I m going to give SVP another try because I hate the motion stutter on my JVC RS-25 projector. I installed everything I need and it works almost perfect exept for madVR in combination with SVP:
My projector supports 1080P23, 1080P24, 1080P50 and 1080P60. I ve set my desktop resolution in my NVIDIA control panel to 1920x1080@60 and SVP to frame rate to screens refresh rate. The problem is that I get a lot of dropped frames in madVR (one dropped frame every 2 minutes reported my madVR). I can understand this (I think) because madVR needs an exact match of the fps of the content that is playing (or a double of that I think). So without SVP i set my NVIDIA control panel to EXACTLY 1920x1080@23,976 (when running a Blu-Ray movie) and I get 1-4 dropped frames during a 2 hour movie which is great. When using SVP it of course has no sense to use it without setting my NVIDIA output to 60Hz. Will I not be able to use madVR and SVP?