Все указывает на то, что слетел OpenCL-драйвер NVIDIA. Он является частью графического драйвера.
Необходимо переустановить драйвер NVIDIA. Обязательно включить галку Чистая установка (clean install), иначе при установке не будут удалены остатки поврежденного драйвера и ошибка может остаться.

> 0xC0000005 STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (-1073741819)
We have not solution for this error yet.

> 0xC0000005 STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (-1073741819)
It is the other error. Maybe it is related. We will look what it can be and how to fix it.

> it only happens with the interframe script and this: trim(0,framecount-1)
Thank you. I expect it can help.

> If I increase the framecount number will that stop the crash?
If you mean trim(0,framecount+...) then not. It will cause the avisynth error about out of the bounds of frame number.

It is just the command to trim (delete) N frames at the end of video. It is kind of lifehack to avoid encoder to get last frame that can cause the crush or hang.

It can be blur at the source.
Can you give short video clip or screenshot of blured and non blured wrestlers at the same frame?


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It is not clear to me what you want to know.

Is SVP supported x64 players? Yes.
Is SVP work in x64 windows? Yes.

> before I convert to 64-bit.
What you are going to convert? hmm

You can use Fluency and tearing test. It more visible to eyes than just dropped frames number.
With any renderer: both madVR and EVR CP.

Your script must be like this:

InterFrame(GPU=false, Tuning="Smooth", OverrideAlgo=13, Cores=1)

If it hangs then change to 2:

InterFrame(GPU=false, Tuning="Smooth", OverrideAlgo=13, Cores=1)

and so on...

The crashes (or hangs) I faced was connected to decoder trying to get frame number greater than framecount. I can be wrong but trim helped me.

> Cores=1
Then start from 1 and encrease by one if the error repeats. Test on short video clips to get fast results. wink

When I did reencodings with frame intrepolations I used construction to remove several frames from the end:


Insert it into the end of your script.
10 is empirical value. The value can be from 1 to 20. It depends on threads count and smoothing factor.

It helped me to avoid encoder hangs.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Start from checking. Can you read and write file in the folder %APPDATA%\SVP4\logs?
Just simple notepad txt file.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The error from first post is about access rights to open file. It cant depends on ffdShow version.
logs forlder is SVP folder. SVP must have access rights to write and to read for this folder.

From sourceforge you need to download version 5433 by clsid
https://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdsho … %20builds/

SVP-index can fluctuates. The ideal value is 1.0 but in some cases you can see different values changed from 0.8 to 1.2. They jumping around 1.0.
In this situation you can use tearing and smoothness test line. SVP menu - Utilities - Fluency and tearing test.
If the orahge line moves without any jumps and stops then you can don't worry. SVP works fine. It is just jumping SVP-index value. Nevermind.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Check if settings of your player are correct:


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

To make mpv x64 work you need to install components:
[VPS_64] Core for Vapursynth 64-bit
[VPS_64] mpv video player

If you see the error about ffdShow 32-bit is not installed then you need to reinstall it official way. Via ffdShow installer.
SVP4 installer can show wrong situation about installed status of ffdShow if ffdShow was installed outside of the installer or inproperly (partialy) installed.

What do you see in the Events log: Information - Events log?


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

This version works. It is official latest version. You don't need others.


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Looks like you have some troubles with vapoursynth or its version.
You can try to reinstall mpv and install it again:
1. brew uninstall mpv
2. https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:Mac

If it don't help you then send us results of commands:
1. brew info mpv
2. brew info vapoursynth

Немного не политкорректно получилось smile

GTS450 слабовата для требовательных алгоритмов madVR.
Вот цифры ГФлопс из Wikipedia:
Intel HD 4000: 333
Nvidia GTS450: 601
Intel Iris 6100: 845

Т.е. производительность GTS 450 находится между двумя интеграшками от Intel, которые для madVR слабоваты. Говорю, как владелец обоих HD 4000 и Iris 6100. madVR обычно используют из-за его алгоритмов апскейла повышенного качества. На описанных видеокартах я использую дизеринг, включенный в LAV декодере, и EVR Custom отрисовщик c DXVA 2 билинейной интерполяцией. Это они тянут.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Generic builds \ ffdshow_rev4533_20140929_clsid.exe

Try advices from the topic:
[TESTING] Daum PotPlayer: direct Avisynth and Vapoursynth interface

SVPtube is the best choice for online videos. It was developed for this purpose. And it is simple to use.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I see 2.5 at the picture. Not 2.6


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If you have appropriate GPU (HW-acceleratio is enabled in SVP) then I recomend to select GPU or "Do not change" in option Rendering device. It will give you more quality of interpolated frames.

SVP can work without the use of GPU, but this reduces the quality of intermediate frames calculation and significantly increases the requirements for CPU performance; so, using a GPU is highly recommended. Its power is not especially important (for example, a GPU integrated into Intel Core 6th gen. processors, is sufficient for calculating intermediate frames up to 4K@60 fps.

https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Manual:SV … quirements


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Please post here details about error: error text, error number, screenshot?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

James D
> Refresh rate

Yes. 90 Hz Refresh rate.