
(32 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

Оконный D3D под wine-ом на интеле... удачи в поисках!  big_smile

Могу новость в шапку подвесить - "заполни профиль!"  big_smile


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SubJunk wrote:

That's very generous of you guys

"We aren't competitors", right? wink


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

To the authors of Avisynth encode scripts (such as Interframe).

We (the developers of SVP) have decided that you can freely make use of SVP3 libs. Of course, you must include our project name and link to the web-site in the description.

However, we can't gurantee that the compatibility will be kept in future releases of SVP.
In fact, it will not.  big_smile


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

And I've almost forgot wink
You always can open file SVP/AVS/MSmoothFps.avs and add "chroma=false" or something. May be this is simpler than edit .ws-script.

hmm  нет

gaunt wrote:

хватит ли лианы


вот кто бы циферки дал по закату, на ixbt меня все игнорируют sad

5450 - не потянет
5670 - тянет, но не факт что со всякими madVR + декодер HAM

57хх - точно хватит на всё с запасом


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

create the most perfect frameinterpolation scripts

No. Our goal is to create "the most perfect frameinterpolation" software.
Yes, it all started with Avisynth script, but we're trying to make the scripts shorter in each version and to incorporate as much as posible into C++ code. I don't know where it will end, may be in some FrameInterpolation DirectShow filter, without avisynth at all...


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

"avisynth oldies" don't need SVP at all  big_smile

Да и вообще, в данном случае способы ресайза суперклипа очень мало влияют на финальный результат.

Rimsky wrote:

счетчик скачиваний свп тоже неплохо было бы увидеть

Тогда надо весь раздел download пускать через скрипт, а не прямыми линками. Оно надо?

Хотя мне тоже интересно, а из логов сервера вот так запросто кол-во скачиваний чего-то не видно

Так и на кой черт он этот eedi2 использует?  hmm
Хотя можно спросить у автора smile


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SubJunk wrote:

You will see that the speed of InterFrame can far exceed yours at different presets

Fight! Fight! Fight!!!  big_smile

The truth is that SVP can beat any result that you can possibly achieve with original unmodified mvtools wink

InterFrame is primarily for encoding
Yep. But you see that SVP can do the same job in real-time  roll


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Ok, I can tell the way to add or change anything in the script, it's not a big secret.
But this way is only for geeks from AVSForum, not for users big_smile

Find the file "SVPmgr.ws". It's Pascal-like script that builds avs-file.
Find the line "AddLineToFile(avsfile,'ffdShow_source()');". After this you can add anything to process the source.
For example:


You should restart SVP manager to see the changes.


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

General answer is there - http://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopic … 2589#p2589

very low impact on performance

see "Search type" parameter in the profile

Yes, this is huge, especially in GPU mode. But wait for the next version wink

We've tested this setting for a while, and decided to remove it from 3.0-release.


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thank you wink

SVP is a different approach than "classic scripts". Yes, you're limited to features that we (the developers) have implemented so far, but you get
1. simplicity
2. speed

In general, it's all about simplicity of use.

So the answer to all your questions  - "can I add that line" - yes, you can, but you wouldn't like it smile
While playing video, pause it, choose "Show" -> "AVS script from last play", change anything you want, save the script, and resume video. And yes, you have to do this every time.

Why you can't "correct colors" in ffdshow, or even in player's pixel shaders?

Как бы оно так и не осталось  big_smile

Opera 11 настолько сурова, что прокруткой грузит GTX280 на 45%?  lol

Дохлый 9600, наверное...


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If we're using the same parameters (and the same vectors) the output is identical.

BTW, I've posted some tests - http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthre … st20258542 wink


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SubJunk wrote:

What are the differences between MSmoothFps and MFlowFps/MBlockFps?

MSmoothFps is a "next version" of MFlow/MFlowFps/MBlockFps (do you see that these three functions are basically one? wink)

With MSmoothFps right now you can get the same visual results as MFlow/MBlockFps/MFlowFps, but the math is really different (there're two implementations now - SSE2-optimized and OpenCL).
These additions are implemented as "plugins", so they're not covered by GPL and for now can't be used in other software, sorry.

SubJunk wrote:

Is there documentation for that function?


SubJunk wrote:

Also, what about MFinest()?

MFinest exists in original MVTools2 sources, but is commented out. I don't now why, cause it's really useful function for pel>1.
May be Fizick thinks that

AVSValue cache_args[1] = { finest };
finest = env->Invoke("InternalCache", AVSValue(cache_args,1)).AsClip(); 

is enough for caching MVFinest result, but it's not.

Настройка "плавность" регулирует размер блока (!).
Плюс, там теперь два (!!) пересчета векторов, только с минимальным радиусом поиска (=1).

Например, при плавности = "smooth":
1. Поиск векторов для блоков 16*16
2. Пересчет их в блоки 8*8
3. Пересчет п.2 в блоки 4*4

Все с параметрами по-умолчанию.

А всякие показометры загрузки GPU чего показывают при работающем плавном скролле?
Например: "MSI Afterburner, она определяет эту самую загрузку корректно на любых более-менее современных видеокартах nVIDIA"


(32 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

Не, запускаться то оно запускается. И OpenCL не мешает, потому что либа его использующая динамически подгружается.