
(2 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I'd say this is because the source quality is awful, it looks like the _real_ source was @10 fps, and in this one you have every 2nd frame duplicated and every 3rd frame - blended with the next one, like this: 1 - 1 - 1/2 - 2 - 2 - 2/3 - 3 - 3 - 3/4 - and so on


(38 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

> В чём может быть проблема?

В Core i5 8500 и выбранных настройках интерполяции. Надо снизить настройки.

> да и какая разница какой телевизор и сколько кадров

такая разница что если на входе может быть только 60, то подавать туда 90 и жаловаться на "не плавно" - не надо

у mpv есть проблемы с высокой частотой кадров на 4к, до недавнего времени на нем и 4к @60 не работало, не то что 90

> А для чего тогда включать поддержку расчета кадров на gpu если вся нагрузка идет на процессор

очевидно для того чтобы сократить нагрузку на процессор

И вообще, тормозит - значит надо снизить параметры.
У меня на райзен 1700 в "авто" режиме, если выбирается 3-й профиль  - "19:16:17.541 []: Profile: using automatic profile #3 /film" - то не "тормозит", а если второй - то уже "тормозит" (23.976*4 = 95.9 fps)

Прямо ж в описании нового релиза и написано:

Due to the more strict security requirement of notarization, it cannot load dylibs automatically from your system path anymore. This might be a breaking change if you previously use your custom mpv build by only deleting the libmpv.1.dylib from IINA's package. Since IINA 1.0.5, you must copy the custom libmpv.1.dylib to IINA.app/Contents/Frameworks, replacing the original one.


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

SVAnalyse works only with 420p8, SVSmoothFps can render in 420p10 - see SVP-generated script for 10-bit processing.
But there're no known ways to preserve HDR metadata. However you can pass static (i.e. HDR10 w/o "plus") data to x265 manually.

сложный вопрос, требует изучения, возможно - никак


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> mpv shaders ... The only thing I found was this guy on mpv's github

Looks like a linux-only solution.

> dither and deband

Use ffmpeg filters in "advanced" mode.


(24 replies, posted in Using SVP)

shinchiro's builds support vapoursynth

it is actually constant (if the source was constant), I suppose, but with a "variable" flag set by ffmpeg somewhere

> madVR is showing dropped/repeated frames

more likely the problem is not in the file
can you play smoothly some other 60 fps FullHD video?

Why do you think this is the problem?


(84 replies, posted in Эксплуатация SVP)

ну так в nvof только один параметр "качество" и есть

ещё можно размером блоков играть (хотя это не честный "размер блоков", сам nvof работает только с 4*4, т.е. тут увеличение блока делается за счёт уменьшения кадра по которому nvof ищет вектора)


(24 replies, posted in Using SVP)

svp's build is from 2019-11-28 while "hdr update" was merged into mpv-git on 2019-10-30


and these are the defaults, but Plex may override them somehow


(24 replies, posted in Using SVP)

I can't check Plex+HDR right now, but that HDR update in mpv works only with d3d11 output selected. In all other cases out will do hdr-to-sdr tone mapping.


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

mpv built w/o vapoursynth support


(24 replies, posted in Using SVP)

mpv provided by SVP already contains all that "nice progress with hdr" stuff


(24 replies, posted in Using SVP)

The answer is "yes" for all your questions


(24 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> does this change the mpv player that plex uses?

yes, sure

что за телевизор может принимать 4k@ 90 fps на входе?

какой плеер, какой рендерер? следует использовать MPC-HC + madVR (64 бита)

> но загрузка процессора при этом на 50%

"50%" для процессора с HT вполне может означать практически затык
отключите HT, увидите реальную загрузку, если ближе к 90% - так уже перебор


(28 replies, posted in Using SVP)

HDR10+ updates HDR10 by adding dynamic metadata that can be used to more accurately adjust brightness levels up to 10,000 cd/m2 maximum brightness on a scene-by-scene or frame-by-frame basis


(450 replies, posted in Using SVP)

It should work, at least it works on Windows...
If you run actual video in mpv with SVP it'll give more verbose error code.


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

1st profile w/o conditions
2nd profile with "width >=2200" OR "is hdr"


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

nope because every >= 2200 px video matches two profiles
and "is hdr" condition has more weight than "frame width"


(6 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> How Many Profiles Can I Use At Once?

no limits

> any thoughts?

no thoughts w/o the profiles and logs...

> do the same thing as #2 above

you can set conditions for the 2nd profile like this: ("hdr") OR ("not hdr" + "width>3800")


(4 replies, posted in Using SVP)

> i set up a profile (apply this profile if) that disables svp interpolation (do frame rate conversion - off)

you can also press the red stop-sign button there to disable SVP in this profile (not just interpolation but ALL processing i.e. frame crop/resize + outer lighting)


(1 replies, posted in Using SVP)

yes, SVP installs AVS+ if needed