(34 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Dopo aver impostato il tuo TV a 59.94 fai partire il video (lascia tutte le opzioni di SVP in default per ora), dovrebbe comparire un OSD con la scritta "playback 23.976 (5:2)= 59.94". Significa che SVP sta "inventando" nuovi frame portando la rioluzione nativa del video da 23.976fps a 59.94fps. Ovviamenta disabilita la funzione di FI del tuo TV altrimenti si sovrappongono! smile


(34 replies, posted in Using SVP)

ed89 wrote:

I do not use reclocks.

Now I set the refresh rate to 59.94 Hz (SVP--> screen selecton; force selection screen settings; specify custom screen refresh rate 59.94hz) and then the refresh rate of the TV 24.

Reclock fa parte integrante di SVP, devi installarlo per fare funzionere correttamente SVP, perchè altrimenti pensi lo abbiano incluso?!?
Non ha senso mandare la TV a 24Hz e dire a SVP che il tuo refresh video è a 59.94! Se vuoi utilizzare il frame interpolation di SVP entrambi devono essere a 59.95, per questo ti ho detto di lasciare l'opzione di SVP come default smile


(34 replies, posted in Using SVP)

ed89 wrote:

thanks for the reply. I am Italian. please try to talk to you in a simple way.
to see the film in 23.976 is important to the frequency of my TV? 24p is ok? or do I have to put 60hz?

Ciao, imposta il refreh rate a 59,94Hz, altrimenti va anche bene 60Hz (tanto c'è reclock...) e poi in target frame rate imposta "to screen refresh rate (default)" in SVP. Se imposti come refresh rate della TV "23" oppure "24" ovviamente SVP non interviene... Ciò detto anche se la mia tv (Panasonic VT30) gestisce l'interpolazione dei frame trovo quella di SVP 1.000 volte meglio! big_smile

In english:
Hi, you have to set the refresh rate of your TV set to 59.94 Hz, or 60Hz (reclock will adapt it for you...) and then set the target frame rate "to screen refresh rate (default)" in SVP control manager. If you set the refresh rate of your TV set to "23" or "24" SVP obviously will not be not be triggered ... That said, even though my TV set (Panasonic VT30) has a buit in frame interpolation function I find the SVP's one vastly superior big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Try this (for me it solved the issue): In Lavvideo deselect "DVD" in Lav settings, by doing that only for dvds Lav will decode i software mode, than set the threads numbers in SVP to 4 (assuming that you have a 4 cores cpu), with these settings I can play dvds with SVP at max + MadVR 1080 Jinc3 resize for both chroma and luma (withouut AR though, it is too much smile ). If you still encounter the issue try with the "Out of sync audio fix", wich seemed to solve also this problem for me smile

With the fix the issue for me is solved smile Unfotunately I have no 1080p60 videos to try it on but with 1080i25 or 1080i30 videos deinterlaced by Lavvideo in "video mode" (i.e. brought to 50 and 60fps after deintelacing) I do not experience any sync problem. That said obviously for those kind of videos I deinterlace in "film mode" in order to be able to interpolate with SVP smile
I also noticed no performance drop whatsoever after the fix, now I can even watch dvds with Lavvideo if I set it to decode mpeg2 in software mode and if the number of cores in SVP are set to 4. Thanks big_smile

Chainik wrote:

Take it, but don't tell anybody it was me big_smile

big_smile Thanks, it works, but now every video I play has a fixed "0/18" buffer back/ahead, is it ok? I played a few high-bitrate 1080i@23.976 interpolated to 60fps and they seemed to run fine though, but I have some more tests to make in order to be sure that everything is working properly smile

Thanks, my system is updating...within a few minutes I will try it smile

Regarding the dvd playback issue below what @Nev said in Lav thread that could be (maybe?) the explanation of the "jumping" videos that I encounter when threads are set to high values wink :

(...) Regarding AviSynth, its possible that the high decode delay of the CUVID decoder is just too much for DVD playback plus AviSynth. CUVID has to buffer quite a few frames to be efficient at decoding, and the DVD Navigator is known to not deliver too much data in advance, so if you need a bunch of frames in the decoder for buffering, and AviSynth needs more frames buffered, they might just not arrive at the renderer in time for display. Can't really change how the CUVID decoder works, but since mpeg2 is so cheap, might as well stick to software.

Thanks, but I cannot run SVPMgr.exe anymore:

ERROR: Unable to find point of entrance "oclGetDeviceName" of the procedure into the dynamic link library "helper.dll" (translated from my language (italian) smile

Thank you Mag, very much appreciated! big_smile

Please tell about results, especially if it let you to avoid the audio sync problem. smile

I played a lot of 720p59.94 videos and the results are the same (indipendently from the video render uused MadVR or EVR)

I followed your instructions: if I manually set "buffer back/ahead" to "0/1" the sync problems is not solved, even whith settings like "0/20" the video is still out of sync; if I press the "use current" button in ffdshow the buffering (for all the 720p videos that I played) changes to "0/31" and video and audio are perfectly in sync, at my eyes even let's say "0/30" or "0/29" seems to be ok, but if the out of sync is very minimal is very difficult to be noticed (at least to untrained eyes such mine smile ) Hope it helps. Please let me know if you need me to make other tests big_smile

Thanks, as soon as I get back home from work I will try it.

Ok, let me know. Thanks for now and keep up the good work smile

Chainik wrote:

MAG79 has some progress with the issue smile
At least he was able to reproduce it.

What if manually set "buffers ahead" value to 1?
It seems that in recent ffdshow versions it shouldn't give any problems...

Thank you Chainik (and Mag too of course), you mean I have to install a new ffdshow version and then change the number to 1 in %APPDATA%/SVP 3.1/Settings/SVPMgr.ini? smile

Try do reduce ExBuffAheadAdd value in %APPDATA%/SVP 3.1/Settings/SVPMgr.ini, which is 3 by default.

Thanks, but it doesn't work for me, the problem is still there sad

with the latest version of SVP, and MadVR off, everything works fine, even 1080p videos, up to 60fps. Sorry you are still having problems

Thanks, in my case the delay is not related to the video render though, I tried each and every one of them and the result is always the same, the issue in my case is with that damn buffer back/ahead "15/18" that is triggered when playing material that is not supposed to be interpolated in the first place because natively high frame rate.

I will try to try different ffdshow versions and different avisynth ones to see if something happens hoping for a fix in the next release of SVP smile

I tried various things and the issue is still there ... I noticed though that while playing 720p59 videos when threads are set to auto avisynth box indicates buffer back/ahead "15/18" and I get the audio delay, but if I press the "use current" button buffer back/ahead drops to "0/something" and the audio delay is gone even with threads set to auto! How do you explain it? Keep in mind that buffer back/ahead "15/18" does not create any issue when SVP is actually interpolating.

Can you please explain me how the thread number and buffer back/ahead are related?

Is there a way to tell SVP not to set those buffer back/ahead values while playing material that does not need to be interpolated?

Is there a way to automatically block SVP for such files?

Thanks smile

Sorry, I just realized that the "-200ms video delay option" was set on SVP, that's why the videos seemed fine mad Now i'm going to bed, tomorrow I will run some more tests... smile

Chainik wrote:

I have an explanation.
Look at "Performance graphs" window's status bar while playing 60 fps video. There's source fps value there.
Is it standing at some number (59.94) or changing every second somewhere between 59.0 and 61.0?

When not in fullscreen (720 windowed mode) I get always the 59.94 message, while in fullsceen I don't know how to call the performance graphs big_smile

Hi guys, thanks for the support,

I did some more tests (with the limited time I had today). First of all I reinstalled the DirectX (jun'2010) as MAG suggested and now 720p video playback with threads set to auto seems fine smile  smile  I have to do some more testing but it should be ok now (at least I hope so smile ).

The only thing that remains is the brief freeze at the beginning of the video when SVP tries to connect and detects 1:1. One question: if I create a profile ad hoc for this format and tell SVP not to intervene I get the osd message (and consequently the freeze) all the same, is it right? It should be awsome to be able to eliminate this freeze.

The dvd playback with lav video is still broken (it stutters horribly with SVP and threads set to auto) but with cyberlink decoder seems fine, even during chapters changes (I have some more tests to do though this night...)

For now thank you and keep up the good work

PS @Chainik, I have to run some tests on CPU usage, but I can tell for sure that while playing blu-rays with very demanding SVP settings (MadVR render) if I set threads to 8 my cpu is about 50%, but I get framedrops and OSD message low performance, if I set threads to auto, my cpu hovers to even 90% (semi-costant turboboost) but I do not have frame drops, even if the system is stressed

Thanks @MAG smile

1)"Why you using SVP? You not need it for such video. Video is already have 59.94 fps (after deinterlacing)"

I do not understand. SVP icon is always active (waiting for ffdhow video), whenever I play a video it starts and in case of files such 720p59 should not interpolate. In my case in fact it does not interpolate but it kicks in anyway and while doing that it screws the audio sync. I obviously know that I don't need SvP for such videos but you understand that i cannot continuously turn on and off SVP depending on the fps of the videos I'm watching smile Did you succeed to reproduce the issue on your system or is it only my thing??

2) "This is bad. SVP coldn't determine precize refresh rate using D3D. Have you DirectX (jun'2010) installed?"

Thanks, as soon as I go back home I'll check and reinstall the whole directx versions:)

3) "It is an old error which is fixed many many versions ago. How did you get that? hmm"

How should I know? You are the programmer wink

4) "Frame rate is higher than monitor refresh rate.
It may cause desync video from audio or video drops or little audio stops to save synchro with video."

Thanks. Can you please tell me the video title that caused this issue?

Chainik wrote:

while I've no idea about the issue, please attach all the logs / scripts here (from "Information" sub-menu) after playing 60fps 720p video with "auto" threads

Here is the log that showed up after the various tests I made today when I rebooted the pc. Is it bad as it looks judging by its size? big_smile
Thanks smile

Chainik wrote:

while I've no idea about the issue, please attach all the logs / scripts here (from "Information" sub-menu) after playing 60fps 720p video with "auto" threads

Thanks smile

It is

Thanks Mag,

The CPU percentage usage when I play 720p is neglectable (around 7%) because SVP is not intepolating anything, the problem is at the beginning of the movie shortly after the OSD message "Playback 59.94*(1:1)=59.94" appears, by doing that SVP (if threads are seto to auto or above 10) screws the sync between audio and video exactly by 200ms sad during playback there are no framedrops at all, only the tedious sync issue smile

As far as the dvd blayback I already tried various things: I changed the video render from madVR to EVR, I tried hardware decoders (LavVideo CUDA and cyberlink Video/SP decoder) and software decoders (MPCHC internal filters), nothing..., the issue thread related is always there...what do you suggest to try?

Thanks again smile

Chainik wrote:

the link is in russian
and now?

Now it works smile

Thanks Mag

1) 8GB

2) Pagefile dimension is set to default values (windows 7 64bit): virtual memory (paging): 8169. Is it ok? hmm

3) When audio delayed playing 720@59.40 (threads set to auto):
Pyshical memory
Total: 8169
Cache: 5432
At disposal: 5417
Free: 40
Kernel Memory
Paging: 507
Non paging: 117
Same file with threads manually set to 4 gives me very similar results...

4) progressive

Keep in mind that I play even very havy stuff (1080i 38mbps) with SVP motion interpolation without any problem!!

Thanks again smile