> На  H96 MAX V58 в настройках установил вывод SPDIF Passthrough

возможно, этого не надо делать... не могу сейчас проверить сам.
что оптика, что HDMI допускают 6/8 каналов звука PCM

> без многоканального звука

почему "без"? многоканальный звук есть, только раскодированный

ну так и в mpv-android нету...
если там нет - то и тут нет

> без полноценного многоканального звука у него нет будущего на TV боксах

ну, пока и ни одного нормального TV бокса на Андроиде нет, поэтому проблема не столь остра big_smile

> af=lavcac3enc

это зачем? какой смысл _перекодировать_ в AC3? многоканал PCM и так вроде как нормально идёт

сейчас сделано так чтоб переход от кадра к подсветке был максимально незаметным
т.е. яркость такая же как яркость контента в кадре


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)



(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

All settings -> tube.pos.corner = 1,2,3,4


вроде уже сегодня исправили, но пока релиза нет, подождем до завтра

sounds more like OS somehow protects clipboard from SVPlayer
or protects data copied in Chrome from other apps hmm

dunno, works for me on 17.4.1

очевидно потому что Total Commander запущен от администратора

> Hopefully in the future you find a solution to the above as well, that would be amazing!

blinking comes from mixing two frames having different colors, so I don't see any solution for RIFE
... except inserting a "regular SVP"-generated frames at these points, but it sounds too complicated for now

написано ж что плеер запущен как администратор
не надо этого делать

> One minute you are saying that I'm seeing garbage frames with IC.

you said you have "very sharp cut" with MVs, while it's not that sharp with IC
meaning you saw frame repeating with MVs and some kind of "soft" mixing with IC
dunno how I supposed to understand this in opposite way

now we figured that it's exactly opposite - "sharp cut" with IC and soft mixing with MVs, thank godness big_smile
and more, we also figured that MVs gives different results for different frame sizes, at least for 720p and others, which wasn't so expected by me, and I need to look into it


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)


> Is there anything we can do to increase NVOF and SVP algorithms strength


the bad thing is that values that work good with resizing to 720p doesn't seems to work with 1080p and 4K

> IC is properly processing that scene.

with a threshold value <=15
making a lot of false SC detections in other scenes

> The only "garbage" Rife frames are with SVOP and NVOF which explains why I didn't like what I saw.

but you said the opposite thing - "With both NVOF and SVP this is a very sharp and jarring cut" big_smile

> When trying to transcode ... to see the difference between scene changes

Hint: press '.' key in mpv to step frame by frame. Or "Ctrl+right" in MPC-HC.

> He says he sees Rife.jpg with IC

This isn't what I'm saying.
I'm saying you'll see either
1. repeated frame 1 - when SC detected + "Repeat frame", regardless of the method used (IC or MVs)
2. blended frame 1 and frame 2 - when SC detected + "Blend adjacent frames",  regardless of the method used (IC or MVs)
3. some garbage mixed by RIFE - when SC missed, regardless of the method used (IC or MVs)

And I'm also saying that MVs are more accurate than IC, regardless of the "threshold" value.

> For some reason SVP smoothness does not work properly with them now.

this is the cost of non-blinking
it has to repeat frame when DV data changes, which may happen at random places


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

dunno, YT now gives error 403 on some video and/or audio streams
lets hope it's something that will be fixed soon in yt_dlp

it's clearly a scene change and SVP do everything right - see f1.jpg before SC and f2.jpg after SC

> what you call "garbage" might simply the AI doing it's job1

see attached rife.jpg
for the 3rd time - if you OK with this - then OK, "SC = disabled" is right for you
and I'll continue thinking that proper SC detection is a must for every frame interpolation algorithm

> But an example of why IC is slightly better is in Dr Strange 2 where he throws his cloak to catch the girl. At the point she is caught the scene changes to show her being carried back.

what is the timecode?

there's no way to "over-react"
if it see the SC it repeats the frame before SC or blends two frames
if it miss the SC then you'll see something mixed by RIFE -> which is your case with IC
that's it

> At the point she is caught the scene changes to show her being carried back. With both NVOF and SVP this is a very sharp and jarring cut. With IC there's still an issue but it's less jarring and looks more natural.

So MVs see the scene change while IC doesn't, and still it's "better". OK then big_smile

Drakko01 wrote:
Blackfyre wrote:
Drakko01 wrote:

I pointed out one example of this in Doctor Strange Multiverse of madness, after defender Strange is killed by the Ribboned Creature and America chavez run underneath.

Can you provide the timestamp? I have that in high quality and I can test tomorrow.

3.06 and 3.16 the ribbons of the creature , maybe I misinterpreted and its something else.Thanks for taking the time.


smooth.scene.limits.scene = 8000;

will do the trick for those scenes
updated defaults in svpflow libs, ver. 273-1