Если есть опыт написания AVS-скриптов, то за основу можно взять скрипт, описанный в теме Video with variable frame size plays crazy.


(6 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

SVP заработает, если открывать видео в MPC-HC через пункт меню Файл - Быстро открыть файл - указать файл m2ts из папки BDMV\STREAM.
Вы полуите воспроизведение видео с диска без меню, но зато с плавностью.

Did you try DXVA2 Copy-Back decoder?
Windows 10 - video player hangs and/or crashes

Thank you for explanation.
Good suggestion about --profile parameter to mpv. It is good but partial solution.
But the best way is to fix the real problem.
I will look what we can do in common case. We need to recheck real fps for video with strange framerate and pass real fps instead of wrong value.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVP needs avisynth or vapoursynth to make 60 fps or more from 24 fps source.
You just need to setup your player.
Looks like part of your videos uses one player with correct setup. And another part of your videos uses another player or another settings.
Just find your player in the table and use instruction by link to setup it.

If it can't help you then give us more information: what player are you using? files details (from mediainfo) which are not worked?


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

TCmullet wrote:

Both videos completed successfully.  Thanks so much!



(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

TCmullet wrote:

can GDF4 and 5.0 still work as they've been working all along?

GDFv5 works without crashes on several my videos I tested yesterday.
I didn't compare 5.0 vs 5.1 face-to-face. But I think quality and speed must stay the same.


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

See svpflow1/2.dll files in folder SVP 4\plugins


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Thank you. I will look your script. It can take some time.
But You already can try updated GDFv5.01. wink

GDFv4 needs some more time.

GameDropFix, version 5.01

# GameDropFixV5_01.avsi
# ==================
# release date: 2016-12-20, MAG79
# ____________
# Requrements:
# - avisynth 2.6 MT,
# - masktools2 b1,
# -- MS VC++ 2012 Redistributable x86, … p;form=dlc
# - mvtools,
# - svpflow1 from SVP4,
# - svpflow2 from SVP4,

function GameDropFixV5(clip c, bool "myGPU", bool "myDebug", int "myErrSize", bool "DblFPS")
myGPU = default( myGPU, true )
myDebug = default( myDebug, false )
myErrSize = default( myErrSize, 12 )
dblFPS = default( dblFPS, false )

New in this version 5.01:
- updated to last versions of plugins: MVTools, SVPFlow1.dll, SVPFlow2;
- no script code changes.

- to fix dropped frames with GPU:


- to fix dropped frames with GPU and double framerate by insert interpolated frames:


- to fix dropped frames with debug info:


Sample script:


- - only avsi-file
- - whole plugins folder: avsi-file + masktools + mvtools + svpflow

It is recomended to install MS VC++ 2012 Redistributabe Update 4 (x86) for better work of MaskTools2 plugin.


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It's ok. I see. Of course dlls from SVP4 would be better.
I've read all your posts. The error in SVPFlow2.dll is the same: Access violation in AvisynthPluginInit2.
Did you try SVPFlow1/2.dll from SVP4?

Your suggestions about video framesaize can be possible cause. It needs to be checked.
To make me help you: can you post your avs-script here?

If GDF4/5 are already work with Avisynth 2.6 then it is good!
I mean, it need to be updated to work with Avisynth 2.6 and with last versions of used Avisynth plugins.

Every time when SVP 3 starts it shows LAST error log. With notepad.
But these are errors happened in previous interval of SVP work. See times in the log.
I need to know what happened at PC when error occurs. Just in the same time.

When the error occurs?
Happened once and not repeated?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Subtitles from your link are works to me in 2 players: mpv player and MPC-BE.
Not working in MPC-HC.

To see subtitles I choose player from menu: SVPtube - Video player - mpv player.
And before click play I select American English

Thank you for the links.

I download and look to 60fps.mkv frame-by-frame. It has really 60 different frames in second. No duplicated frames. This video is already smoothed to 60 fps.
The problem is format of video. It encoded to AVC 10bit YUV 4:4:4. GPU acceleration of decoding is not worked to this format, so my core i5 gives me 100% CPU load with video stops while playing.

If reencode this video to AVC 8bit YUV 4:2:0 is will must work normal with GPU acceleration of decoding. And smoothly even without SVP.

So, by user's words:
i7 + GTX640m = ReClock works, but
FX-8350 + GTX980 = ReClock error.

For statistics:
My system (i5-3570K + GTX 660 Ti) = ReClock works (tested with windows 7/8.1/10)

Has anyone such problem with ReClock?

here is the letter from one of our users:

Hi, I've been using SVP Pro for about a month or two now, and I love it. My laptop has an i7 and a GTX 640m and it works perfect with it. My desktop has an FX-8350 and a GTX 980, and every time I open a video in MPC with SVP open, it loads the first frame of the video, then I get the the attached error. I have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling SVP, and everything that comes with it, but no luck. I only started having this problem about two weeks ago on my desktop, but it continues to work fine on my laptop. I have tried googling this and looking it up on the forums, but have had no luck. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Что если скопировать файл avisynth.dll из папки Resources\Avisynth в папку с установленным MPC-HC?

James D
У меня SVP 3 корректно работает с Windows 10. Ничего не падает. wink


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Yes, you can find svpflow1/2.dll in plugins folder from SVP 4 Free installed.

I will look what I can do to make GDF scripts compatible to avisynth 2.6

My file version is, size 647,680

Last svpflow2.dll from SVP 3.1.7 has version You can get it from SVP 3 folder. Or you can take file linked below.
Try it. The error can be fixed there.


(17 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Maybe it is 4K video hard to process with your PC?
Try fullHD video. Does it play smoothly?


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Can you give an example youtube link with subtitles not displayed with SVPtube 2?

This error connected to Avisynth option in ffdShow.
Did you enable/disable this option while playing video file?

Ну, у меня например, при установке SVP 3.1 на чистую windows 10 x64 выскакивает ошибка, что мол сперва необходимо установить "MS Visual C++ 2008 SP1 MFC Redistributable (x86)".
Качал и ставил оттуда: … x?id=26368

После этого пакет SVP 3.1 установился и плавность заработала. Про файл SVPFlow1.dll не ругается. Просто работает.

Кстати, рекомендую проверить свойства файла svpflow1.dll: размер 517 632 байт, версия файла


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

As wroted in given topic "AvisynthPluginInit2" error was connected to Intel GPUs and some MTModes.
What GPU are you using?


(29 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You can use information from official SVP changelog. See chapters about SVPflow.

SVPFlow plugins are not compatible to AviSynth 2.5 since version - 2016-03-18.
AviSynth 2.6 is supported.
What version of AviSynth are you using?

And you are right. I think GDF needs to be updated to use with latest SVPFlow plugin. wink