из 25 совершенно точно получится не 59.94, а 60
сделать можно что угодно, но делать именно 59.94 из 25 - плохая идея
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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
из 25 совершенно точно получится не 59.94, а 60
сделать можно что угодно, но делать именно 59.94 из 25 - плохая идея
по умолчанию если ничего не трогать то будет 23.976 * 2.5 = 59.94
и только если поставить галочку на "точное значение", то будет 60
the "Avisynth Filter" installer script sets all the registry values on installation/update
and I just checked - it really does
do you have /usr/local/lib/libvapoursynth-script.dylib ?
in fact it must be here: /usr/local/opt/vapoursynth/lib/libvapoursynth-script.0.dylib
and it will be here if you install Homebrew in a default location
> Maybe the moves to Nvof 2.0
"nvof 2.0" was added in 445.87
I have 460.79 on my laptop with gtx 2060, never seen this error too
dunno, I can't reproduce this with 460.89 neither on a 2060/laptop nor 2070/desktop
поправить "все параметры" -> cast.encode.opts.h264_nvenc = "b=$B,rc=cbr,preset=slow,profile=high"
"cbr_hq" поменять на просто "cbr"
most likely you don't have python 3.8 installed
libsvptube.so depends on python 3.8
os? any errors in the log?
halo is the most common artifact for any motion interpolation, you can't get rid of it with "increase bitrate and change encoders"
you can only play with the manual SVP interpolation options to get a result that looks good enough for you
there're numerous topics on this problem within this forum - use search
not sure it's related to the "Avisynth filter quality"...
btw, this error code means nothing - i.e. "indicates that an unknown internal error has occurred" while creating GPU memory buffer
to be clear: it comes not from our (SVP's) code but from the video driver
> are those sliders only valid during realtime playing?
yep, it always selects the highest quality in transcoding mode
> Do these improve the quality of Optical Flow over Turing GPU's?
no idea... if yes then it's already "improved" with the drivers update
try Avisynth Filter instead of ffdshow, it works much better when seeking
SVP doesn't support 1x1 motion vectors right now
and I really don't think it should
from what I read that 1x1 vectors field is just the same hardware-interpolated 4x4 field
the thing is if the source video has a bitrate X and you re-encode it with the same bitrate X - you won't get the same visual quality as the source
I think we're talking about _performance_. Blackfyre has a performance issues playing 4K @4px blocks, and this is NOT because his 2070 is too slow in NVOF.
And I don't think 1x1 blocks are useful for us. 4x4 is more than enough.
> Anyway, so how can I achieve 4px with 4K HDR content?
I think it's more CPU-related
> Or it doesn't matter which RTX videocard because they all perform the same with Optical Flow?
mmm... nvof_grid = 0 gives a script error with "division by zero" and nvof_grid = 1 gives another script error
in fact, NVOF engine works with 4*4 px block only
so "4px" in SVP is just "search 4*4 blocks on the original frame size"
and "8px" --> "search 4*4 blocks on the frame reduced by 2 in both directions"
Most likely it works but just drops frames because VLC gives the worst performance with SVP.
кнопка прямо так и называется
я б сказал что скорее проблема не в самом по себе лимите битрейта, а что параметры для кодирования с CBR (constant bitrate) для x264 неправильные
cast.encode.opts.libx264 сейчас просто "b=$B,preset=veryfast", но это не дает CBR
можно попробовать его поставить в "b=$B,preset=veryfast,minrate=$B,maxrate=$B,bufsize=$2B"
SVP can't work with encrypted (DRM'ed) content
> Is there any difference between the official MPV and the MPV used with SVP?
1. there's no "official MPV"
2. no difference
да у меня тоже затыкается
с 12 мбит - сразу же, на 20-й секунде
10 мбит - на 8-й минуте
5 мбит - не затыкается
рабочая версия - битрейт в моменте получается выше 12 мбит
но раньше вроде проблема так остро не стояла ==> может быть что-то поменялось в кодировщике x264, какой он делает битрейт
пока можно методом научного тыка подобрать макс. битрейт с которым еще работает - в cast.encode.bandwidth можно написать любое число из тех которых нет в меню
есть предложение 10 мбит вместо 12 в меню поставить
с 10 все-равно завис, но только через 8 минут
странно, может x264 перестал заданный битрейт держать? как только по факту получается выше 12 мбит - chromecast сразу затыкается
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
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