B/W image or any other issue playing via Avisynth Filter: ensure you have Avisynth+ 3.7.2 installed! Note that SVP installs AVS 3.5 by default.


So. You need to install Avisynth+ 3.7.2


(12 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You can enable NVOF in SVP, playback video in player and check how script looks.
SVP menu Information > Additional information > Last generated script

Check please your mpv.conf file. Do you see any vflip commands there?

If not, you can try to flip picure backwards vertically.

Fast fix is to make new file input.conf near mpv.conf or edit it. You need to add line:

g vf toggle vflip

and press 'g' while playback. It will flip picture vertically every press this button.

P.S. You can use attached file.

I've downloaded both videos.
First video has 60 fps. And it has only 30 different frames per second. You can look at video from time 3:02 in pause mode frame by frame. Every second frame is a double
So, to get smooth video you need to remove each odd frame first.
SVP Video profile setting:

Duplicate frame removal = Remove every over frame


(3 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Windows Start button menu > SVP 4 > Maintain SVP 4 Pro installation

Also, you can launch svp4-maintenance.exe form SVP folder. Usually it is C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4

You don't need many steps. Only two:
1. Login in your browser to your Youtube account and save cookies file.
2. Set cookies file in SVPtube. Only cookies nothing more.

Cookies has restricted life time. So, you need time to time repeat these two steps, when it needed. Once a week maybe.


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Check if you have installed LAV Filters?
Filter Management button at previous screen > select LAV Video Decoder > Filter Information
You must see LAV Video Decoder settings window:


(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Player MPC-HC uses LAV Filters by default.
potPlayer can do it too. My settings:

I understood now.
You can playback video in MPC-HC player at x3 speed. SVP will detect it and properly interpolate to desire framerate.
Your example 24 fps --- speedup x3 --> 72 fos --- interpolate x2 --> 144 fps

But you need to allow SVP to interpolate high framerate sources:
Open SVP profile "Ignore HFR sources" and change condition: increase value of Video frame rate from 47 to 80, for example.

Yes. You can do it with SVP. Use x3 multiplier in SVP profile: Movie frame rate x3
https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Manual:FR … _a_Profile

Надо понять какая была исходная частота кадров. И если она ниже текущей, то удалить кадры-дубли.
Использовать TDecimate из плагина TIVTC.
https://www.svp-team.com/forum/viewtopi … 623#p11623

Сохранить результат, а затем уже повышать плавность при помощи SVP


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

If copy-paste fragment then it will not work at all.

Proper format introduced in file override_list.txt:

analyse.main.penalty.lsad        = 8000;

If fix all errors then it must become:

analyse.block.overlap = 2;
analyse.main.levels = 6;
analyse.main.penalty.lambda = 10;
analyse.main.penalty.lsad = 16000;
analyse.main.penalty.pglobal = 50;
analyse.main.penalty.plevel = 4;
analyse.main.penalty.pnbour = 100;
analyse.main.penalty.pnew = 100;
analyse.main.penalty.prev = 0;
analyse.main.penalty.pzero = 75;
analyse.main.search.distance = -1;

You can read about each setting here: https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/Manual:SVPflow
And if remove all default values you will get:

analyse.main.levels = 6;
analyse.main.penalty.lsad = 16000;
analyse.main.penalty.plevel = 4;
analyse.main.penalty.pnbour = 100;
analyse.main.penalty.pnew = 100;
analyse.main.penalty.pzero = 75;

I didn't check how works these settings so you can use them for you own risk.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

16,000 - this cause the error
Format of your override.js file is wrong.
See file override_list.txt

Your line (wrong):

Penalty LSAD [analyse_main_penalty_lsad] = 16,000

override_list.txt line (proper):

analyse.main.penalty.lsad        = 8000;

Where did you get this wrong file?


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

06:31:11.402: Option vf: vapoursynth doesn't exist.

You need vapoursynth:

And You need mpv with vapoursynth support:
https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:Linux … th_support


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Have you read about HDR in SVP?
https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:4K_an … R_playback

Cпециальной настройки нет.
Увеличивается динамическая резкость. Это особенность зрения, при повышенной плавности глаза успевают следить за объектами в кадре, а мозг успевает их разглядеть. wink
Но если сравнить обычную резкость, статическую, по стоп-кадрам, то Вы увидите, что резкость осталась на прежнем уровне.

> качается в 2к разрешении. У вас же видит только 1080
2K это ведь и есть 1080p? hmm

> если стрим долгий, то только 2 часа стрима.
Как я понял, 2 часа - это ограничение скачивания в файл через SVPtube.
Напрямую через yt_dlp скачивается больше 2-ух часов?

SVPtube использует библиотеку yt_dlp (развитие youtube-dl).

Проверьте, есть ли описываемые проблемы, если пользоваться yt_dlp напрямую.
Если проблемы будут те же, то правильнее Ваши вопросы задать авторам.

You can imagine 2.4x ratio with 1m mode as 2x ratio and some additional interpolated frames:
2x: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 ...
2.4x: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.3, 2.7, 3 ...

Where: 1 and 2 - source frames
1.5 - calculated intermediate frame beeting 1 and 2.

Or explain me please why you want integer factor in case of refresh rate not multiple to framerate?

If you want integer smooth factor (integer mitliplier) then it is mean you want to see every source frame in output.
This option is already done. Use SVP profile setting: Frames interpolation mode = 1m

I see this warning:

03:43:07.895 [W]: VideoPlayer: ffdshow filter ignored in PotPlayer instance - native interface is active
03:43:37.337 [i]: ffdshow: remove instance [13040e]

It is mean you have wrong PotPlayer setup. You need to decide what interface to interact SVP you want to use:
- ffdShow - old solution
- Avisynth Fillter - new solution - recommended
- AviSynth native (direct interface) - YV12 color space only
- VapourSynth native (direct interface) - YV12 color space only

Correct setup instruction see here:
https://www.svp-team.com/wiki/SVP:Daum_ … c_settings


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Hello. You can enable and disable SVP at the same video. Sharpness of picture (or blur) must be identical. Check it with you videos, please.
SVP menu: Temporarily Disable SVP

Можно использовать шейдеры MPC-HC под названием Sharpen, Sharpen complex и Sharpen complex 2. Я использую Sharpen complex 2.

Используйте "Уменьш. к экрану". Картинка будет уменьшена до разрешения монитора.

Вручную можно указать уменьшение до любого разрешения в формате -ШШШШВВВВ, где ШШШШ - ширина и ВВВВ - высота.

Check what subtitles renderer are used?
MPC-HC menu View > Options... > Output tab > Subtitle Renderer
I use: Internal Subtitle Renderer