it works just fine.
Also keep in mind that HD3000 just can't handle video output in all cases, for example it's too slow for EVR renderer with bicubic resizer for 1080p video.


(35 replies, posted in Using SVP)

obviously this's not a memory leak


(35 replies, posted in Using SVP)

regardless of source video and SVP settings?


(35 replies, posted in Using SVP)

oh i see, sorry, it's a hard day smile

well, try MPC-HC


(35 replies, posted in Using SVP)

quick solution -

wait for SVP 3.1.3, it'll work with multi-GPU configs like yours

FX 6300 воткнуть, да и всё...

это не ресайз


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'm not really sure but try this one.
If it'll work i'll replace the dll on downloads page...

имеет ли ,с позиции качества, разница между работой SVP целиком на CPU и OpenCL ?


Зачем я писал столько про кеш?
это возможно только если смотреть кино без звука  big_smile


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I can add emms wherever you'd like  big_smile  but not today...

Мне образования не хватает

все давно написано
правда нет объективных свидетельств что это кому-то от чего-то помогло  big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

i don't think so  hmm

"SVP is not about upscaling"

upscaling = [high quality] frame size enlarging
SVP is for frame rate conversion


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I need time to answer.

yeah, and then post it right to the Wiki article  big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

the problem is SVP is not about upscaling  big_smile

upscaling is a madVR renderer's job

Ну у  меня в квартире уже год как все лампочки китайские светодиодные... штук 40, 10 разных моделей, тоже так, поиграться smile

1. тухлые (говорят, спектр у дешевых светодиодов виноват)
2. лотерея по цветовой температуре (даже у одного и того же SKU)

1. за год своей смертью ни умерла ни одна

Не касаясь чубайса, посмотри цены на православные филипсы (которые светят как надо, и все одинаковые), ужаснись...


(59 replies, posted in Using SVP)

simsat - I want to use MPC HC as external player in XBMC

1. install SVP full package

(it already includes LAV, madVR and reclock)

2. set the bundled MPC-HC as external player in XBMC
(i've no idea how  big_smile)

3. set up all that audio stuff you need