
(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

yeah, I can confirm this. will be fixed in the next update...

> i have seen that newer svp4linux relies on

wrong. vapoursynth relies on cython3 >= 0.28


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

stream from a computer via SVPcast


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Gray = HDR


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> the program always crashes

SVP Manager crashes? or gives a transcoding error? any log?


(36 replies, posted in Using SVP)

There's no need to "implement ffdshow", they (Renderheads) could just give more control over the DirectShow fiilter chain to the developers

I believe Whirligig author will be glad to help us but he is just unable to do it.

> the new whirligig 4.821 beta

Where? The last one on Steam is 4.78 from 7 Nov 2019


(36 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> the new whirligig 4.821 beta can identify the installation of vlc on the computer and use it as video path(player)

I'll check this...


(36 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> Is there a solution to it?

Unfortunately no.
They all share the same video engine - Renderheads AVPro Video, which doesn't allow the DirectShow filter chain configuration except the video decoder selection.
https://github.com/RenderHeads/UnityPlu … issues/230

I don't know methods other than install and set it up according to the instructions.

this is why SVP doesn't see Kodi

> Nothing comes up in the SVP log, it seems to just literally not be seeing Kodi.

do you see ffdshow icon in the tray?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

4K/10 bit at very high frame rate is not a CPU perf problem but more like mpv's internal issue with rather slow copying of huge amount of data
60 fps should work. Ryzen 3xxx may also work at higher rates due to higher IPC and memory copying speed

because it isn't HDR?


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

you must have SVP Manager running (it can be completely disabled) to use the latest svpflow libs

Avisynth tab -> buffers (back/ahead) -> set to 0/20 ("back" can be zero but "ahead" must be at least the SVP's threads count size)

please update SVP now

the video was encoded with a strange timecodes at frames ~90-95 and svpflow plugin didn't handle those negative and zero values correctly


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

No idea why you're running SVP as root... You probably should stick with Windows instead wink

Avisynth should work fine, Vapoursynth interface has performance issues.

я так и написал
> он вроде сам умеет youtube-dl запускать, вот и открывайте прямо через него

если выбирать поток БЕЗ значка "V+A" то звук будет в любом плеере
если выбирать поток C значком "V+A", то звук будет ТОЛЬКО в mpv, VLC, MPC-HC, PotPlayer

если вы знаете как передать SMPlayer-у через ком. строку отдельную аудио-дорожку - можете сказать, тогда в след. версии SVPtube будет работать и для SMPlayer

ну потому что SMPlayer-у никак не передать несколько раздельных URL (отдельно видео, отдельно аудио) через ком. строку (или я не знаю как, что тоже возможно)
он вроде сам умеет youtube-dl запускать, вот и открывайте прямо через него

> Как объяснить, что все опробованные, разные версии smplayer, работают идентичным образом

Путаницей среди вас wink

> youtube-dl + smplayer + svp

Что именно вы делаете и как?


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

then you must fix the build error(s) first
either you're doing something wrong or missing some dependency

> Как подружить svp и smplayer?

RTFM уже наконец big_smile, а там прямо так и написано

SMPlayer >= 20.4.2 - works only with SVP >= 4.3.191 (2020-04-11)


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

uncheck App. settings -> Add. options -> "assume double frame rate for interlaced videos"