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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
да, виснет, похоже как раз из-за нового алгоритма для фикса рассинхрона
> Нашел проблемное видео
так а деинтерлейс в lav-е включен?
> "Acceleration" is not found anywhere in All Preferences.
simple preferences - input / codecs - hardware-accelerated decoding
> I think it's very common for industrial cameras like Point Grey.
if you could provide a sample video I could take a look...
> How do I change the default player for SVPtube 2?
via main menu - Video player -> Choose application
by default it's set to "system default video player", which is VLC in your case
no idea what the Y800 is, but SVP plugin for VLC only supports planar YUV formats
> I managed to fix this with 0.8.2 of avsf
"0.8.1-2" installed via SVP updater should not differ from the official "0.8.2"
> is MadVR upscaling a 100FPS SVP-enhanced video
if it doesn't work then we can do nothing about it
you may file a bug report on the youtube-dl's tracker
btw it's good to see youtube-dl official repo unblocked now
VLC can't do 144 fps at all cause it's limited to 72 fps (i.e. x3 rate)
Regarding 4k@144 - read this -
fixed now
it's probably a better solution to resize 4K down to 1440p in a real time instead of long conversion with loosing HDR data
in All settings search for "resize", set frc.frame.resize = -25601440
in this mode my old Ryzen 1700 shows 144 fps with no dropped frames while pure 4K can only reach 120 fps
and I'm talking about MPC-HC + madVR + Aviysynth Filter + disable 10-bit output (!)
but don't push madVR settings too high, keep the GPU load at reasonable level...
do not run SVP as administrator at the first place
and see log for any errors...
This could happen if you had old JS scripts (with an old price) cached in your web browser.
Force reload page or open it via another web browser or in a private mode.
> is there a sale for additional licenses also?
doesn't matter, both specs are too good for 1080p at any frame rate
может чего-то левое каким-то образом затесалось в папку автозагружаемых плагинов
можно попробовать удалить все из C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth+\plugins64\ и plugins64+\
does plain mpv work for you?
Just updated Plex to the very same version, removed the mpv-1.dll (not even replaced cause the correct .dll is already on PATH), and everything is working as expected.
Add "log-file=<some-path>" to capture mpv's log as well and show all logs here (Plex, mpv, SVP)
have you updated env variables?
have you replaced the mpv-1.dll?
ну хорошо если так... а то вон автор никак поверить не может что может быть рассинхрон из-за указанной причины
> 1. How do I verify Mad VR + AviSynth are working?
madVR and "Avisynth Filter" must be in the list
> 2. Since switching over I do not get the SVP graphic that says its operating.
if you have "avisynth filter" in the list then you should check SVP's log
> А где этот лог глянуть?
> записал видео с рассинхроном
так это о какой версии то речь?
и даже вот так, тут вообще комар носа не подточит в плане точности временных меток
а в прошлой версии могло уйти из-за накапливающейся ошибки, правда хз могло ли это на что-то повлиять
но ради математической точности должно быть так
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
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