my monitor is working on 95hz at 3440x1440p resolution and has the g-sync. I'm trying your advice, but I have trouble missing frames beyond 60 fps.
Are you absolutely sure that g-sync is working while playing a video? I don't know if it's still the case, but at least with MPC-HC without madVR you had to enable D3D Fullscreen for it to work, so there's no guarantees that it's "kicking in" for your madvr+potplayer setup.
Also, is that 95hz a typo? In other words, did you mean to say 96Hz? Or perhaps it's actually 95.904Hz?
I wasn't ignoring your posts.
I was concerned that you didn't see it, not that you were ignoring it.
Have you tried to download and test the video linked?
That video is 29.97 fps, so the expected frame rate and refresh rate should be 89.91 rather than 96.