10 баллов
это я вовремя в казахстан свинтил  big_smile

ааа, спалился...  lol

у техподдержки, неважно амудеи, штеуды, филипки, ровно одна задача - доказать что ты верблюд

http://mobile-review.com/articles/2012/ … 00.shtml#8
еще логитех из той же серии


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

i did not quite understand that.

embedded text is a bad thing
while the picture behind it is moving the text itself stays on the same place
so it's just a matter of luck what will be twisted - text or picture
picture usually wins smile

хочу дополнить
hd4000 в принципе совместим с SVP, но в версии 3.1.2 дает "прыгающую" картинку
это будет поправлено в 3.1.3, но только путем подставления костыля и со снижением качества
к сожалению общение с индусской техподдержкой интела показало что нормального решения лучше не ждать


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

who knows  roll

if it's working fine then it's normal

В чем может быть причина?

В том что декодеру 3 года от релиза и 4+ от проектирования

Какую систему я должен собрать, чтобы без танцев с бубном проиграть FullHD 60fps без лагов.

да млин, любую, которая вытянет программное декодирование

Ставлю на А8

Ну не может 5670 нормально 60fps в dxva давать.
Надо программно декодировть.

Может в VC1 проблема?  hmm

А, стоп. Почему стоит 4 потока?


you know this's bad, right? smile
i hope you've made a clean windows install?


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I get less quality then with OpenCL on

yeah, right

What are the possibilties of using Lanczos/Spline/Jinc for MVIM?

I think bicubic is just "good enough" in the case.
In fact you should know exactly where to look to find the difference between bilinear and bicubic interpolated MVs.

Here is some synthetic images comparing cpu vs gpu vs gpu+bicubic


GPU: total score:               200
compared to

GPU: total score:               4565
in the first case

how did you do that?  hmm

i mean in SVP itself smile

What can I do?

set "Processing threads" to 13

seem ok

so just install official WHQL driver version

don't know how to copy the result..

place this file near the .exe and run it


(73 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Rift HMD, black borders lighting and stuff


(59 replies, posted in Using SVP)

where I could start?

attach here "Information" -> "Last launch log" and "Additional information" after playing something with svp index = 0.5


(59 replies, posted in Using SVP)

High frame rate playback works best on the primary screen. There're some system level limitations (at least in WinXP and 7, haven't tried with Win8 yet.
So best solution is to create several profiles in video driver and switch between them with hot keys.

Still SVP index = 50% means something is wrong with setup.


(109 replies, posted in Флуд)

ну значит учи хоткеи...
явно что использование в виртуалке не являлось приоритетом при разработке вин8  big_smile


(109 replies, posted in Флуд)

Даже не знаю, в чем у тебя проблема...
- Мышкой в верхний левый угол - другие открытые метро-приложения, включая десктоп.
- Мышкой потянуть сверху вниз - можно с одной строны открыть метро, с другой десктоп.
- Тупо нажать на "флажок".
- Наверняка еще есть 1001 комбинация кнопок с "флажком" для всего этого
- Не открывай метро-контрол-панель, старая вполне себе работает


(109 replies, posted in Флуд)

Когда я слышу "виндовс восемь" я снимаю с предохранителя свой браунинг

а мне начинает нравиться... smile


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)


2) This one is even weirder: when I play a dvd if the threads are set to auto I have massive framedrops and the video stutters horribly, if it is manually set again to 4 or 8 threads everything is fine (except if I use Lav video decoder because I get stutters in between chapter changes).


The dvd playback with lav video is still broken (it stutters horribly with SVP and threads set to auto) but with cyberlink decoder seems fine, even during chapters changes (I have some more tests to do though this night...)


Regarding the dvd playback issue below what @Nev said in Lav thread that could be (maybe?) the explanation of the "jumping" videos that I encounter when threads are set to high values  :

(...) Regarding AviSynth, its possible that the high decode delay of the CUVID decoder is just too much for DVD playback plus AviSynth. CUVID has to buffer quite a few frames to be efficient at decoding, and the DVD Navigator is known to not deliver too much data in advance, so if you need a bunch of frames in the decoder for buffering, and AviSynth needs more frames buffered, they might just not arrive at the renderer in time for display. Can't really change how the CUVID decoder works, but since mpeg2 is so cheap, might as well stick to software.