(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

cemaydnlar wrote:

Okey but with tweak i mean can i change something in override file to make it even smoother ?

What do you mean by tweaks? There's settings that allow you to tweak all variables of SVP in the SVP Control Panel. You're using the paid version of the program yes?

Harze2k wrote:

Its sad that paying customers cant get a simple yes or no on a question sad

There was an answer right under my original comment.

This doesn't apply to mpv users using vulkan, I said it in the original message you quoted, and @Whispering_Bamboo confirmed it immediately. It was answered very quickly.

Also this public beta test is finished I believe, this is an old post, the update for AviSynth was released publically already. So if there was any impact in your case, you'd have noticed it already.

I watch a lot of 4K HDR content.

For those of us on MPV using Vulkan, I believe we use vapoursynth and not AviSynth, is there any benefit to using this? Or does this only apply for those still using madVR?

MPV Settings:




















profile-desc=cond:get('height', 0) < 1440
kugel wrote:

And as for the best settings?

This is subjective, to every person they prioritise different things. Here are my settings below:


I don't use NVOF because artifact masking is better without it, and that's a priority for me. I want better smoothness, but also want to minimise artifacts.


(8 replies, posted in Using SVP)

aeneas1 wrote:

installed new svp version.
enabled optical flow.
gpu usage is higher with nvof enabled vs disabled.

that shouldn't happen, right?

1080p file
potplayer (ffdshow filter enabled)

Yep that's normal. What NVOF is doing is taking the load off the CPU and doing most of it on the GPU. So your GPU usage increases.

Which CPU do you have by the way? I am wondering why you're struggling to run 4K. What frame rate are you running it in? And what SVP settings are you using?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Let us know what settings you're using so we can see if there are things that you can change to improve artifact masking. I have my settings set up that I rarely notice artifacts. Also, what monitor or TV brand and model are you using?


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

catav wrote:

Wondering if the artifacts would be reduced by an RTX “30xx” GPU at 40% more power?.

You're not going to have better artifact masking from how powerful a GPU is, so a 3080 Ti, 2080 Ti, 1080 Ti, 980 Ti will all perform the same on SVP.

The RTX series introduced nVidia Optical Flow, I disable it and use my own settings in SVP because even though it takes a lot of the load away from the CPU, it does introduce more artifacts compared to using my own custom settings with stock SVP.

So unless a new technology is introduced by nVidia that does better artifact masking that the SVP developers can add, or improvements to nVidia Optical Flow, then there won't be a difference with next-gen GPU's.

After you come back from your vacation, go to the vods and download the ones you missed tongue enjoy your trip.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Motion interpolation on high-end TV's improves every year. You should always expect better detection, less artifacts, and less stuttering if you're upgrading several models. Of the 3 top OLED brands; Sony, Panasonic, and LG. Sony was famous for its motion interpolation. But seeing the reviews for this years models, they are all damn good now at motion interpolation.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Tjoma wrote:

Ah, yes. That makes perfect sense. I guess I was focusing too much on hardware and not so much software like you said. It’s just that SVP is so hardware intensive I assumed the TV would perform worse since it is much weaker.

Yeah, sorry if my comment came out sounding harsh. I should have worded it better.

Sadly this is the case, while PC's are significantly more powerful, these multi-billion dollar companies can make magic on smaller chips and keep it exclusive to their own products.

Not only that but DRM's also hurt PC users. Same reason Netflix doesn't play in 4K except on the Windows Store APP and on Microsoft Edge.

Or the fact that I can't watch Amazon Prime in 4K or Disney+ on 4K with my High-end CPU and a RTX 2070 Super, but I can do it fine with my 5 year old 4K Sony TV. Some features are just LOCKED out for PC users.


(11 replies, posted in Using SVP)

Tjoma wrote:

but after comparing it to LG's interpolation called "Trumotion" at 60 fps it has much less artifacts and more smoothness than SVP.

Why is this the case?

Why is a multi-billion dollar company, with the resources to hire the best people in the business, and create special chips specifically designed to do motion interpolation, doing a better job than a few developers online who make this program and charge $15 for it?

Like really? Obviously high end televisions are going to do motion interpolation much better than any PC program you'll fine right now. They have unlimited resources to work on these products.

Yes your PC is a lot more powerful, but there is no multi-billion dollar company making motion interpolation software designed for PC use.


(5 replies, posted in Using SVP)

dlr5668 wrote:

quality actually goes down

Yep. As a recent RTX 2070 Super owner, I agree with this statement. Ended up disabling NOF and went back to just GPU Acceleration.

Definitely does improve performance a lot though, especially for those stuck with older generation CPU's and don't want to upgrade their whole system.


(53 replies, posted in Using SVP)

otic wrote:
dlr5668 wrote:
aeneas1 wrote:

very interesting and helpful thread....

currently my display is set at 59hz and i have svp set to 2.5, so for 23.9 movies i'm getting 59.8, is there a better setting i should be using?

24 x 2, 24 * 3, etc

if I choose option with 24x2 , what refresh rate I should go with: 50 Hz or 59 Hz in Nvidia Panel?

I use 50Hz, and instead of 24x2, I use "To Screen", so it runs at 50Hz. To smooth it out even more, I use mpv in fullscreen exclusive mode, and with video-sync configuration set to display-resample, these make videos super smooth for me and with less artifacts.

If you're interested in my full mpv settings, here they are below, I made the relevant configs I talked about above in bold:


















profile-desc=cond:get('height', 0) < 1440

Just an update, I have disabled nVidia Optical Flow. After further watching TV Shows and Movies. It is not as good at hiding artifacts, even with artifact masking set to strongest, Optical Flow cannot be compared to without Optical Flow.

Below are my settings. Option #1 is better than Option #2. A little less smoother, but a lot less artifacts without Optical Flow. Hopefully there will be improvements from nVidia down the line, if there is improvements from nVidia to this technology and you do update it for SVP @Chainik, please let us know so we test again. Thank you.

Option #1 - Settings without Optical Flow: https://i.imgur.com/4vReGUI.png

Option #2  - Settings with Optical Flow Enabled: https://i.imgur.com/j8JJfDJ.png

Of course the downside with my processor (4790K @ 4.6Ghz) is that for 4K HDR content, I have to switch to 50Hz to watch. But 4K SDR and 1080p Bluray I can run fine at 60Hz.

Advantage with optical flow is that even with 16px for motion vector I can run 60FPS on 4K HDR easy, this is impossible without it with my setup. But too many artifacts for my liking, I cannot watch videos with that many artifacts on objects, it becomes distracting.


(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

KnightRiderKARR wrote:

My PC Specs:
- CPU: Intel Core i7 860 2.8GHz (Multithread Enabled)
- RAM: 16GB
- GeForce GTX 960 4GB

RTX 2070 Super
16Gb RAM
4790K @ 4.6Ghz

And with my hardware I don't think I can run your settings. You're maxing out everything like @AutumQueen92 is saying. With your hardware this is impossible. Also even if you HAD the best hardware, this settings is not good in my opinion.

This whole time you have probably been watching with a lot of delayed frames and a lot of dropped frames. Of course it's not going to be smooth.

Here are my settings below, test them out, and disable artifact masking if you want a smoother experience:



(7 replies, posted in Using SVP)

What is your CPU & GPU? What media player are you using? What settings are you using with SVP 4? Providing some information might allow the devs or others to help you.

From my memory, I have been using SVP 4 since day 1, and was using 3.x.x before that. SVP 4 was better in both performance and quality. Maybe you have some settings wrong.

Chainik wrote:

"2" is the maximum value in the NVOF API

Oh okay fair enough, thank you with the help above and allowing us to test.

Chainik wrote:

Ok, try this - attached 64-bit plugins, put into SVP 4/plugins64/
Then in "All settings" locate your custom video profile and set nvof_grid to 24 or 40.

The masking strength for NVOF is also increased, please check.

Sadly I can't test it myself properly cause I only have remote access to the computer with RTX card...

Thank you.

Done some testing, 40px is too much, artifacts are slightly less, but I lose A LOT of the smoothness, it becomes a little bit choppy, with 0 dropped and 0 skipped frames. 32 is the most balanced, it stays smooth and most of the artifacts are gone, except in football matches with the ball.

24px I don't need to use it personally, maybe OP can test it because he requested it, in my testing 32px is better than 24px.

What about nvof_quality? I know 0 is low, 1 is medium, and 2 is high accuracy. Anything higher than 2, like (3 or 4, or higher doesn't do anything I think, it just plays like 2).

Would allowing for higher accuracy improve other things, like smoothness or artifact masking? Maybe a 3, 4, and 5 options? I am willing to test.

I just upgraded from GTX 1070 to RTX 2070 Super yesterday. Have mostly been testing in games, but tested a couple of hours with MPV too. It would be nice to have something between 32px and 16px to test around with.

Also another question, I am sure it's not placebo, but wanted to ask @Chainik, is artifact masking worse with nVida Optical Flow? It seems like it with the tests I done, it does not mask artifacts as well. I always have artifact masking on strong, using "strongest" ruins the smoothness of the video, so can't use that. But comparing with Optical Flow and Without, it seems artifact masking on strong is worse with Optical Flow. But of course, performance is better overall.

Is there a way to add the settings under motion vector that are available without Optical Flow? But then when I enable Optical Flow most of the settings are gone. I only have Accuracy and Motion Vector Grid, but without Optical Flow, there are more options for motion vectors.

EDIT: Actually setting artifact masking to strongest doesn't have a very strong effect on Optical Flow, it remains fairly smooth, and it removes most of the artifacts when combined with Complicated SVP Shader, before I was using the Standard SVP Shader.

My only requests is to add both 40px and 24px, so we can test it with different videos. For example, football matches, I noticed changing from 16px to 32px removed MOST of the ball artifacts, but maybe if there was also a 40px option, then the ball artifacts will be completely removed because SVP won't find the motion of the small object? Maybe. Would be nice to have the options for testing, or if we can add them manually?

dlr5668 wrote:

No problem here bro

Yep, this was the case with MKV actually (I should edit the original post). But notice how the browse feature is not available in the default apps section in settings anymore. Try and find a file format that is not already associated with mpv, like .webm for example and try to open it with MPV. You can use the option above you showed (which I added to original post, so thank you), but if you want all file formats related to media to open with MPV using the Default Apps section, it is not available by default.

Just try and go to Settings > Apps > Default apps > and under Video Player try and select MPV as the default video player. It is not available without using the tool above from GitHub. Before, the BROWSE option was there to allow you to select any executable you want, such as MPV from its directory.

Unless you have MPV installed separately and not via SVP, maybe it would show up there.

EDIT: Thank you, I added the instructions on how to do it with the second option, that I had incorrectly stated it was removed. But the first option of being able to associate ALL media files with MPV straight away is not available, and the above method adds MPV back into Windows for choosing as an application under both "Video Player" and "Audio Player" in the Default Apps section.

Hi Everyone

This is an issue that you will face when the update is officially released by Microsoft, whether it is released this month or next month. I am on the Insider Slow Ring and have been using 19041 (Windows 10 2004) for a while.

As SVP does not install MPV, you can find it in this directory C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64

With previous versions of Windows 10 (1909 and prior), selecting file association was an easy process.

The first option: Click on the Start menu, select Settings > Apps > Default apps > and then under Video player you would click Browse go to the directory above and choose mpv.exe as the default media player for video files.

The other option was to right click on a file type, for example a movie in .webm, go to properties > general > open with > change > more apps > scroll down all the way to look for another app on this PC and select mpv or browse to the mpv directory if mpv is not there and select it as the default program for that file type. (THIS STILL WORKS), but only for one file type at a time.

Microsoft has removed the browse feature in the first option of these two options above, I do not understand why they would do that, but they have done it. Maybe they will add it back when the next feature update is officially released, but that's unlikely as we are already using one of the final versions that will likely be RTM.

To FIX this issue:

You need to download the tool linked below from GitHub.


Open the folder inside, copy all the files to your MPV directory C:\Program Files (x86)\SVP 4\mpv64

Right click mpv-install.bat and run as administrator. Once the process is finished. You can go back to Settings > Apps > Default apps > and then under Video player you should be able to select MPV.

Also from now on, if there's any file format that you want to associate with MPV, you can right click, go to properties and under general > open with > you should be able to choose MPV as one of the programs to select as the default for that file type.


For SVP Developers, during the installation process for SVP, if you can add an option under mpv, such as "Associate Media Files for Windows to run with MPV", and then if people select that option, it will run this tool after the installation process is complete to allow users to select MPV as their default media player. As most likely, this will be a problem that many users will face updating their Windows 10 in the future.

Thank you.


(64 replies, posted in Using SVP)

BetteBalterZen wrote:

Yup, I guess it's for good this time - rebooted and my performance sticks! Great!

Now I'm a very glad geek again, lol...

And thank you guys for keep helping me even though I wasn't being too calm, as Blackfyre said. Sorry about that.

No need to apologise, haha it's fine. So everything working now? No more issues after multiple restarts?


(64 replies, posted in Using SVP)

You need to calm down, haha and troubleshoot until you fix the issue.

You said you're sure it's not a hardware issue right? I assumed you've stress tested everything. I also assume you have water cooling or some kind of decent air cooler right? Don't tell me you're overclocking your CPU with the STOCK cooler please.


(64 replies, posted in Using SVP)

BetteBalterZen wrote:

I just woke up and turned on my PC. And guess what. Everything runs smooth now. FH4 runs perfectly, and I can watch 4K HDR @48FPS without any problems at all.

The only difference since last night, compared to normal restarts I do, is that I turn off the powerswitch, so my PC gets zero electricity.

Now I will try and restart my PC normally, like using the Windows restart function to see if my performance sticks this time - probably won't - and when it won't, I'll try and turn off my PC, cut off the power, then turn on power again and my PC.

Since you mentioned this, make sure your computer is not going into SLEEP MODE or HIBERNATION when you shut down. They can cause issues with Windows 10 after you turn the PC back on again. Make sure that shutdown actually shuts down the PC. Maybe this has been what is causing you issues the whole time.

Disable sleep mode and hibernation and make sure the shut down button actually shuts down your PC.

Let me know if that fixes everything.


(64 replies, posted in Using SVP)

BetteBalterZen wrote:

I tried Snappy Driver Installer Lite and it finds a lot of drivers which I have never ever used before and drivers for hardware I don't even have.

It ONLY shows you drivers for devices on your system that need updating. Not all drivers are available on your motherboard's webpage. Sometimes motherboard manufacturers don't update older motherboard pages. So a new chipset driver, or new bluetooth driver, or new LAN driver comes out that WORKS with your motherboard, but it's only available to download on newer motherboards that use the same chips.

That's why this program is very handy, it finds the newest drivers for every component that's in YOUR system.

When you first run it, should be empty, then you click download and choose to download ONLY the indexes. After the indexes download, then you should see ALL the drivers that need updating that are ONLY in your system. Nothing there is something you don't have.

As Chainik also said, it could very well be a GPU driver issue. Download the latest "GeForce Hotfix Driver 445.78" and install that, which from what I see being reported fixed the issues that were there with 445.75.

Also run nVidia Control Panel, go to "Manage 3D Settings", scroll down to "Power Management Mode" and set it to "Prefer Maximum Performance".

Don't worry YOUR issue will be fixed, like every other PC issue, and then you'd go UHH can't believe it was that the whole time. Lol just calm down and follow the steps one by one so we can determine why the issue is happening. Start by updating the drivers using Snappy Driver Installer, which should also update your graphics driver anyway, and then do the power management tweak I recommended.