Hi, I'm running SVP at 60fps as that's the max I can get out of my 60fps 1080p 37" LG TV screen. (The screen is usually about 1 meter from my face so artifacts, halos, blurring, noise, etc. are readily detectable.)
Don't know if it matters, but I can't get the TV to work properly via HDMI cable with video cards (though it works fine via HDMI with tablets), so I'm doing everything through an RGB cable.
Installed Afterburner out of curiosity. Didn't touch any settings.
For 1080p material: material with average rendering time of 9ms showed GPU usage at 50%. With rendering time of 15ms showed GPU usage at 82%.
Same material with Madvr at 9ms rendering time showed GPU usage at 77% and at 16ms average rendering time GPU usage was 90%.
For 720p material: material with average rendering time of 12.5 ms showed GPU at 70%.
With Madvr, 83%.
BTW, I got Madvr to work better in the interim. So the difference between MPDN and Madvr is not quite so striking. Still MPDN scores noticeably better on 1080p and sometimes especially better when upscaling 720p. But Madvr produces a reliably clean picture, whereas in some cases MPDN can be noisy. Having said that, for me MPDN is the clear winner when it comes to picture quality.