I've enjoyed GameDropFixV4 several times. Thank you whoever developed it
Nice to hear! smile

If it is still actual. Today I look and modified your avsi-file to make it work.
You need to insert line with one character "c" in the top of function:

function GameDropFixV4(clip c, bool "myGPU", bool "myDebug", int "myErrSize")

But for some reason the code of GameDropFixV4 work improperly if it situated inside function. In the middle of calculations local variables stop to show real information and contain fake black frames. And I can't fix it because it is mistake or lack of buffer in the avisynth.

So the only way is to use huge script in one file without "function" statement.

Used for speedup purposes for multi-core CPUs.
Official avisynth description of MT


And I was wrong about c=last. Sorry roll
"c" in avisynth is equivavlent to "last=c" as suggested by Chainik

Установить драйвера для HD4000 c оф.сайта Intel. Тогда установится OpenCL-драйвер для HD4000 и SVP увидит обе видеокарты. Вы получите возможность выбрать. Пока для SVP доступна одна видеокарта - нет смысла выбирать: доступны варианты либо вкл, либо выкл. wink

Посмотреть список доступных видеокарт для SVP можно в логе: Меню SVP в трее - Показать - Последний журнал запуска

Vovanchik быстрее среагировал wink

reinstalled ffdshow, ... and then svp 3.1.7 installing avisynth 2.5.8 MT.
and behold, it works again

Congratulations! smile

is it possible for svp to know that either avisynth is missing or that ffdshow
This information is present in the SVP log file. You can use it for your investigations:

12:33:11.157; Start: SVPMgr 3.1.7 (72) starts...
12:33:11.165; AppDataPath: C:\ProgramData (ANSI)
12:33:11.169; Start: read settings file settings.ini
12:33:11.169; Start: load language file - English. Duration: 152 ms
12:33:11.321; Start: check Avisynth installed. Duration: 1836 ms
12:33:13.157; Start: clear Logs folder. Duration: 41 ms
12:33:13.198; Start: CPU and threads count detection
CPU: Intel Core i3-3217U @ 1.80GHz [4 threads] (433)
12:33:13.223; Start: SVPMgr folders prepare. Duration: 34 ms
12:33:13.257; Start: read settings file SVPMgr.ini. Duration: 16 ms
12:33:13.273; Start: GPUs settings detection
GPU_11: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 (216)
12:33:13.337; Start: monitors settings detection
Display#00010001: 1366 x 768 @ 60
12:33:13.341; Start: disable LNG-file write when UAC enabled. Duration: 16 ms
12:33:13.357; Start: change SVP-manager priority. Duration: 56 ms
12:33:13.413; Start: register hotkeys. Duration: 28 ms
12:33:13.441; Start: get versions of modules used 1.3.4533
avisynth.dll: Avisynth MT, (SVP edition) (CRC32:5ED58E27)
svpflow1.dll: 2.0.4
svpflow2.dll: 2.0.2. Duration: 8 ms
12:33:13.449; Start: refresh autostart state in registry. Duration: 12 ms
12:33:13.461; Start: some more work with registry. Duration: 27 ms
12:33:13.488; Start: create menu. Duration: 40 ms
12:33:13.528; Start: update settings file settings.ini. Duration: 264 ms
12:33:13.792; Start: prepare "About the program" window. Duration: 33 ms
12:33:13.825; Start: enable ffdShow waiting mode. Duration: 15 ms
12:33:13.840; Start: prepare to work is complete
12:33:13.856; RefreshSVP. Duration: 24 ms
12:33:13.880; ===== Waiting for ffdshow video

15:03:23.719; ===== Detected playback with ffdShow. AppName: mpc-hc.exe, PID: 8060, supports 4GB RAM
15:03:23.804; used avisynth.dll: Avisynth MT, (SVP edition) (CRC32:5ED58E27) from c:\Program Files (x86)\SVP\MPC-HC\

What version of MPC-HC do you use? It must be x86 version

Did you try to disable GPU-acceleration in SVP or to disable CUVID in LAV decoder?
Windows 10 - video player hangs and/or crashes


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

1. What tool are you using to measure framerate?
2. What you see at SVP Performance graphs window (I talk about CPU usage and SVP-Index values)?


Скачать и установить VCRedist2013


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)


Screen size and refresh rate: 1280x720 pixels, 59 Hz

For some reason SVP-manager can't detect real refresh rate of your screen. Try to point it manualy by SVP tray menu - Screen selection - Force dialog.
You can get real refresh rate screen value from madVR info (Ctrl-L in player). Usually it something like 59.994 or 60.002
When you point it you will get more speedy smooth factor 5:2. It needs less CPU performance than 22:9 as in your case.

How it should be (additional info from my notebook):

Detected screen parameters
Screen size and refresh rate: 1366x768 pixels, 59.899 Hz


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

can I manually set SVP's output resolution for a profile?
Try to use Decrease frame size to 720px height in Active profile settings window.
It must give you the same performance as with you TV monitor.

For information 720/1080 = 67%

Nintendo Maniac 64
svp31 file is for compare purposes only.

I'm not using GPU-acceleration
Then Ok. Point #2 is not actual.

Sorry. I don't have Core2Duo for full repeat your case.
And sorry. I see now you point about no GPU-acceleration in the first post.

Nintendo Maniac 64
I made SVP31-script by your picture. See file attached.

Difference is present in 7 places:
1. SVP4 uses 3 threads instead of 7. It is not critical but can lead to jerky playback.
2. SVP4 don't use GPU-acceleration (gpu:0). It can give more artifacts at frame borders and overall.
3. SVP4 uses 28px vector grid instead of 16px. It must give less artifatcs but less smothness.
4. SVP4 uses Average wide search (bad.sad:1000 by default) intead of Strongest wide search (bad:{sad:2000}}). It can give less smoothness of small objects.
5. SVP4 uses Sharp shader for anime (algo:2) instead of Standard shader (algo:13). It gives more visible artfacts around moving objects.
6. SVP4 uses Repeat frame on scene changes (blend:false by default) instead of Blend ajacent frames (blend:true). It can give more jerky playback at fast scenes and at scene changes.
7. SVP4 uses adaptive frame interpolation mode (mode:3 by default) indtead of "1m" mode (mode:1). It gives more smoothness but more artifacts.

So, I see 3 causes wich can lead to more visible artifacts: #2, 5 and 7.

BTW, My lower-end CPU (mobile i3-3217U) gives me more smooth playback and less artifacts with SVP4 and with profile settings by default than if I use SVP 3.1 with your settings.

В приложенном файле присутствует ошибка роста памяти:

20:35:16.555; Error: Обнаружен рост памяти, используемой плеером: 2253 МБ
Чтобы не допустить закрытие плеера из-за нехватки памяти перезапущен скрипт повышения плавности.

Была зарегистрирована при проигрывании файла "21 Jump Street.2012.720p.BluRay.x264-LEONARDO.mkv" с разрешением 1280x534 и частотой 23.976 к/сек.
Плеер PotPlayerMini.exe, поддерживает 4ГБ памяти. Использовался avisynth.dll MT, (SVP edition), значит оптимизированный по использованию памяти.
Используемое железо: i5-3570K @ 3.40GHz [4 threads] + Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000

2253 МБ - это аномально большое значение использования памяти. Если ошибка повторится, то нужно будет искать виновника избыточного потребления памяти. В практике SVP встречалось использование неоправданно большого количества памяти при отображении динамических субтитров (сообщение из англо-язычного форума).
Обсуждение похожих проблем:
Проблема оперативная память
Тормозит видео при субтитрах

Если это единичный случай и проблема не напрягает, то можно проигнорировать. Если же проблема повторится и будет назойливой, то хорошо бы найти причину и устранить.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If you put here additional info in both cases (TV and Laptop screen) then we will can compare it and find the difference in SVP compute complexity.
Open video in Player, make it smooth win SVP, after that: SVP tray menu - Information - Additional information.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Can you give a short example of your 24-in-30 fps video?

You can look also to fields lighting parameters, Flare length
And it equivalent to "smooth.light.length" value in the 'override.js' file wink

My assumptions:
1. Video memory overheated. Try to downclock it or to enchance video card cooling.
2. Video driver issue. Check by disable GPU acceleration in SVP. Try several last WHQL drivers.
3. Possible madVR issue. Read madVR forum. Play around madVR settings.
4. And of course it can be SVP library issue. Play around SVP profile settings and post here what settings leads to that glitches.

Oh! I see the error in the log:

14:49:12.381; Error: File can't be deleted
C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\temp\override.js2

It looks like some window application holds files generated by SVP.
You need to disable your antivirus software or point folder 'C:\ProgramData\SVP 3.1\' to its exclude path.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVP can't change repeated frames (or frames-drops) by interpolated frames. You need to restore source video first. Video must have only original frames without repeated frames. For 30>24 conversion you can use TIVTC avisynth plugin:


See more in topic "Fix" for videos with resampled framerates?

Can't see pictures

Victor Pilotov
В последних версиях MPC-HC и MPC-BE декодер LAV является встроенным и включенным по-умолчанию. См. меню Вид - Настройки... - Встроенные фильтры - Внутренние настройки LAV Filters - Видео декодер.
P.S. Рекомендую ознакомиться: Чересстрочное видео и SVP - это возможно!

Где это находиться, не могу найти
Отрисовщик выбирается в меню плеера Вид - Настройки... - Воспроизведение - Вывод - первый выпадающий список DirectShow видео - выбрать: Расширенный видео рендер / madVR, переоткрыть видео.

GPU_11: GeForce GTX 580 (2266)
Also you can use madVR Fullscreen exclusive mode to remove tearing.

Sorry. What kind of bug? Error text, Error number, player hungs?

Alex Offshore
Тоже не мог деинсталлировать ReClock. Симптомы те же. Как будто не запускается процесс деинсталляции. В итоге просто запретил его в фильтрах. Было на 7-ке. Сейчас уже win 8.1. Деинсталлировать ReClock еще не пробовал. Возможно этот косяк сохранился. Могу проверить, если надо.

В плеере MPC-HC меню Вид - Настройки... - вкладка Разное - вверху четыре ползунка: яркость, контрастность, оттенок, насыщенность.
У меня работает прямо во время воспроизведения. Отрисовщик: Расширенный видео рендерер (EVR по-английски).