
(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)


Sometimes when a video has been playing great for a certain amount of time, SVP seems to restart of it's own, so the image freezes for less than a second and then it reverts to normal with SVP reactivation and showing on screen information (like when I use the seekbar).

I think it is 'Black bars detection' option enabled. SVP just has detect another black bars width and apply them.
You can disable this option.

Sometimes, when the video has also been playing for a certain amount of time which is variable also, the picture simply freezes without the sound being altered at all (it simply continues as if nothing had happened). Subtitles stop being displayed, too. It can last a few seconds before pictures slowly start to reappear, resulting in jerky off sync film with 1/2 fps and then it gradually speeds up again until everything is normal again.

Look to events log. SVP tray icon - Information - Events log.
I think the answer is there.


(122 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I collect information about crashes with svpflow2!AvisynthPluginInit2+0xNNNN and with svpflow2!svpGetVersion+0xNNNN.
The error occurs mainly on Intel HD Graphics when GPU-acceleration is used. For now quick solution is to disable GPU-acceleration in SVP.
SVP manager - Application settings - GPU acceleration - No acceleration

In case with AMD Radeon R9 2xx You can change renderer in MPC-HC. madVR causes the errors. I recommend to use EVR Custom with D3D Fullscreen option enabled.
MPC-HC - menu View - Options - Output


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I checked. My TV not supported any mode above 60Hz. I used AMD CRU with Crimson 16.2.1. So my TV Philips 40PFL5007T is not 'overclockable' smile

MPC-BE in win10 looks so
river uses MPC-BE


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Roberto Rossi
The more Hz gives the more dynamic resolution.

I have Philips TV with 120 Hz LCD and strobo-light technology (PMR 400)
I have Asus monitor with 144 Hz LCD and strobo-light technology (LightBoost2)

Advantages are sharp objects when it moves on the screen and very smooth motions.

I have compared them each other.
From worse dynamic resolution to better: LCD 60Hz > TV 120Hz LCD 400PMR > LCD 144Hz LightBoost > TV Plasma 600Hz+*

*Opinion from public tests. I have not TV Plasma, so I didn't compare it with my LCD 144Hz LightBoost in one place at one time.

I have variable config. smile
Core i5-3570K + GTX 660 Ti + Win8.1 = no crashes
Core i5-3570K + GTX 660 Ti + Win10 = crashes only on LAV CUVID decoder + SVP GPU acceleration + madVR (work around: 1, 2)
Core i5-3570K + Radeon R9 285 + Win8.1 = no crashes
Core i5-3570K + Radeon R9 285 + Win10 = no crashes

OpenCL is a part of graphics driver. To correct OpenCL you need to reinstall your driver.

To use No GPU acceleration in SVP.

Nintendo Maniac 64
Your video is anamorphic.
In pixels it has size 900x600, but this picture has aspest ratio 4:3.
So if your screen has resolution 800x600 then one side of video must be equal, second side must be less. I think so because SD 720x576 with 16:9 flag gives at output 1024x576. (upscale 720 to 1024).

If we go with this logics then we need to get 800x5xx from 900x600 source to get stretched frame to 800x600 at the screen. And if I use madVR I see this logics working.

But with EVR I see another logics and 800x5xx shows me black bars as at your picture.
I must say it is not simple situation. Two different renderers work in different way: madVR used upscale, EVR used downscale.

Подгружаться или отображаться?
Предлагаю проверить:
- MPC-HC - меню Вид - Настройки - Вывод - Обработчик субтитров - Внешний обработчик субтитров (трудности перевода, в оригинале: Internal);
- MPC-HC - меню Воспроизведение - Дорожка субтитров - Включить;
- MPC-HC - меню Воспроизведение - Дорожка субтитров - выбрать нужную из списка.

На указанном ролике Youtube у меня случается Network error, когда я выбираю субтитры в svptube и нажимаю Play.

You can do Performance test again to update profile settings.
SVP tray menu - Utilities - Assess system performance


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Integer multiplier uses less calculated frames because all original frames are shown.
2x = 1 original + 1 calculated
2.4x = 0.2 original + 2.2 calculated
2.5x = 0.5 original + 2 calculated
3x = 1 original + 2 calculated

Frames are composed on GPU, so 2.5x and 3x gives equal GPU load. 2.4x gives greater GPU load than 2.5x and 3x.

You can do it. It is absolutely free smile


(14 replies, posted in Using SVP)

brucethemoose wrote:

CPU usage is still at 93%+

If you want really stable smooth playback then you need to lower SVP settings to get CPU load at 80%. It will reserve the rest 20% to complicated places in video where CPU load growth is quite possible.

как бороться с этим

- с перемигиванием на перемотках - указанной настройкой;
- с чем-то другим - нужно более точное описание, как именно нарушается последовательность кадров, длительность этого процесса. Очень поможет видео, снятое с экрана. Опять же очень поможет отчет об ошибке, отправленный из SVP-менеджера. С отчетом нам придут журналы с деталями, которые дадут нам больше информации, чем словесное описание проблемы.


So your CPU have 8 threads. If you fill lack of performance (SVP index less than 1.0) with low CPU load you can encrease processing threds number.
SVP tray menu - Application settings - Additional options - Processing threads.

I think value 17 threads and more will be good for your CPU and UHD monitor. smile
Try it.

GTX 770 is good enough to use GPU-acceleration in SVP.

For win10 to avoid player crashes or freezes you need to choose DXVA2 Copy-back HW acceleration in LAV decoder. More info: Windows 10 - video player hangs and/or crashes

What CPU are you using?

Try to select more light renderer. I recommend to use EVR Custom with D3D Fullscreen option enabled.

Именно в начале воспроизвдения или сразу после перемотки?
Если после перемотки, то это исправляется настройкой Сброс на перемотке.
SVP меню в трее - Настройки - Дополнительные настройки - Сброс на перемотке. Рекомендую значения Мягкий сброс или Жесткий сброс.
Проблема связана с буфером кадров ffdShow с предыдущего места воспроизведения, которые не всегда очищаются и бывает, что показываются на экране вперемешку с правильными кадрами.

Try Adaptive.

GameDropFix v5

SVP меню в трее - Информация - Журнал.
Какой коэффициент в формуле?
Playback: playing at 48 [24 *2/1]

Должно быть 2/1

нет четкого чередования нормальных и интерполированных кадров
Должно быть. Что видите вместо чередования?

Можно включить галку обрезки в ffdShow. Тогда кадр будет обрезаться минимально до соблюдения для сторон условия кратности 16.

Нужен для особо зрячих и треботельных таких, как я big_smile

Специальной настройки нет по количеству добавляемого шума. Chainik реализовывал шум. Можно попросить добавить такую настройку.