10-bit vs. 8-bit (app. settings - add. options - allow output in 10 bit) ?
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SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
10-bit vs. 8-bit (app. settings - add. options - allow output in 10 bit) ?
Three vapoursynth filters on your screenshot are not looking good
I'd say it failed to remove previous filter before adding new one but it still must work the "old way" despite of the the mpv's warning about 'Option vf-del: -del is deprecated! Use -remove (removes by content instead of by index).'
Are you using git version?
SVP supports 10-bit in mpv and vlc
ICC profiles and 3d lut in mpv: https://mpv.io/manual/master/#options-icc-profile
then you can lower the scene change threshold via override.js - see smooth.scene.limits.scene value
more info there - https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Manual:Advanced_SVP
никогда б не догадался
> PotPlayerMini64.exe <url1> <url2> /same
а он там всегда был?
add new video profile, turn off 'automatic options selection', set 'frames interpolation mode' to 'uniform'
и даже в потплеере работает - 408*720
звук на ютюбе есть в mpc-hc, mpc-be, vlc, mpv
в potplayer-е НЕТ параметра командной строки для загрузки внешней звуковой дорожки, поэтому и звука нет
размер то хоть какой? лог давайте
mpv работает
mpc-hc работает
попробуйте отключить osd-сообщения в меню "настройки" SVP - поможет?
> Is it possible, that 10bit is now working?
not possible
not only because SVP's plugins for Avisynth supports 8-bit only, but because nothing changed on PotPlayer's side
он там теперь пол-форума зафлудил
ему уж намекают уважаемые люди шо
I think you're just a kid in desperate need of approval and you should stop insulting the developers on this forum.
ааа, там дальше вообще адъ, он и туда начал фото своего хуя постить....
дебил, бл
вот ты упорный, а...
global super_params = "{scale:{up:2},gpu:0}"
global analyse_params = "{block:{overlap:1},main:{search:{coarse:{satd:false,type:2,distance:-6,bad:{range:0},width:260},type:2}}}"
global smoothfps_params = "{rate:{num:12,den:5},block:true,algo:11,scene:{blend:true}}"
switch to "EVR custom" if you're using madVR, or vice versa
it usually means video player is unable to show frames fast enough due to too high video renderer settings
if you're using madVR - lower its settings
ah. in this case you probably need to set proper deinterlace mode in the video decoder, i.e. NOT doubling the frame rate
please show SVP's log
"Actual FPS: 31.496 -> 321.91"
minimum value for 4K is 20 Mbps, not 40
do you really want to encode 4K@60 with single-pass HW encoder at 10 Mbit rate? I personally wouldn't do that...
but you always can switch to the 'advanced' tab and enter any bitrate you like
it uses the profile _chosen_ on the transcoding page
if your choose the profile with the "automatic options selection" turned ON then all you can adjust is target rate, artifacts masking strength and animation/film preset
no need to move the slider, it will always select the best "auto" settings in transcoding mode
menu -> Transcoding -> Last transcoding log
at least don't run 24*3 on a 60 hz screen...
try to switch to the "EVR Custom Present" renderer
> где почитать, как самому собирать
> сложно ли это?
ну, если все идет по плану - то не сложно. другое дело что по плану идет редко
там кстати с 1 марта наконец x265 включили, так что теперь вроде как не осталось ни единой причины делать наш собственный билд
я не вижу в коммитах с 6 марта ничего похожего
SVP set to x3 = 24*3 = 72 rate, madVR can only get as high as 49.93 fps, GPU load is 82%...
don't push madVR settings so high and switch everything to defaults including SVP
> Does SVPcode use higher quality settings than regular video playback?
If the video profile set to "auto" then it uses the highest auto settings, ignoring the benchmark scores
> Is it possible to use SVPcode from a Linux CLI w/o a GUI installed?
SmoothVideo Project → Posts by Chainik
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