
(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Update: there's a SVPcode extension for this task: more info here

Legacy way: http://www.spirton.com/convert-videos-to-60fps/


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

badrange=-24 will use exhaustive search regardless of "search" value

I believe it used to work some times ago  hmm  May be I've broken something...

Is there any way to disable SVP for files whose refresh rate is higher than 25?

Sure. Add new video profile for 30 fps and turn off frame interpolation in it.

i dont know if i need this

Yes you do big_smile  The second fixed bug is about motion vectors accuracy => picture quality.


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

As a workaround you can open video from WMC in external player.
Install that plugin, set it to use MPC-HC x32:

and use it from WMC:

There'no other options to use SVP in 64bit WMC.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It's just that 3.06 used a lot less CPU for me.

you can't compare them in this way cause the settings and their default values are very different

the tearing on the left-hand side of the screen

i've got no idea what do you mean  hmm "tearing" is a frame break caused by wrong vertical sync
could you make a screenshot of this?


(18 replies, posted in Using SVP)


There's a chance that it'll be better with the latest SVPflow libs (today's build 1.0.3) but they need some adjustment in scripting code.

You could test it wink
- unpack DLLs from there to SVP_install_dir/Plugins
- replace SVPMgr.wsf with attached one

... or just wait for SVP 3.1.2 update

See the first message!

А чего сразу цвет? gaunt-у он упёрся, но он дает процентов 10-15 скорости, не более.
Вот ты включи точность "до двух пикселей" (только строго в GPU-режиме) и попробуй увидеть разницу в картинке wink


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Now we know that it's a bug (or a "feature"  big_smile) either in 301.10 OpenCL compiler for GTX680 or in SVP code.
I hope the next WHQL release will show the answer.


(10 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Best options are marked as "default" in each setting wink except that "SVP shader " = "21th" is better than default 13th in my opinion.
"Decrease grid step" is optional - turn it on if your CPU can handle it.

Also in your case it'll be useful to set "decrease frame size" to "to screen size" in 1920 profiles.



(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)


Your CPU is to close to "reference system 3" (4 cores Phenom @2.8 GHz) so 80% CPU load at default settings is normal. If you think it's too much just install "level 2" video profiles from start menu shortcut called "reset profiles".
Also 3.1 assumes that you're using hardware video decoder (LAV filter, for example) and I know nothing about HW decoding and .FLV format so it may be some splitter/decoder issues there.

smoothness doesn't look good

Some people think that 3.1.1 has too high threshold for scene change detection. Though I don't agree with them you still can adjust it by yourself by uncommenting "smooth.scene.limits.scene" line in overrride.js file.

Пропатчить exe-шник тулзой "4gb patch"


(10 replies, posted in Using SVP)

big_smile these profiles are for "source video resolution"


Ну я думал что общие принципы ависинта должны быть знакомы

его валит команда "SetMTMode(3,11)"
тогда SetMTMode(5,11)

И вправду, откуда оно взялось?
ну видно же что в скрипте выше оно есть. значит это ошибка при копи-пасте

Нет уж, что бы можно было что-то с чем-то сравнивать, поставь и там и там блоки 16*16.
Кроме того, мелочь конечно, но 23-й с выключенным подавлением контурных = 11-му wink, а 3.1.1 у тебя честно пашет на 23-м.

Чудеса... Могу предложить
а) подождать след. релиз драйвера (авось само отвалится)
б) если ничего не изменится, то я мог бы сделать спец. версию для дебага

Ну как-то примерно так:


# Наверное это всё хозяйство само по себе многопоточное
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\dgindex\DGDecode.dll")
DGDecode_mpeg2source("r:\Сакура.d2v", cpu=4, info=3)
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\avisynth_plugin\ColorMatrix.dll")
ColorMatrix(hints=true, interlaced=true, threads=0)
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\avisynth_plugin\TomsMoComp.dll")

# Сюда суём СВП
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\SVP\plugins\svpflow1.dll")
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\SVP\plugins\svpflow2.dll")


vectors=SVAnalyse(super, analyse_params)
SVSmoothFps(super, vectors, smoothfps_params, url="www.svp-team.com")

# Вот тут не знаю, как оно работает с MT
LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\avisynth_plugin\UnDot.dll")
Undot() # Minimal Noise

Ну правда "num:6,den:1" это, наверное, перебор smile

А где можно почитать про параметры?


В скрипте надо править, или в файлике override.js - параметр "smooth.scene.limits.scene".

I just wish the translations and explanations for each function and setting were better documented

did you saw tooltips over every setting?  big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Using SVP)


I think it's better to incorrectly detect a scene change sometimes than do not detect the actual change at all.
Though detection in 3.1 is much better than in 3.0.x we'll continue to improve it wink

Это ошибка компиляции OpenCL-программы. Причем судя по ошибкам зарубежного товарища проявляется не при всех параметрах.

Если 21-й или 23-й шейдер поставить - будет ошибка?

порог смены сцен выкрутить вверх


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You've missed the important part - several lines after "error" word  big_smile