CPU load is less then you use 2x, 3x and so on... integer smooth factor.
If you use non integer smooth factor you need more CPU power. Look at your SVP Performance Graphs window. What CPU load is shown there?

SVP does not currently support official Windows High Contrast themes
For now you can use official Contrast White theme smile

http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=3557  http://www.svp-team.com/forum/misc.php?item=3558

Black themes looks at my system without text as shown at you screenshot.
Now I google what the problem with invisibility clWindowText color... hmm

AMD Fluid Motion (AFM) vs SVP:
+ AFM has less visible artifacts;
+ low CPU usage;
+/- no customizable settings;
- AFM has less smoothness;
- higher GPU usage

Error: Error preparing smooth playback! Script error:
Script error: There is no function named 'SetMTMode'.

This function is a part of avisynth MT. Some software can replace avisynth to their versions. In general case You need to replace back avisynth.dll file in windows\system32 (or windows\sysWOW64) with avisynth.dll from SVP\Resource folder.

BTW You can reinstall SVP and enable option to reinstall Avisynth. Then SVP installer will repair your error automatically.


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Can you show distrotion with screenshot?

Ставить поверх. В 99% случаев корректно подхватываются уже имеющиеся профили и все работает. Если же чем-то работа не устроит, то можно удалить SVP с удалением настроек и снова установить.

поперебирать разные декодеры: LAV, ffd, divx


(9 replies, posted in Using SVP)

And give please screenshot of the error or full error description


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

1. Your OS is Windows 8.1?
2. Your videocard is NVIDIA?
3. Please look what renderer is used in MPC-HC: menu View - Options - Playback - Output section?


(12 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You need more info about Managing profiles, SVP Profile settings or what the problem? hmm


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You can copy avss.dll to avisynth plugins folder and use AVS-script as is. Plugin avss.dll will be loaded automatically.

Шум и резкость в каком-то роде родственники. Это высокочастотные составляющие изображения.
Чистое и резкое видео однозначно уплавняется лучше. И даже может оказаться, что быстрее, т.к. движения будут находиться с меньшим числом ошибок за меньшее число сравнений. Плавность у такого материала выше, но и видимых артефактов потенциально может оказаться больше.

45% with SVP processing and 20% - without SVP. roll
You can check it by disapearing of SVP Tearing test line (orange moving line over video).
Press while playback Ctlr-Win-T, you will see the moving line. It is mean SVP is working. Then hide avisynth filter in ffdShow. Do you still see the moving line?

Avisynth must be in visible filters list in ffdShow. Otherwize SVP can't work with it. So you need for some tuning and customizations.

Thank you for filters list. I see now. What you can do to get smooth playback:
1. Enable HW decoding. Click on LAV video decoder in filter list while playback. What you see in the line 'Active decoder' in Hadrware Acceleration settings?
Select CUVID or DXVA2 (copy-back).
2. Enable D3D FullScreen. You are using renderer EVR (custom presenter). It can show jerks in some cases. To make playback more smoothly go to the MPC menu: Options... - Output - Enable option D3D Fullscreen - OK. Reopen video, switch to fullscreen mode (alt-enter).

"SVP ...slow performance (SVP index: 0.63 - 0.80)" message on the OSD
It is mean CPU load or GPU load are close to 100%. SVP settings are too hard to you configuration.
3. General advise is to reset profiles: SVP - Video profiles... - Reset to defauls - OK - Yes.

4. If problem still here can you look to CPU load value (in SVP Performance Graphs window or in Task Manager) and GPU load (in GPU-Z)?

В SVP есть библиотека поиска векторов движений. Тоже с открытым кодом, как этого требует лицензия. Так вот из x264 взяты функции сравнения блоков. Мы периодически заглядываем в проект x264 и обновляем у себя эти функции. Спасибо за подсказку. Поглядим, что могло бы пригодится этом плане в кодеках нового поколения (x265, VP9, Daala)

I have to put the "AViSynth" filter from the "Visible filters"-list to the "Available filters"-list. Otherwise I get very laggy output
It is very strange. It shouldn't to be.
Can you show your filter's list while playback? Take screenshot of menu: MPC-HC - Play- Filters


(38 replies, posted in Using SVP)

is there any other player other than MPC-HC which works good with SVP?
DAUM PotPlayer and others. See details

It works! I changed it back to DXVA2 and the video is playing smoothly!
Congratulations! smile

WOW! I hate this CUDA thing then
Matrix Leader said last NVIDIA drivers has CUDA disabled. And if you want to use it you need to enable it:
Restore CUDA in the latest nVIDIA Drivers 34x.xx


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

picture showing fixed

The main difference between decoders MVs and "truemotion" MVs is the aim of MVs. And from here type of MVs.
Decoder uses block-matching one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one types of MVs to get maximum compression. So decoder generally has MVs not shown the real motion direction.
SVP (MTools and SVPFlow libs) uses modified block-matching algorythms to get in ideal one-to-one type of MVs to get real motion.


(38 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Perhaps it is "Scan type: MBAFF". So 25 fps converted to 50 by decoder. And you have twice more frames in the second at input of SVP, twice more CPU load.
Does that video has 50 different pictures in the second? hmm


(2 replies, posted in Флуд)

К сожалению нельзя. В ТВ TrueMotion реализовано аппаратно. Это в общем случае. Если очень хочется докопаться до истины именно по этой модели, то надо искать информацию про этот Triple XD Engine и смотреть, что это. Один чип или так называется набор чипов, разный от модели к модели. Искать в описании процессор, выполняющий FRC. Если он есть, то искать, как активировать его работу. Но я за свою практику ни разу не встречал, чтобы уплавнение в ТВ активировалось программно.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

player is in a pause state but the movie is playing
Close all MPC-HC processes from task manager or just reboot.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Select CUVID HW decoder in LAV Filters.
Select EVR renderer in MPC-HC Output.
When you launch SVPMgr.xe what it say about non installed componets nedded?


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You need to use MPC-HC x86 version.


(45 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I think it is buffering.
Take a look to CPU load at smooth play start and few seconds later. CPU load at start is higher. It is because of frame-buffering at the start.

I think such situation with active buffering can happend in the middle of playback. Causes can be different: another huge application started, network activity, hard disk activity or system process activity.