Blackfyre wrote:Keep SVP Shader on Standard, since Complicated introduces a lot of artifacts. But change Frame Interpolation Mode to Uniform (Max Fluidity) instead of Adaptive. Definitely increases smoothness significantly without introducing much, if any artifacts at all; especially since you have artifact masking set to strong like myself.
EDIT: Also I use MPC instead of PotPlayer. And in Madvr settings go to Smooth Motion and enable it and set it to ALWAYS. Then Go back to SVP and instead of setting it to "Fixed Framerate 60 FPS", change that to "Movie Frame Rate x 4", which would make 24FPS movies run at 96FPS.
You have the CPU power to do it, and so do I using my 4790K @ 4.7Ghz. I find it running much smoother than setting it to a fixed framerate of 60. Even though at the end of the day, media player classic is throwing out all the extra frames and using only 60 of them, I find that the 60 used by MPC to have less artifacts then setting SVP to a fixed 60 frame rates.
OK you're right, I did some testing with linked test video and with some movies and it's improved by changing the Frame Interpolation Mode to Uniform (Max Fluidity) but I have problems of dropped frames changing from 60 fps to "Movie Frame Rate x 4".
The processor reaches a maximum of 30%, the gpu is always at 95%. I think the cpu is bypassed by madvr. I don't know why.
MadVR does basically everything on the GPU. 95% load means you need to turn down the MadVR settings a bit.